A.33 – Small scale businesses, urban and semi-urban  Kenya

Customer Balance Summary year  2024

From 01/01/2024 To 31/12/2024

 Customer Name      Invoiced Amount, KES         Amount Received, KES               %              Closing Balance, KES 
 1. ANJELIQUE BEAUTY COSMETICS                                68,200                                           –               –                          68,200
 2. BRECON PESA SERVICES LTD                               53,500                                   3,500              7                          50,000
 3. CLIFFTOP PLUMBING SOLUTIONS                               15,983                                           –               –                        187,483
 4. ENEO SMART FARM                               32,340                                   1,100              3                        109,740
 5. ENTRUST METAL & ENGINEERING WORKS                               46,200                                           –               –                          46,200
 6. HALFWAY HOME                             220,000                                 29,200            13                        190,800
 7. STELLA CEREALS ENTERPRISES                               55,000                                           –               –                          55,000
 8. THRIZA CLOTHING & APPAREL                               88,000                                   8,000              9                          80,000
 9. WAREMBO NA MAENDELEO SELF HELP GROUP                               41,800                                 24,383            58                          17,417
 10. YOUTH GROWTH SMART BODABODA                             187,000                                           –               –                        187,000
 TOTAL                              808,023                                 66,183              8                        991,840
 TOTAL in EUR                                 5,927                                 486                              7,276

On-going / year our partnership started


  • Eneo Smart Farm – Frederick Khabeko, Founder CEO
  • Clifftop Plumbing Solutions – Victor Musungu, Founder CEO


    Anjelica Okalo, Founder CEO
    Jakob Omwaka, CEO 
    Margaret Wambui, Founder CEO 
    Dennis Mwebi, Founder CEO

ROPE Review


  • Eneo and Clifftop Dec 2023
  • ANJELIQUE  and Boda Boda Jan 2024



  • Eneo Farm
    • Generate a sustainable income.
    • Offer practical training in sustainable agriculture.
    • Provide healthy food to Kenyans.
    • Provide employment opportunities.
  • Clifftop
    • Generate a sustainable profit.
    • Teaching plumbing-
    • Deliver plumbing services to the community.
    • Offering employment.

Outcome Challenges

  • Eneo Farm
    • Capital
    • Keeping up with technology
    • Financial viability

Stakeholder committee

  • Eneo Farm
    • Josephat
  • Clifftop
    • Kevin


  • Loans
  • RISEtalks
  • Visits by HR&S Kenya

Outcome / Progress Markers

  • Eneo Smart Farm

    1. Sustainable income – EUR per year.
    2. Offer practical training in sustainable agriculture – Number of students per year.
    3. Provide healthy food to Kenyans – Amount and type of food.
    4. Provide employment opportunities – Number of employees and their salaries.

    Based on the Report on ENEO FARM shared, Mr Khabeko, CEO wishes to clarify that he had made a Two year Projection and his score card still needs a push to reach a break even point.
    i. Sustainable income – EUR per year.
    SCORE: Not yet met
    Still ploughing back into the stock. Challenged by high cost of feeding products
    ii. Offer practical training in sustainable agriculture – Number of students per year.
    SCORE: Not yet met
    iii. Provide healthy food to Kenyans – Amount and type of food.
    SCORE: Not yet met.
    Production is still low but the demand is high, it needs more input.
    iv. Provide employment opportunities – Number of employees and their salaries.
    SCORE: Not yet met.
    Only 3 casual farm attendants from 2 , each earns EUR 1.75

  • Clifftop Plumbing Services

    1. Sustainable profit – EUR amount per year.
    2. Teaching plumbing – Number of students per year.
    3. Deliver plumbing services to the community – Amount of clients  per year
    4. Offering employment – Number of employees and their salaries.

i. Sustainable profit – EUR amount per year.
SCORE: Not Yet Met
ii. Teaching plumbing – Number of students per year.
SCORE: Not yet Met
iii. Deliver plumbing services to the community – Amount of clients per year
SCORE: Not met Yet.
Already made Service Delivery to 4 Companies, and several individual short term
iv. Offering employment – Number of employees and their salaries.
SCORE: YES. Four skilled Plumbers paid on Client-Specific Project. Each Earning between EURO 3.5 – 6


Maybe when preparing for the next Progress marker review, during RISE talks Team Kenya may want to ask the RISEmembers to give the progress marker a number, for us to measure against.

We score from 1-10.

F ex: How much revenue to we expect, how many do we expect to train and employ. The length of the training (h) and the amount of the salary (EURO).

For the sake of Contribution Tracing, it is important to also clarify the BaseLine. F ex How many employees did Clifftop Plumbing have before this collaboration started, thus did this collaboration increase the number of employees / the level of their salaries.

The purpose with Progress Marker scoring is equal partnership, how can we help each other to achieve our ambitions.


  • Eneo Farm
  • Clifftop


  • Eneo Farm
  • Clifftop


  • Eneo Farm
  • Clifftop

Sustainable impact – TestE

  • Eneo Farm
    • Did the RISEmember pay back according to agreement?
    • Did he reach his ambitions?
    • Quantify progress markers
      • Financial viability
      • Keeping up with technology


About the business

Multi Farming and Animal Husbandry.

Increase poultry sales and egg production.


Fredrick Khabeko

Progress markers

  • Sustainable profit – EUR amount per year
  • Teaching farming at his farm – Number of students per year
  • Producing food for Kenyan – Amount of type of food sold per year
  • Offering employment – Number of employees


By Josephat LIGAMI, Oct 2023

Ambition:As part of his livelihood, Mr. Fredrick Khabeko has practiced Natural Multi- Farming and animal husbandry, always in a meaningful way which has led to the existence of ENEO SMART FARM. It was started in February 2021 as a small home-based start up Poultry centre which has had its operations on and off, until 25th January 2022 when it had its first inception as a Business Venture. With Fredrick Khabeko as the CEO assisted with his wife Faith Omutiko as the Operations Officer, ENEO SMART FARM became HR&S Kenya RISE Member in June 2023. He is the fourth HR&S Kenya RISE Member from Kakamega County, Western Region found in Butere Division. Mr Khabeko holds a Diploma in Education and Certificate in General Agriculture. He has participated in various farming trainings like square foot gardening, sack farming, poultry, dairy, aquaculture etc. He is enthusiastic about farming. He has seen various stages of farm management practices with which he developed interest since 2007, after the General Election Clashes that rendered life in Kenya unbearable one. He has a Vision statement: To Increase productivity and incomes, enhancing the resilience of livelihoods through our farm practices.
His ambitions are as follows:
a. Generating a sustainable income and profitability from the farm, either as the primary source of income which can help in expanding the farm business, either by increasing the size of the operation, diversifying products, or entering new markets.
b. Have a Sustainable Farm where many farmers can come, to practice sustainable agriculture, involving using environmentally friendly and resource-efficient farming methods to ensure the long-term health of the land and minimize negative environmental impacts.
c. Producing high-quality crops or livestock that meet specific market demands, whether that’s organic produce, grass-fed beef, specialty crops, or artisanal products. Because in Kenya people eat food , and not just food but healthy food.
d. Building strong ties with the local community, potentially through farmers’ markets, farm-to-table initiatives, or educational programs which he believes will put him and his products on Africa’s Agricultural radar hence a Global achievement.
e. Contributing to social impact goals, such as supporting underprivileged communities, providing employment opportunities, or empowering marginalized groups.
f. Offering agritourism experiences like farm tours, pick-your-own operations, or farm stays to generate additional income. “I look forward to seeing the HR&S family visit my farm for even a month or so, and feel the the nuance, by the way Western Kenya has alot, and I will be glad”

Outcome Challenges: Frederick Khabeko, CEO ENEO FARM. “Starting and operating a farm venture can be highly rewarding, but it also comes with its set of challenges, particularly related to outcomes or results, which I must say, they are whole lot.” narrates Fred Khabeko. He says,
❖ Market fluctuations whereby prices of agricultural products have been highly volatile due to factors like weather conditions, supply and demand, and global market trends. This makes it harder for consumers to make orders like they used to even though they prefer indigenous products like his in ENEO FARM.
❖ Operational Costs: eg the cost of inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, feed, and labor. With the Poultry he needs steady supply of feeds to reach the required quality of egg production and the chicken meat. This has been a major challenge.
❖ Technological Challenges. Keeping up with evolving agricultural technologies and techniques has been challenging, as outdated methods may not yield optimal outcomes. He wishes if he could be assisted in getting funds to get an Incubator (kshs 65,000) and procure a milling machine (worth kshs 45,000) to prepare own feeds when maize ~the main ingredient is still in season and affordable that could earn him profits.
❖ Capital Constraints since everything needs money to run, adequate capital for farm operations, equipment, and infrastructure has been be a hurdle, but he believes he has the right support from

ENEO SMART FARM main activities include:
1. Natural multi- farming.- the practice of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land during one year,instead of just one crop. a. Vegetables both Indegenious such as Managu (African Night shade), Mitoo (Rattle Pod), Sagaa (Spider Plant), Mrenda (Jute Mallow), Kunde (Cow peas), Sukuma Wiki /Kale and Cabbage production which he supplies to schools and Supermarkets. b. Tomato and Carrot production. c. Maize and beans farming d. Tree seedlings and supplies
2. Animal Husbandry – A controlled cultivation, management, and production of domestic animals, including improvement of the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding. Animals are bred and raised for utility (e.g., food, fur), sport, pleasure, and research. Eg.a. Api Culture/Bee keeping that is rearing of honey bees which are taken care of and managed to produce wax and honey. He currently has three bee hives in the apiary. He says he hasn’t started selling its products to the market since the demand is large and he can’t produce enough. b. Pisciculture/Fish farming that is a form of aquaculture in which he has Tilapia fish raised in a 10 ft by 5ft fish pond which he sells and some are for his family’s consumption. c. Cattle or Dairy farming an agricultural technique concerned with the long term production of milk, which is then processed to obtain dairy products such as curd, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, etc. He says, the management of dairy animals such as cows, sheep, goat is an art that was passed on to him from his grandfather who had herds of them in large quantities. d. Poultry farming. A project concerned with raising and breeding of birds for commercial purposes. Birds like ducks, chickens, turkeys, etc. which he has domesticated for eggs and meat.Mr Khabeko’s Poultry farming produces Fertilized Eggs, Live Chicken, Chicks, Chicken Manure, as well as coordinating Vaccine drive to other farmers in the region and Home Delivery services.

Reaching out:  As an effective way to break down the long-term or complex projects into manageable steps, Mr Khabeko, who boasts of Agribusiness expertise approached the Directors of Human Rights and Science RISE Kenya via a Facebook page that was published by Mr Josephat Ligami- the Deputy Team Leader and Branch Accountant. He says he was interested in the fact that he could become a member of HR&S Support Center and that there was training, financial loans, expert advice, networking, and improved business infrastructure.

Base-line: ENEO SMART FARM before HR&S LOAN. Mr Khabeko , a proud father of five- two sons and three daughters, shares his experience from when the covid-19 came paralysing his main source of income -the Poultry Project which he had acquired a loan from a local bank. “Nilichukua nikiwa na matumaini ya kujiimarisha lakini wapi.” (I took the loan hoping to expand but it was to no avail). With no steady supply of Poultry feeds due to the curfews, movement restrictions, his business collapsed, leaving him with only 10 birds that couldn’t generate enough eggs for supply. In 2022, he again came strong, with 100 birds, supplying to local supermarkets, open air markets, Primary and secondary schools in Kakamega county. In December 2022, he was forced to sell his Poultry stock to cater for his eldest son’s Secondary School fees, a move that halted his supply chain a second time. He relied to vegetable farming alone and a few birds that he felt couldn’t sustain his vision.

Outcome: After HR&S LOAN, Having successfully become a RISE member, Mr Khabeko attended a minimum one RISE talk with accounting training and minimum one ROPE-Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation training which saw him secure a partial loan of ksh 100,000 (EUR 630) ON 17th June 2023. His initial Loan requested was ksh 250,000 (EUR 1,580) a deficit that he humbly requests the HR&S to fill to fully see his projected income grow so as to repay back the loan and sustaining his activities in the Farm Business. He was able to break down his share of Loan as follows:
Item No. Particulars Before Loan Particulars After Loan Amount in Kshs
1. 100 Capacity Chicken house 200 Capacity Chicken house 30,900
2. 35 layering birds 52 Kenbro birds( improved kienyeji dual purpose), 30 chicks 21,500
3. Feeds (food left overs, maizen grains) Feeds ( July, August, September) 32,400
4. Vaccines & Medication Vaccines & Medication 2,700
5. Wages (1 Casual attendant) Wages (3 Casual attendant) 12,000
6. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 500
TOTAL 100,000
Mr Fredrick Khabeko, the CEO, ENEO SMART FARM believes if his projects becomes sustainable, the other farm projects such as Bee keeping, Fish farming , Dairy Farming and crop production will increase its produce hence more revenue which would also see an expansion of a more advanced Smart Farm.

Finances, KShs.

First instalment of KShs100,000 (EUR 630) transferred to his account, on 17th June 2023.

Second instalment requested in Oct 2023: 150,000

Total request KShs 250,000              EUR 1,600

Clifftop Plumbing Solutions

About the business

We were established in 2018 as a general contractor offering plumbing services in terms of site analysis, feasibility study, preliminary design studies,permit/zoning applications etc. We handle various industrial, distribution, manufacturing, recreational, residential, healthcare and commercial projects in Nairobi area and country as a whole.

Increase delivery of plumbing services.

Oct 2023 testimony. Here at Clifftop Plumbing Solutions, the work is running well and we hope to be backed up by the remaining amount that was 150,000/= to make everything stabilise. We are currently going through tough times as we have to make sure the job is going on as needed in order not to disappoint our clients though we’re really straining.



Victor Musungu

Progress markers

  • Sustainable profit – EUR amount per year
  • Teaching plumbing – Number of students per year
  • Deliver plumbing services to the community – Amount of clients  per year
  • Offering employment – Number of employees


By Kevin WERUNGA, Sept 2023
Ambition: Clifftop plumbing is a Kenyan plumbing business whose main source of income is the selling Plumbing works and services. Mr. Victor, the CEO has been into the plumbing business for a number years and the business has helped him feed his family at home, pay house rentals as well as school fees for his children. Interestingly enough, he is also making efforts of training others as well empowering them. Notably, plumbing is doing well in Kenya due to rapid expansion of residential buildings and water supply projects in Kenya.
Baseline: Victor’s BUSINESS BEFORE GETTING the HR&S LOAN. Mr. Victor informs about how hard it was to purchase some plumbing materials and win bid projects involving plumbing.
Outcome: HOW HR&S LOAN HAS HELPED.  The loan from HR&S has helped Mr. Victor in such a way that she has been able to buy a solar water heater, shower cubicles and Biodigester tank which he installed for a client at a fee and profit. He therefore assured that this the loan would be for him to do plumbing business with nothing to
worry about, as she is boasted to have enough plumbing materials.
GENERAL EXPERIENCE WITH HR&S .Mr. Victor shows that he is excited over HR&S flexible interest rates which he points out to be outstanding among other loan giving companies he has visited. This has also massively drawn the attention of many other small business, men and women, in the area where he lives. Mr. Victor also informed about that HR&S has come at the right time, when the government is calling for more
entrepreneurs. The HR&S has seriously come to help the hopeless, and empowered small enterprises to be able to grow their businesses. Victor is indeed a happy business man who further appreciates HR&S as an “enigma” which is there to hold small businesses, including those on the verge of failing and to push them grow. HR&S
also enables entrepreneurs to integrate other businesses as well. Mr. Victor expresses his appreciation to the members of HR&S Kenya and of HR&S Sweden for the good agenda, he could only wish God’s blessings.
HR&S Loan has helped Mr. Victor to buy : Solar water heater, Two shower cubicles and
Biodigester tank which he installed for a client at a fee and profit. He appreciates the flexible interest rates.
Future ambitions: Mr. Victor reiterates the need of continuous partnership with HR&S as he plans to growing the business into a company, and not only that, but also desires to incorporate other businesses to supplement his plans.

Outcome challenges

Oct 2023 testimony. We are experiencing many challenges as the clients need to see their job done and it’s upon us to make sure it’s done so. As per the agreement we make of supply of material and do the job,we have to deliver within the time frame we agreed upon. Though we are running low on Cash as the amount we requested from HR&S came through but not in full as per the requisition.

Cecilia: HR&S is in no position to have to/ or is able to deliver according to a financial request. This statement is very very wrong. It is the responsibility of the company owner to run their business.

We shall highlight the DEq.

Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 200,000 transferred to his account.
Loan payment to start in July 2023.

Second instalment requested in Oct 2023: 150,000

Total request 350,000                    EUR 2,200

Accounting training

Do they keep proper account recordings?
How do they measure profitability.
What are their liabilities?


ANJELIQUE Beauty & Cosmetics

About the business

Salon and Cosmetics Art



Anjelica Okalo

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 300,000 requested in Oct 2023. Not Paid.

Loan paid out: Jan 2024 62,000
Loan re payment to start in Feb 2024.
Loan duration one year.
Payment once a month.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training



Youth Growth Smart Bodaboda-YGSB

About the business

Motobike transport.



Dennis Mwebi

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 170,000 requested in Oct 2023. Not paid.

Loan paid out: Jan 2024 170,000
Loan repayment to start in Feb 2024.
Loan duration one year.
Payment once a month.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx


Accounting training



Trizah Clothing Enterprise

About the business

Selling Clothes at Retail Price


Teresia Ndung’u

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 50,000 requested in Oct 2023. Not Paid.
Loan payment to start in xxx.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training




About the business

Cereal and Grains


Stella Khakasa

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 50,000 requested in Oct 2023. Not Paid.
Loan payment to start in xxx.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training




About the business

Metal Works and Welding


Faithanne Wanjiku

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of 300,000 requested in Oct 2023. Not Paid.
Loan payment to start in xxx.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training



Money Transfer Service

About the business

Mr. Jakob Omwaka Western part of Kenya has a small family Business for almost 10 Years. People in rural areas often don’t have the opportunity to travel in to city and have direct contact with a bank. So Jakob is providing money transfer services. There is an agent that has money and send money. It is an money transfer service for people.

Mr Jakob presented at ActionTalks, 2 March 2024.


Mr. Jakob Omwaka

Outcome challenges


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of xx requested in yyy. Not Paid.
Loan payment to start in xxx.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training