H11. Cross-cultural sharing
The practical strategy CROSS developed in 2015 and has empowered all partnerships ever since.
In 2019 HR&S delivered its first dedicated seminar on the topic for JAK, and in 2021 for CSR.
Strategic partners
Visit.org is a B-corp that connects nonprofits to corporate groups and develops employee engagement programmes for their corporate customers.
Event No ONE _ Nasdaq Stockholm
Nasdaq Stockholm is interested in online volunteer opportunities for their employees in Sweden. These activities should be one-off sessions lasting 1 to 2.5 hours and happen sometime around May/June/July, depending on your availability. As this company has a limited budget, you will need to decide on a flat rate price for this event (rather than a per person), but we believe the company will be willing to pay around 650 USD for this event.
This activity is best linked to the HR&S non-profit chapter. HR&S has six RISE Centres in Sub-Saharan Africa that coordinate our programmes locally. For this event, we will connect with HR&S RISE Centre Kenya. The webinar will last hours with both HR&S Sweden and HR&S Kenya present. One hour is set aside for presentations and one hour of discussions. The presentations will focus on cross-cultural learning. HR&S Sweden and HR&S RISE Kenya will together present our three programmes in Kenya; table banking in a village, a social business in a slum area and research capacity strengthening at scientific institutions. We will also present how we strategize our work for a transition from aid dependency to an international equal partnership made sustainable through social enterprising. After the presentations, the participants are welcome to ask questions, comment, and propose solutions to challenges, and if they decide to do so, compose an appreciation letter to our Programme Management Partners in Kenya, which will make our partners very happy knowing that people elsewhere acknowledge their efforts.
- The RISE Kenya team jointly prepares SfC for all its three programmes.
- All coaches pepares a presentation related to their own contributions in the programmes.
- Cecilia and Millicent prepares a powerpoint with the SfC and more.
- Photos and videos are important.
The participants from HR&S are
- HR&S Sweden
- HR&S coaches in Kenya
- Possibly HR&S coaches in Uganda.

The seminar takes place the second week of June for two hours.
– HR&S & participant presentations with an icebreaker (10 min).
– Powerpoint session by HR&S Sweden & HR&S Kenya presenting three programmes in Kenya and how equal partnership and sustainability is enforced instead of aid dependency. The session includes participant interactions (40 min).
– Question and comments (10 min).
– Interaction around online-based solutions for communication. In the HR&S’ partner countries access to quality internet, electricity, computers, and cellphones are a huge challenge and this is, among other challenges, limiting the success level, due to weakened communication. The exercise is brainstorming around how to solve this problem, between the Nasdaq Stockholm staff and the Kenya coaches.
(50 min).
– Concluding the webinar (10 min).