HR&S Head Quarters in Sweden
Company data
Full name: Human Rights & Science
Short name: HR&S
Registration name: Human Rights and Science by Cecilia Öman
Type of institution: For profit social enterprise
Legal status: Private limited company registered under the Swedish law (“privat aktiebolag”).
Registration number: 559014-6568
Registration date: 22 May 2015
Registration Country: Sweden
CEO: Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN
Address: Impact Hub, Jakobsbergsgatan 22, 111 44 Stockholm, Sweden
E-mail:, Phone No: +46 707 148 150
Website for partners:
Website for the public:
Website Action10:
Instagram Shop:
Bank name: SEB
Bank address: SEB 5273, 10640 Stockholm, Sweden
IBAN: SE9350000000052731032863
“Bankgiro” No: 896-6608,
Bank account No: 5273-1032863
Account holder name: Human Rights And Science AB C/O Cecilia Öman
Moms nummer / VAT. No: SE559014656801

About this website .se versus .com
The purpose with this website,, is for partners to have access to every type of information that they may need. It is also an opportunity to discuss lessons learned and informed decisions to take. Thus this site is not perfect but is always under development.
We are also managing another web-site The purpose with .com is to show a simple but perfect version of to the public, for the sake of marketing, branding and sales.
The HR&S Family
Every team-member must feel welcome to and comfortable with the HR&S family.
As a company, we have to ensure measurable results and at the same time ensure that ever team-member has a role to fill that suits them perfectly, on an individual basis.
When we reach goals, all team-members will be happy and feel proud, no matter how they contributed.
ROPE Review
December 2023
Finance viability – RISE agency
- Implement, learn and improve the value proposition
- Pro bono – Action10 & Country Branches – impact
- Paid for – ROPE training, coaching (& application) – product
- Maintain the pitch on our website
- Learn lessons in relation to customer response.
- CRM / Hubspot /Zoho
- Compile 500 institutions, include Partner’s partners. Categorise as A-D and as research/lab, innovation, business/trade: Development institution focusing on research, innovation and enterprising; Development banks; Private sector with interest in our countries; CSR programmes; Others
- Prioritise potential partners’ scores 1-10: Amount of funds to invest; Overlapping mission; Partner has a need that we can help with / solve.
- Among high scorings
- Identify door-openers
- Send pitch and offer pro bono seminar, target a small project (that can grow)
- E-mail, LinkedIn
- Follow-up
- Visibility
- Present at seminars
- Publish
- Advisory board
- Talarforum
- Monthly in-person HQ meetings for ROPEcoordination
- ROPEtrello board
- Share Milestones
- Zoho in between meetings
- Monthly in-person HQ meetings for ROPEcoordination
Outcome challenges
- Reaching customers
- Develop a reaching out and customer care GMP
- Arrange pro bono presentations, monthly
- Send pitches, weekly
- Make stakeholder assessments
- Improve product
- Webpage
- Application
The number of extremely poor people in Sub-Sahara African countries is increasing every year, at the same time as more than 150 billion USD (150×109) in is invested into the aid sector every year (ODA). In addition to ODA aid is provided directly through the civil society as well as from the diaspora. Aid was initiated already in the 1960s.
Social enterprising is a powerful development institution; social enterprises offer products, services, employment and supplier opportunities requested for, they reach the under-served communities, and they generate tax income to the government. Despite this, it is often very difficult to start and run social enterprises in Sub-Sahara African countries due to absence of fair funding opportunities as well as logistical hurdles. Moreover, social entrepreneurs often experience an unfair competition from the Aid sector, which offers products and services for free.
Adding to the challenges are that although scientific researchers and innovators in Sub-Saharan Africa present amazing solutions to national and international challenges, their ideas are often unrecognised and unsupported. Consequently, scientific findings and innovations tend not to be implemented, and related businesses not to be started.

As a result, many of the people living in Sub-Sahara African countries lack access to products, services and employment opportunities that would otherwise have strengthened the society. This also reduces the tax income to the government and thus results in fewer institutions for advanced education, social security and other resourceful institutions. Moreover, international negotiations and international trade tend to be unbalanced and some countries tend remain behind on the international competitive development arena.
Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is challenging the fact that the number of extremely poor people in Sub-Sahara African countries is increasing every year, while governments annually invest 150 billion USD into the development aid sector (ODA). Our vision is a shift of paradigm where aid dependency is replaced by international equal partnership and extreme poverty is eradicated. We claim that scientific research, innovation, and social enterprising drive the transition and offer coaching to academic institutions, scientific laboratories, and institutions supporting social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA). We also offer support to development institutions on how to manage the transition from aid dependency to equal partnership. We offer, in addition, collaboration opportunities to other development stakeholders such as; local authorities, CSR programmes, suppliers in Africa and the civil society.
Our services benefit from 15 years of experience from operating in Sub-Sahara African countries in close collaboration with local stakeholders. We have developed a unique and innovative ActionToolKit wich includes; management strategies, local support centres, business loans, expert advice, and network management for local stakeholders. Our management strategies includes i) cross-cultural awareness raising and respect, ii) real-time outcome planning & evaluation, and iii) impact assessment through testing evidence of progress. We offer seminars, training, and coaching to scientific institutions, advanced laboratories and social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries as well as local authorities, CSR programmes, suppliers in Africa and the civil society.
We have reached 10,000 persons in eight Sub-Sahara African countries, many living under extremely poor conditions and we have evidence of improved livelihood conditions. We are scaling. slowly but firmly.
A shift of paradigm
HR&S challenges the situation and argues for shift of paradigm. Human Rights and Science (HR&S) argues for an efficient implementation of locally developed solutions while generating income from the beneficiaries, the customers. We aim to facilitate high quality scientific research, advanced scientific laboratories, social enterprising and global development generating evidence based impact in Sub-Sahara African countries. HR&S argues further that development programmes have to be requested for by the community where is to be implemented, and the community member themselves have to be in charge of the implementation, with the support from others. A shift of mind-set is required and this shift of mind-set constitutes the main challenge.
Social impact
Social Impact
Develop, implement & improve support packages
Facilitate high quality scientific research (REACH) and advanced scientific laboratories (FAST) in Sub-Sahara African countries.
Facilitate social enterprising (SCALE) in Sub-Sahara African countries.
Ensure RISEagency
Ensuring evidence based impact surveys.
Facilitate for sustainable development stakeholders by offering to support our REACH, FAST and SCALE programmes (22RISE).
Sustainable economy & institutional capacity
Financial & institutional stability
Ensure company sustainable economy &
efficient operations.
Employ staff
To scale and become powerful
- ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility
- UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative to create a global framework for corporate sustainability with universal principles on human rights, labor (especially labor rights and protection), environment and anti-corruption.
Some of the most common examples of CSR include:
- Reducing carbon footprints
- Improving labour policies
- Participating in fair-trade
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Charitable global giving
- Community and virtual volunteering
- Corporate policies that benefit the environment
- Socially and environmentally conscious investments
donation platforms
- Offer “give-support-seminars” at company sites through
- Alaya For Good
- Check it, if A10 leaves.
- Check it, if A10 leaves.
- Other platforms
- Cisco - Softwares platforms: Benevity, YourCause, CyberGrants, Millie, POINT, America’s Charities, Bright Funds Give this to Action10.
Lean business approach
1. Compile a list of potential financial partners
2. Do a stakeholder analysis
3. Market survey
4. Persona review
5. Reach out / sales
6. Lessons learned & informed decisions.
Outcome challenges
Social impact
To ensure RISEagency
Powerful competitor, the Traditional Aid
- Traditional Aid is providing free services
The main challenge HR&S has to handle is the competition against the rich and powerful aid sector that offers of free products and free services. Traditional Aid creates a “help-me” mind-set
The aid sector tends to create a mindset where local stakeholders argues “help-me” and turn to aid institutions for the provision of money, products, services, training, administration, coordination research funds, investment capital, per-diem, equipment, repair, consumables, travels, networks, mentorship etc. Even academic professors and government staff tend to turn to the aid sector for donations instead of building and promoting strong academic institutions and a strong private sector, ensuring locally adapted scientific findings, products and services as well as employment and tax.Traditional aid has a left wing political agenda and supports only non-profit association and NGO instead of for profit social enterprises.
Traditional aid lack real-time evidence based impact assessment
It seems also that we have a situation where some “beneficiaries” appreciate support but without being obliged to generate measurable results. As a consequence donations may be accepted but may be used in a different way than agreed on.The traditional aid sets the goals, not the local community
The aid sector tend to decide to implement “development programmes” that has been designed by people outside the community where it is supposed to be implemented, and therefore is not supported by the local communities when implemented. All of this results in that sustainable impact is not reached.
Corruption as social norm
- Corruption as social norm and lack of rule-of-law.
- Accountability
- Finance administration & Accounting
- Auditing
- Honouring agreements
- Managing the private economy
Facilitate for sustainable development stakeholders by offering to support our REACH, FAST, SCALE & 22RISE support packages.
Ensure evidence based impact surveys
Sustainable economy & institutional capacity
Secure income
CSR seems to be driven by left wing solidarity pity and guilt. Even though Corporate, the aspect of business is limited.
Social impact /
product development
Develop a support package.
- TestE survey with Jabezie
Seek assignments with institutions in Zambia, together with Ian at HR&S Zambia.
Seek assignments through the work in Zimbabwe
Sustainable economy & institutional capacity
Secure income
Identify the customer base, Marketing, Reach out
- Benefit from the features and training offered by HubSpot.
- Reach out to new customers.
- Ensure an excellent site.
- Offer excellent service to CSR platforms.
- Publish.
- Artikel i NyTeknik. Skippa biståndstidskrifter…
HR&S Sweden team
- Engage HR&S Sweden Team of operations
- Benefit from Slack & Trello
Implement 22RISE
Generate income
Lean business approach
1. Compile a list of potential financial partners
2. Do a stakeholder analysis
3. Market survey
4. Persona review
5. Reach out / sales
6. Lessons learned & informed decisions.
1. Compile a list of potential financial partners PG
2. Do a stakeholder analysis PG
3. Market survey
4. Persona review
5. Reach out / sales
6. Lessons learned & informed decisions.
Ensure company efficient operations
Team of operations
- Team-building
- Assignments
Board meetings
Social impact /
Product development
Present REACH, FAST, SCALE and 22RISE at
- Impact Hub
- Volunteer member support
- ROPE seminars, annual – Cecilia
All branches ensure they have the company security capital on their accounts at all times.
The amount is:
Present for all countries.
- REACH training
- ROPE training
- FAST advice
- ActionInvest fund transfer
To date we have:
- Empowered xx researchers in HR&S training to manage an exam and have a certificate.
- Persons with a certificate are gathered in a HR&S network.
- Offered advice to two laboratories.
- Enabled xx researchers and laboratory technicians in HR&S training to manage an exam and have a certificate.
- Persons with a certificate are gathered in a HR&S network.
Burkina Faso
- Reaching out to entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso.
- Facilitated for a private laboratory in Burkina Faso to become accredited.
- Linked a private laboratory in Burkina Faso to the university enabling internship for students.
- Enabling a tailoring business in slum area Kibera in Nairobi to grow.
- Enabling a bed-sheet woman enterprise in Nairobi to grow.
- Enabled two loan-giving programmes to rural farmers in one village in Kenya, reaching 50 villagers.
- Prepared farm land and cultivated crop as well as built houses for 20 stakeholders to prepare for reintegration of previous child- soldiers and women who went with fighting forces, in Liberia.
- Gave training on Covid19 in a fishing village (Little Bassa) in Liberia.
- Enabled mill businesses in the villages in Togo to start and enabling the growth.
- Enabled two loan-giving programmes to rural farmers in Togo, reaching 200 villagers in ten villages in parallel.
- Provided loan for training classes in the English language in Togo, targeting Francho-phone Africa.
- Enabled solar-panel businesses for charging in the villages in Togo to start and enabling the growth.
- Enabled solar-panel businesses to serve a hair salon in a village in Togo to start.
- Empowered a business locally producing and selling sanitary pads in Uganda.
- Enabling one hair salon business in Uganda to start. Supporting the registration of a business.
- Enabling an event managing business in Uganda to start. Supporting the registration of a business.
- Reaching out to entrepreneurs in Zambia.
Our partner social entrepreneurs that we are coaching,
have empowered their stakeholders by:
- Enabled 300 villagers in Togo, mainly women, to start or scale their businesses.
- Enabled 100 children in the villages in Togo to have primary education and manage the final exam.
- Enabled access to a mill for 100 persons in the villages in Togo.
- Enabled 100 villagers in Togo to have access to solar-panel for charging cell-phones and torches have access to light and radio. The light is also use to serve girls to do their home-work after household duties are done and it has become dark.
- Enabled 20 women to run a business around sanitary pads locally produces in Uganda.
- Provided access to sanitary pads in villages in Uganda.
- Provided education in the English language to 200 adults in evening classes in Nigeria.
- Implemented a survey in the ghettos of former child soldiers and women who went with fighting forces in Liberia, identifying individuals and their wished for future plans.
- Protected 300 inhabitants in Ghetto in Monrovia areas against Ebola, by providing soap, water, information and structures.
- Enabled 20 villagers in Kenya to take loans.
- Taught 40 young women from Kamwoya, a slum area in Kampala Uganda, who had left school, how to work in a hair salon.
- Employing girls from slum areas in Kampala, in hair salons.
- Empowering small scale and remote coffee growers in Uganda buying their coffee at fair price.
- Offering internship for university students at advanced laboratories in Burkina Faso.
- Providing loans for tuition fees in Liberia (idea).
- Enabling mothers in Nigeria to learn coding (idea).
- Enabled 10,000 persons to have a sustainably improved livelihood through the services provided by the social entrepreneurs we are coaching.
Details: 300 village business women each sustain a family of ten 3,000 xxx - Enabled 20,000 persons to have access to products that was not available before through the services provided by the social entrepreneurs we are coaching. Xxx
To date we have:
- Enabled 100 small businesses in villages in Togo to become profitable.
- Supported 10 social enterprises with loans and advice.
- Offered five CSR events providing a platform for knowledge sharing between employees and Country Branches
Progress markers
Institutional capacity
Action10 / ActionInvest
Amount of capital raised per year, SEK.
- ONE: 100,000
- TWO: 500,000
- THREE: 1,000,000
Country Branches
- Income generated.
- Connect HR&S with local stakeholders.
- Empower Country RISE Centres.
Entrepreneurs paying back loan with interest and in time.
Social services
Sustainable impact
Institutional capacity
- HR&S country branches monthly ROPE meetings
- ActionTalks, monthly
- Trello
- HubSpot
- Action10
- ActionInvest
- Country Branches
- RISEmembers
- RISEtalks
- Senior Advisers
- Auditing
- TAct
- (22RISE)
- (RISEagency)
- (TestE)
Social services
- Enabled 100 small businesses in villages in Togo to become profitable and independent of HR&S support.
- Enabled 10 scientific institutions to benefit from progress markers for their academic performance assessments, and keep the structure as part of their academic curriculum.
- Enabled 10 scientific laboratories to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments, and keep the structure as part of their business management.
- Enabled 10 advanced laboratories to become profitable and independent from HR&S.
- Enabled 10 social enterprise RISE members to become profitable and independent from HR&S.
- Enabled 10 scientific laboratories to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments and keep the structure as part of their evaluation planning structure.
3. To ensure profitable businesses
3.1 Company registration
Setting up and maintaining businesses is complicated in many SSA countries.
3.2 Enough capital to give out as loans
Access to capital to give out as loans.
3.2 Long-term business planning
Lack of understanding among RISE members of how to run a sustainable business.
- Appoint staff members who understand and agree with the HR&S mission, who have intrisic motivation and agency for change.
- Financial bootstrapping during the start-up phase.
4. To facilitate advanced scientific research
4.1 Sign agreements with scientific institution managements to implement REACH
4.2 Sign agreements with institution managements to implement FAST
The interest is there but not the will to pay.
Empower Action10, find details elsewhere.
- Ensure enough capital to give out as loans.
- Cross-cultural awareness raising & equal partnership.
Country Branches
Establish & Support Local Branches & RISE centres
- Recruit Team of Operation.
- Generate small income and scale. Try to provide reimbursement EUR 300 per active member and year. The Centre has to generate the reimbursement amount by them selves .
- Support RISE Members.
- Empower local branches, find details elsewhere.
The RISE Centre support team typically supports RISE members on the same topics as they are assigned to manage for the Country Branch: accounting, evaluation planning, impact assessment, marketing, customer surveys etc.
- Ensure RISE member accountability
- Provide business training
- The Local Branches links HR&S Sweden to institution managements for training and coaching by HR&S Sweden on management strategies.
- The branches also manage the local coordination of webinars and workshops, given by HR&S Sweden and HR&E expert advisers where the participants pay EUR 10. RISE members pay annual fees.
- They coordinate the four HR&S networks.
- The Local Branches manage the ActionInvest capital, from which business loans are paid with 10 % interest.
- They offer support to RISE members according to our Support packages, and collects membership fees. Support is here defined as the practice of providing coordination, training, and advice to the RISE members to help them recognise ways in which they can improve the effectiveness of their social businesses.
- The Local Branches and the RISE Centres are managed by a Team of Operations.
- The Branches shall generate its own income from the above activities and from this income reimburse the members of the Team of Operations as well as the auditors € 300 per year, of more if finances allows and the team members has been very active.
- Measure impact according to TestE.
- Develop and share a annual report addressing the programme and the finances, due 15 February.
- The Branch is managed by a Team of Operations as a company according to the laws of the country, accounting is performed, auditing as well and tax is paid.
- Develop and share a annual report addressing the programme and the finances, due 15 February.
- Team of operations is reimbursed from income generated by the branch. It is better for the loan to be given to the group of people with the activities running to support them.
- The coordinators should work with the local authority so that the loan is paid back.
- It could be better also if the people asking the loan shows a certain % of their contribution.
- New members will come thinking that there is a benefit in terms of money rather than to seek for a change, the coordinators should explain to the new members the vision and objectives and they should be careful in selecting the new members.
scientific research & advanced laboratories
Empower scientific research & advanced laboratories
- Offer REACH & FAST to isntiution managements
TAct_ActionONE – Needs & User driven
HR&S argues that development programmes have to be requested for by the community where is to be implemented, and the community member themselves have to be in charge of the implementation, with the support from others. A shift of mind-set is required and this shift of mind-set constitutes the main challenge.
Sign agreements with institution managements to implement REACH & FAST as well as SCALE and 22RISE
Offer support packages
All support packages are tailor-made to address the concern of our customers and the price is adjusted to the context. We also offer training to researchers, technicians, social entrepreneurs and developers and request that institutions supporting and employing them cover the actual cost of and that the participants only pay EUR 20 per person (EUR 10 for students and unemployed persons) per 10-hour training.
During the training sessions on the HR&S management strategies, we use an interactive approach where lectures are combined with open discussions, group work and at the end of a training, an examination. Participants passing an examination are entitled to a certificate and can seek to become a member of an HR&S network. When concluding a training each participant and institution will have developed a distinct roadmap that will guide exactly on the steps to take in order to reach a certain goal, which has been defined by the participant as part of the training.
During the coaching we facilitate the implementation of the roadmap while measuring evidence based progress or lack of progress, while carefully learning lessons and make informed decisions to empower our partners’ implementation of the road-map. We back up the coaching with thematic training, business loans, equipment loans, auditing, mentorship, expert advice, networking and physical infrastructure.
Our interventions are adapted to the realities through our local HR&S branches with local staff in Sub-Sahara African countries that offers local thematic training, coordination and annual financial auditing. The branches also operate as support centres for carefully selected members and provides internet, computers, venues, co-working space, training and direct assistance.
Four target areas – overview
1. Scientific research: We offer training and coaching to university managements with the aim to increase the world ranking of, as well as the financial income to, the university. Support packages are tailor made to meet goals such as increased number of research grants, publications in peer-reviewed journals and implemented scientific findings generating income.
2. Advanced laboratories: HR&S offers training and coaching on laboratory management benefitting from the HR&S Practical Strategies, Set of Resources and ActionAreas, with the aim to address access to functioning advanced scientific equipment and reach a sustainable economy for the laboratory. We also offer loans to invest in advanced scientific equipment and the related service and maintenance programmes; loan-takers must have a certificate from a HR&S training on the “Strategy for Change” tool and a convincing business plan. In addition, we offer to negotiate a favourable deal with Agreed Suppliers; Agreed Suppliers are suppliers of scientific equipment supported by leading international manufacturers.
3. Social enterprising: One of our larger programmes are our partnerships with social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries, where we empower small and medium scale businesses and improve livelihood for the under-served population.HR&S offers training and coaching to institutions that support social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries. We develop tailor-made practical strategies that enables the institutions to ensure profit, accountability and sustainability for their supported entrepreneurs.We also collaborate around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ensuring social impact while generating benefits for the CSR company. We tailor-make CSR packages that are directly related to the company’s mission and engage employees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders.We collaborate with “Agreed Suppliers”. Agreed suppliers are suppliers of scientific equipment supported by leading international manufacturers. We offer to Agreed Suppliers to bridge between them and scientific laboratories in Sub-Saharan countries and thereby increase the sales volume.
4. Global development: We offer training and coaching to institutions that support global sustainable development and to policy-makers. We jointly develop practical road-maps on how to reach goals while measuring progress and impact. Our support benefits from our network of scientific, business, and under-served community stakeholders and ongoing development programmes. We also offer cross-cultural awareness raising services; monthly HR&S stakeholder knowledge sharing meetings, quarterly social events, social media interactions, seminars and workshops, as well as sales of products from partners in Africa.
HR&S Network management
Empower network managements to manage training offered by Expert advisers, supported by the Branches who collects the fee.
Bi annual training by Dr Murthy on application and manuscript writing.
Facilitate for sustainable development stakeholders by offering to support our REACH, FAST & SCALE in our 22RISE programmes.
Ensure evidence based impact surveys
Our RISE Centre members, if in poverty, should come out of poverty significantly. In order to know what the members see as their solutions in their lives, this is one key question when initiating a collaboration.
For-profit & non-profit hybrid social enterprise
HR&S is a non-profit and for-profit hybrid social enterprise without external shareholders.
Social enterprise: The purpose is to offer social good while ensuring that sustainability is ensured through a business plan. The overall management and administration take place at the HR&S headquarters in Stockholm, where overall policies are shaped. Operations locally are coordinated by the local HR&S RISE Support Centres and implemented by our local Programme Management Partners. We also partner with companies and institutions worldwide that are interested in investing in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Non-profit: The ActionInvest and Local Branches are non-profit. We seek donations for the non-profit side of our operations; i) the generation of the ActionInvest investment capital, and ii) for the start-and scale-up of the Local Branches. ActionInvest is managed by Action10, which is sub-division of HR&S. Action10 is registered as an independent association, it is run by volunteer staff only and benefits from institutional capacity support from HR&S.
For-profit: Our workshops and coaching services are for-profit. The profit is usually reinvested, and it may also be shared among the employees as bonuses in order to appreciate good work.
ActionInvest campaigns
Provide easy access information about programmes to Action10.
- Action10 volunteer staff benefits from information on the HR&S webpage. Encourage the Board to use it actively.
- Team Sweden asks questions during ActionTalks to deliver to Monthly Givers.
- Team Africa survey staff attends the HR&S TestE chat and have meetings with HR&S concerning TestE.
- The support to RISE members shall be carefully balanced. The supporters shall not do the work of the target partners and the supporters shall also not micro-manage. The collaboration must be built on a win-win approach and mutual respect, while mutual trust is established with time and challenges shall be addressed together.
- All members of the Team of Operations are expected to be pro-active; to take initiatives on their own while all the time be transparent and share everything with the team.
- To attend all monthly meetings with HR&S Sweden, all monthly ActionTalks as well as minimum one 12 h webinar on the Strategy for Change every second year.
- To be active on the Branch WhatsApp chat.
- To have access to a computer, internet, and electricity for efficient communication with HR&S Sweden and the Target partners.
- ActionInvest: The purpose with the ActionInvest programme is to offer investment capital to facilitate social enterprising (RISE members) start- and scale-up in Sub-Sahara African countries. Social entrepreneurs are offered loans with a 10 % annual interest. The funds are usually paid back within a period of six months to three years. When one loan has been paid back, another larger loan can be given. The partnership agreement is based on mile-stones, after each milestone has been achieve, funds are paid back with interest and new loans are made possible. Each project starts small and scales firmly. The first loan shall be small, around € 500 or 1,000 depending on the context, and a second loan maybe twice the size and scaling. Usually, the total loan for each project is € 10,000. Further loans are only granted if the business is well managed according to periodical bank accounts statements, surveys, supporters, programme, and auditing reports, and when certain pre-agreed on milestones have been achieved. The paid-back capital is re-invested in order to scale up the ongoing social business or to start-up a new. The funds to create the investment fund are raised through donations.
- Social media:
- HR&S website: The Team of Operations members mentioned in this agreement are encouraged to be well updated with the content of the HR&S website
- LinkedIn: The Team of Operations members mentioned in this agreement are encouraged to share their LinkedIn profile, presenting their profession, and to connect to and followHuman Rights & Science as well as Action10 on LinkedIn to be aware of updates
- Facebook: The Teamof Operations members mentioned in this agreement are also encouraged to share their Facebook pages, and to like and follow Human Rights & Science as well as Action10 on Facebook to be aware of updates
- Action10 website: The Team of Operations members mentioned in this agreement are encouraged to be well updated with the content of the Action10 website
Expected Output
- At the start of a support period, goals are set, indicators developed, and then the outputs are measured real time. The supporters and the target partners shall together effectively discuss, evaluate, and improve aspects of concern.
- The expected output from the coaching should include, but is not limited to:
- Monthly (or every second month depending on the need) face-to-face RISE Centre meetings with all target partners, including all assigned administrators and managers of the institution to be supported. In case the distance is far, some of the face-to-face meeting are replace by on-line meetings. The balance between the two depends on the cost and effort of traveling.
- A collection of minutes from the support meetings. These minutes are prepared by each team members and addresses the topic of the meeting.
- Follow-up communication between the coaches and the Institution in-between coaching meetings.
- Meetings (or every second month depending on the need) between the coaches only for coaching strategy planning purposes. These meeting can be on-line or face-to-face.
- Annual written reports presenting the year’s activities and assessments. These are shared before 31 January of the coming year. The report can preferably be a compilation of all of the team members reports, but can also be per team members.
Managing lessons learned & informed decisions
Lessons learned and Informed decisions are announced on the partner website as they appear. HR&S develops organically.
Every strategy and new strategy is tested against progress markers. The progress markers, outcome and impact guides further actions. HR&S does not go against progress markers and outcome.
For example, one progress marker is the number of publications where HR&S have been acknowledged. If researchers depend on external support to manage, they will not be able to publish and there will be no such outcome, why free training events, or support with having research grants or free pieces of equipmnet, consumables, IT, or administration, shall not be offered. But coaching to insitution managements on Progress markers, and as part of generating high scores on the progress markers, insitutions may request and pay full price for HR&S training to researchers on the Startegy for Change.
Output 2021
To date we have:
- Developed unique and innovative practical strategies, tools and resources that have proven successful.
- Held 100 webinars, workshops and webinars with 200,000 participants, of different size and orientation, within and outside Sub-Sahara African countries, benefiting from our own practical strategies, tools and resources.
- Coached 30 social entrepreneurs.
- Assigned 30 expert advisers.
- Registered branches and assigned operations team, trainers and auditors in eight Sub-Sahara African countries; Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
- Developed four thematic networks for: researchers, technicians, social entrepreneurs and global developers.
We are actively:
- Providing 50 training sessions to around 200 individual stakeholders yearly.
- Coaching 20 social entrepreneurs.
- Auditing our 20 partner social entrepreneurs yearly.
- Linking 10 stakeholders with our expert advisers for guidance, yearly.
- Managing four networks with 100 members by keeping communication platforms, facilitating initiatives and offer training.
- Empowering three CSR programmes.
Our expert advisers have provided guidance around:
- How to protect against Ebola in Liberia.
- How to protect against Covid-19.
- Trauma counseling.
- Laboratory accreditation.
- The business model canvas.
- How to do scientific research.
- ActionTalks
- 2021: Four 10 h seminars by the CEO, each addressing our four areas of expertise.
- We have registered local branches in Sub-Sahara African countries, a volunteer driven organisation in Sweden, and held 100 webinars, workshops and seminars.
- Our team is composed of 30 local trainers, project managers and auditors, 20 volunteers in Sweden, 30 expert advisers, and four part-time staff members at HR&S HQ Stockholm.
Empower our value proposition
- The Country branches may want to develop a joint power point presentation, benefiting from the information available on HR&S website, and new information that they introduce to the team. The RISE operations team PR officer is in charge of the launching of training events.
- Locate a host during the start-up phase and arrange with good internet.
- The arrangements and lessons learned are discussed in the team-leader chat. The reason why it has to be separate is because the different businesses are very different, and we need to understand each entrepreneur as a family member, to be able to help in actual practice.
A whole package of why business accounting is important.
1. Book keeping.
2. Advantages with bookkeeping.
3. Bookkeeping as important part of financial management.
4. Financial management, expenditure prioritization, and business growth.
5. Auditing and management report.
ActionTalks, RISEtalks.
ROPE/ Lean business model
The ROPE Road-map is developed per RISE member to address progress for this RISE members exactly. We do not have to focus much on the method as such in the beginning but to use it directly. We go through slowly but firmly.
- What do you want ? – ambition
- What are your challenges to achieve your ambition? – outcome challenges
- What can we do together to address the challenges? – activity
- Who shall do what and when? – milestones
- Is the road-map developed useful? – outcome
- How do we measure progress? – progress markers
- Where do we want to reach eventually ? – sustainable impact
Expected outcome: Increased number of customers in actual practice.
PM: 10% increase after 3 months, 30% after one year. The RISE operations team evaluation planning and survey management officers are in charge of the training together with the team-leaders.
Coaching by HR&S Sweden
Expected Outcome
At the start of a RISE membership period, goals are set and progress markers developed. Then the outcomes are measured real time. The expected outcome from should include, but is not limited to:
- Measure and evaluate progress markers and improve aspects of concern.
- Measure sustainable impact and improve aspects of concern.
- Strengthen the dynamic of responsibility and autonomy.
- Implement a business plan and become financially sustainable.
- Implement procedures and be financially and programme delivery accountable.
Progress markers
2021: One expert adviser Dr Murthy held a 12 h webinar on the scientific method.
To date we have reached 10,000 persons who have benefitted from sustainable improved livelihood, we are actively coaching 20 social entrepreneurs in parallel who reach 1000 customers with livelihood improving products and services.
To date we have:
Scientific institutions
- Enabled 10 scientific institutions to benefit from progress markers for their academic performance assessments.
- Enabled 100 researchers to have access to laboratory services.
- Empowered 10 researchers to publish.
- Empowered 10 researchers to implement scientific findings.
- Enabled 10 researchers in HR&S training to manage an exam and have a certificate.
- Enabled 10 scientific laboratories to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments.
- Empowered 10 laboratories to become profitable.
- Empowered 20 laboratory technicians in offering laboratory services.
- Enabled 20 technicians in HR&S training to manage an exam and have a certificate.
Social enterprising
- Prepared farm land and cultivated crop as well as built houses for 20 stakeholders to prepare for reintegration of previous child- soldiers and women who went with fighting forces, in Liberia.
- Empowered a business locally producing and selling sanitary pads un Uganda.
- Enabled mill businesses in the villages in Togo to start and enabling the growth.
- Enabling a tailoring business in slum area Kibera in Nairobi to grow.
- Enabling a tailoring woman enterprise in Nairobi to grow.
- Enabled solar-panel businesses for charging in the villages in Togo to start and enabling the growth.
- Enabled solar-panel businesses to serve a hair salon in a village in Togo to start.
- Enabled a cold-storage for fish business in Liberia.
- Enabling a coffee business in Uganda to grow.
- Enabling hair salons in Uganda to start.
- Enabling a coding business in Nigeria to grow (idea).
- Facilitated for a private laboratory in Burkina Faso to become accredited.
Our partner social entrepreneurs that we are coaching,
have empowered their stakeholders by:
- Enabled 300 villagers in Togo, mainly women, to start or scale their businesses.
- Enabled 100 children in the villages in Togo to have primary education and manage the final exam.
- Enabled access to a mill for 100 persons in the villages in Togo.
- Enabled 100 villagers in Togo to have access to solar-panel for charging cell-phones and torches have access to lich and radio. The light is also use to serve girls to do their home-work after household duties are done and it has become dark.
- Enabled 20 women to run a business around sanitary pads locally produces in Uganda.
- Provided education in the English language to 200 adults in evening classes in Nigeria.
- Implemented a survey in the ghettos of former child soldiers and women who went with fighting forces in Liberia, identifying individuals and their wished for future plans.
- Protected 300 inhabitants in Ghetto in Monrovia areas against Ebola, by providing soap, water, information and structures.
- Enabled 20 villagers in Kenya to take loans.
- Taught 40 young women from Kamwoya, a slum area in Kampala Uganda, who had left school, how to work in a hair salon.
- Employing girls from slum areas in Kampala, in hair salons.
- Empowering small scale and remote coffee growers in Uganda buying their coffee at fair price.
- Offering internship for university students at advanced laboratories in Burkina Faso.
- Providing loans for tuition fees in Liberia (idea).
- Enabling mothers in Nigeria to learn coding (idea).
- Enabled 10,000 persons to have a sustainably improved livelihood through the services provided by the social entrepreneurs we are coaching.
Details: 300 village business women each sustain a family of ten 3,000 xxx - Enabled 20,000 persons to have access to products that was not available before through the services provided by the social entrepreneurs we are coaching. Xxx
Global development
- Enabled 10 global development institutions to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments.
Sustainable Impact
To date we have:
- Enabled 100 small businesses in villages in Togo to become profitable and independent of HR&S support.
- Enabled 10 scientific institutions to benefit from progress markers for their academic performance assessments, and keep the structure as part of their academic curriculum.
- Enabled 10 scientific laboratories to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments, and keep the structure as part of their business management.
- Enabled 10 advanced laboratories to become profitable and independent from HR&S.
- Enabled 10 social enterprise RISE members to become profitable and independent from HR&S.
- Enabled 10 scientific laboratories to benefit from progress markers for their performance assessments and keep the structure as part of their evaluation planning structure.
Customer segments & value propositions
1. Scientific research Scientific institutions
- We offer training and coaching to managements of scientific institutions in order to increase scientific capacity of and financial income to the institution – REACH (Research Management). Support packages are tailor made to meet goals set by the institution, such as increased number of; research grants, publications in peer-reviewed journals, implemented scientific findings, and income generating activities. Participants in training events and coaching sessions will develop road-maps on how to how to reach their goals while measuring progress and impact as well as learning lessons and take informed decisions.
- The support packages also include training for researchers addressing the scientific method; generating, disseminating and implementing scientific findings, seeking research grants and generating income from scientific knowledge and findings. In addition, the programme can include training of laboratory technicians and technologists as well as entrepreneurs.
- We also manage a network for researchers.
2. Advanced laboratories
- We offer training and coaching to laboratory managements addressing advanced scientific equipment; the procurement, transportation, installation, use, service, maintenance, accreditation, insurance and safety, as well as income generation to the laboratory – FAST (Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment). We develop practical strategies with indicators that measure operations efficiency and ensures a sustainable economy. Each participant and institution develops a road-map on how to reach their goals while measuring progress, learning lessons and take informed decisions.
- The support packages also include training for laboratory technicians and technologists as well as researchers and entrepreneurs.
- We also manage a network for technicians and technologists.
- We offer a small business loan with 10 % interest to eligible laboratories.
- Moreover, through our collaboration with Agreed Suppliers can we sometimes offer favourable deals.
3. Social enterprising
Institutions supporting social entrepreneurs
HR&S offers training and coaching to institutions supporting social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries. We develop tailor-made practical strategies targeting profit generation, accountability and sustainability for the entrepreneurs they support, including measurable indicators and practical road-maps for reaching the institution’s goals.
- The support package also includes training for social entrepreneurs where we address strategic planning, reaching out to customers, accounting and accountability.
- We also manage a platform for networking between entrepreneurs.
- The support package in addition includes coaching of carefully selected social entrepreneurs who have been selected through assessing accountability and internal motivation. The chosen entrepreneurs are offered financial loans, training, coaching, expert advice, networking and physical infrastructure. They become members of our local Support Centres, which are managed by our country branches.
Companies with CSR programmes
We tailor-make CSR packages that are directly related to the company’s mission. We target social impact while generating profit for the company and engaging employees, customers, suppliers, consumers and shareholders.
- We work with webinars, workshops, seminars and events targeting cross-cultural understanding and respect.
- We offer training and coaching on the generation of road-maps for reaching company CSR goals.
- We provide opportunities to empower researchers and social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara Africa.
- We also provide opportunities to have an impact on extreme poverty eradication through supporting HR&S activities in under-served communities.
- Other
- Benevity, YourCause & Global Good, Network, CyberGrants, Millie, POINT, America’s Charities, Bright Funds
Agreed Suppliers
We partner with “Agreed Suppliers”. Agreed Suppliers are, according to the HR&S definition, suppliers of advanced scientific equipment who are supported by world-leading international manufacturers. We offer to facilitate the communication between the Agreed Supplier and scientific institutions and laboratories. The benefit for the Agreed suppliers is expected to be increased sales volume and efficient operations.

4. Global development
Development institutions and policy makers
We offer training and coaching to institutions and policy-makers that support global sustainable development. We guide on the development of practical road-maps to reach goals, measure progress, learn lessons and make informed decisions, while managing equal partnership programmes across cultures.
- We also offer partners to support the HR&S empowerment programmes for local researchers, technicians and social entrepreneurs and thereby enable solutions, products and services for the civil society and under-served communities. We reach the poor and extremely poor communities and improve livelihoods while implement the SDG 17 in actual practice (RISE).
- We manage in addition, a platform for networking between global developers.
- We offer our SfC package to institutions in Sweden dealing with incoming and outgoing migrants. We offer to teach the staff at Arbetsförmedlingen about our needs and user-driven practical strategy SfC, as well as meeting with the migrants themselves and develop SfC road-maps.
Institutions and individuals with interest in Global Development
We offer seminars, workshops, webinars and coaching addressing cross-cultural equal partnership collaboration for global development. The purpose is to empower a shift of paradigm where aid dependency and donor driven programmes are replaced by international collaboration based on trust, transparency, accountability, mutual benefits and fair deals.
- We arrange cross-cultural awareness raising seminars, workshops and webinars to increase the understanding, respect and interaction across cultures. We offer, in parallel, access to products developed by our partners in Africa (CROSS).
- We coach cross-cultural equal partnership collaboration benefitting from our own unique practical strategy the “HR&S Strategy for Change”. We offer, in parallel, access to our monthly virtual meetings with our partners in Sub-Sahara African countries and our quarterly cross-cultural events in Stockholm (TRUST).