A3. Micro businesses in rural Togo

Seeking support

Background. Together we can empower individuals in Africa who are interested in creating micro-businesses. We will provide small loans for business investments as well as training and coaching to entrepreneurs in the rural areas of the Maritime Region in Togo. In February 2021, we reached our initial funding goal of EUR 10,000 for the 2020-2021 phase of the programme, and agreed to increase the target to support more villagers to become self-sustaining.

Future When all 200 micro-businesses have proven sustainable, the loan is paid back to the HR&S country bank account in Togo and can then be used to support another 200 women, and again and again. The second phase of the programme that started in 2020 and is expected to become sustainable in 2025. HR&S and Action10 fundraises to be able to ensure a capital of EUR 15,000 per programme. The funds are provided as smaller instalments with parallel programme management coaching and auditing, to make the programme sustainable.

Annual report 2024

HR&S Branch Togo / RISE Support Centre

Small businesses with women in villages in Togo

Prof Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI

President, Leaders & Development (L&D)


This programme involved two areas in Togo

Agbelouve and ressorts (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and

 Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé.

ü  The neighbouring small villages such as Kotsokope, Agbodzekpo, Foulani Kondji, and Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve

The programme gathered women from these villages under the direct control of some local managers at the field

ü   SOWALO Komi at Aguduvu

ü  at Agbelouve (KODEGUI Akouavi Christine),

ü  at Kotsokope (WOGBAGAN Messavi)

ü  at Agbodzekpo- Batoume (MEBUIKE Mawusi)

ü  Etc.

Leaders and Development (L&D) activities

to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of Rise Centre Togo.

Activities are including:

ü  Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.

ü   In general:

Ø  Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with the managers.

Ø   A contract (six months long) was signed in double by each loan taker.

These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the term


L&D worked with a group of almost two hundred (200) women and men since the programme were restarted

Their activities are small businesses such as

sales of:

 maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars

 tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

They all appreciated the support

Challenges and proposed solutions

The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, Restaurants, etc.

Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital

New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme

Proposed solution:  More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to ACTION10 and its staff that strive for new capital for the ongoing round and for the next round.

Efficacy of the Group of Togo

Proposed solution:  The branch must seek for people that will be available for work and if there are income they can be paid

Delay in some refunds due to illness, etc

Proposed solution: advices and contacts are made to seek for refund


ROPE Review Dec 2023


Support villagers with micro-business and indirectly children to go to school and womens’ status.

  • Give out and collect loans


Outcome Challenges

  • RISEmember (L&D)
    • Financial viability
    • Bookkeeping
    • Registering of a company
    • Lack of understanding about the HR&S mission.
    • Do not attend bi-monthly meetings
  • Target Partners. Villagers
    • Previously: Financial accountability

Stakeholder committee

  • L&D M Mililohum, RISEmember.
  • M Yawo, Programme management Partner.
  • M Alexis, auditor


  • RISEmember
    • Auditing


  • Target Partners
    • Visit villages and give guidance.


  • RISEmember
    • N/A
  • Target Partners – Villagers
    • Financial accountability


  • RISEmember
  • Target Partners – Villagers


  • RISEmember
  • Target Partners – Villagers


  • RISEmember
  • Target Partners – Villagers

Project design & implementation

Background, 2010 Through the many visits that S.E.VIE performed in the rural villages in the Zio prefecture in Togo during 2010 and 2011, the association identified yet neglected but potential economic development opportunities of these villages.  Women from villages struggle every day to run their business. Even though they have a strong and detailed project; microfinance companies have given up on them. The women do not have enough financial resources to manage the farming and they have been excluded from regular microfinance institute. Isolated in the countryside and with no real guarantee to offers a loan giver; villagers desperately need money to invest and be able to develop their activities.  Yet, the Banks and the Microfinance institutions do not intervene in the remote areas of Togo.

Opportunity for collaboration Therefore, in 2012 Association
Solidarité Enfance et Vie (S.E.VIE)

and Action10 decided to implement a programme addressing community services through social enterprising in rural Togo. The scope of the programme was to support women and men, who wanted to start social enterprises which should provide community services. SEVIE and Action10  jointly provide loans to the business managers, mostly women, with 10 % annual interest, combined with training and coaching in all areas required for success.

Outcome The first step was a pilot in Foulany Kondji in 2012. It gathered 30 women. The business managers (Target Partners) came together in a village group called an assembly, for which a president, a secretary and a counsellor was elected. Inside this assembly, cooperatives of 4 to 6 women are created. Each woman received a certain amount of money according to their project and the payback was collective. The activity in Foulany Kondji grew successfully every year and gave rise to an assembly with 200 women and a few men. During a period of six years, the programme grew and was adopted by eight villages. The approach is embracing all aspects of community services. The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as; sales of maize, beans, cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes, shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, local food and hairdressers.

2012 – 2018
During the first years of the programme the business owners paid back at the level of in average 90%. They appreciated the opportunity and the training. They complained about a too limited amount of coaching and they would have wished for larger amount of funds. The first phase of the programme was concluded 2018, and had then reached eight villages and one semi-urban location and 300 business owners. 

2020 Review
A new phase of the village programme was initiated in 2020, after a session of reflections over lessons learned. The situation was the same as when performing the previous review in 2010. Several financial institutions are in operation but these are more concentrated in the major cities of the country. The loan conditions in these institutions are generally difficult, especially the securities or the guarantees make the poorest left out, and especially the women. Several other projects are initiated by the government (FNFI, etc.) for these vulnerable population, but few are still involved. Many people, especially women, in order to survive and support the education of their children run rural small-scale businesses. There are still many of them who seek financial support to boost their daily activities.

The new phase of the village programme  initiated in 2020,  targeted  four villages and 200 business owners. HR&S aims to continue support vulnerable populations in order to improve their livelihoods through social entrepreneurship for a sustainable economy. To do this, HR&S partner with M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU for a programme where small credits are offered to members of the poor population in remote villages, especially women, for a renewable period during three years. M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU is from these villages himself and was supporting S.E.VIE with the implementation of the previous phase of the programme. M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU wanted to see the programme success and pointed out lessons to be learned and informed decisions to be taken.

This project supports 200 women in rural Togo to establish sustainable businesses. These are ladies that have come forward and requested support from HR&S. The support is in the form of loans, training, coaching weekly interactions on accounting and programme management and local support with sorting out challenges. The women group themselves into an assembly per village with a leader and an accountant as well as cooperatives of 3-6 persons, and the cooperatives are responsible for the paying back of the funds. The cooperatives thus constitute the guarantees. The loan is paid back with 10 % interest, and the interest pays for the local training and coaching by the local programme management team. The local programme management team of three persons is composed of villagers from the same region as the programme is implemented, and they have also come forward and offered to manage the programme on-site.

About Programme A1


900 EURO was transferred to IARAD (Institut Africain de Recherche pour l’Action et le Développement) in Togo. These funds had been donated to INPACT by private persons. The “INPACT (now Action10) IARAD educational program” was co-funded by also IARAD itself and a total of 1350 Euro was invested in the program.

The ”INPACT IARAD educational program” has two purposes. One is to provide basic school education and the other is to promote the understanding and awareness among orphans and vulnerable children about children´s rights, to protect these rights and promote for these children an environment, which is favourable for their development. 

During the year 2009, ten children were selected to benefit from the program. The selection was difficult to do, due to the fact that many more children would also have benefitted significantly from the support. The selected children were provided with the school fee costs so that they could now attend school. In addition they were provided with items necessary to manage school well, such as a sleeping mat, a lamp, two pair of shoes, a sweater, soap and a tooth brush.

Thanks to IARAD’s ability to provide, encourage and follow-up with the necessary support for the children, as many as 80 % of the children were able to pass their exams (as compared to 50 % which is the average for village schools as estimated by the Headmasters in Agbodjékpoé). This allowed them to move to the next level in school.

The  encouragement offered by IARAD, was for example provided through a cultural event arranged for the children, to which the whole village was invited. During this cultural event, relevant topics were addressed through speeches, songs, dances and theater. In addition to this, the “INPACT IARAD educational program” arranged a Christmas Celebration inviting 500 children from this village.

The analysis from the year was that the collaboration with IARAD worked excellently. The goals of INPACT were achieved in that the organisation was supporting a program identified by IARAD.

Please find more information about year 2010 and 2011 in the Action10 Annual reports.

Strategy for Change


Women from villages in Togo struggle with not having enough financial resources to manage their farming. Even though they have strong and detailed projects, loan-giving institutions have given up on them. Isolated in the countryside and with no real guarantee to offer a loan giver; villagers desperately need money to invest and be able to develop their activities. Yet, the Banks and the Microfinance institutions do not intervene in the remote areas of Togo. In 2012 S.E.VIE and Action10 decided to implement a programme in rural Togo.  The scope of the programme is to support women, who want to run sustainable businesses. The support is in the form of loans, training, coaching, weekly interactions, and sorting out challenges together. 


Women from villages in Togo struggle every day to run their businesses.


  • Give a startup or scale-up loans to women in villages.
  • To get many families involved in order to benefit from the programme.

Outcome challenges

  1. The businesses are at a too small scale.
  2. The profit is used directly to feed the family.
  3. Farming is not profitable. It does not generate income.
  4. Lack of business management & accounting.
  5. Lack of long-term planning.
  6. Lack of transparency & accountability.
  7. Covid19 decreases the opportunity for contact and sale.


  1. The Target Partners come together in a village group called an assembly, for which a president, a secretary, and a counsellor is elected.
  2. Inside this assembly, cooperatives of 4 to 6 women are created.
  3. Each woman receives a loan and the size is according to her project. The loans are to be paid back with 10 % annual interest.
  4. The payback is collective by the cooperative.
  5. The programme management partner visits each village once a week to i) collect re-payment in order to support the Target Partners with keeping the funds safe, ii) provide coaching, iii) provide training, and iv) address challenges.
  6. Workshops with the women in order to help them to know how to manage their businesses. SEVIE visits regularly during 2012-2018. M DZAGLI visits them and teaches them regularly during 2020 and ongoing.


  • Each of the business managers has received different sizes of loans of between FCFA 30,000 and 60,000 ( EUR 50 – 100) depending on the activity carried out.
  • The number of potential HR&S business managers is in balance with, or larger than, the capital made available for the loans.
  • The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars and hairdressers, etc.
  • The reporting from S.E.VIE to HR&S – Action10 was good at the beginning of the collaboration (2012) but the quality reduced with time (2018).
  • M. Milohoum DZAGLI, HR&S coach,  worked with M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU to re-establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY. This was done through many phone calls and meetings in early 2020.
  • Thirty (30) people (29 women and 1 man) were involved for the first six (6) months in 2020 in the programme at Agbelouv, Togo. Agbelouve is a small town about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated to three small villages Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji.

2012-2018: Each woman received a certain amount of money by S.E.VIE and  S.E.VIE visited each village once a week to i) collect re-payment, ii) provide coaching, iii) provide training and iv) address challenges.
2019: A year of reflections by HR&S over lessons learned.
2020 and ongoing: A new phase of the village programme was initiated in 2020 and targeted four villages, Agbelouve, Foulany Kondji, Agbodjokpo and Kotso Kope, and 200 new business owners.

 Progress markers

  1. 30 persons in Jan, 30 in September 2020 and 30 in November 2020. Mostly women.
  2. 100 % of the women pay back with interest during 2020.
  3. Whether the January businesses are sustainable in 31 Dec 2020, then after two years, three years.


  1. Women had limited access of loan from bank office.
  2. Women had some activity under her hands.

Sources of evidence

  1. Duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKPONOU Yawo.
  2. General excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
  3. A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.

Required input

  1. ActionInvest loan, that is paid back with 10 % annual interest. The situation will be discussed quarterly or bi-annually. Before the programme is concluded the full loan is paid back.

Business model

  1. Customer segments: Village women with small business
  2. Value propositions: F CFA 40000 – 60000 (60-90 euros)
  3. Distribution channels: Multi
  4. Customer relationships: 
  5. Revenue model: Bye & sell
  6. Key Activities: Sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars and hair dressers, etc.
  7. Key Resources:
  8. Key Partnerships:
  9. Cost Structure:


2012-2018 (SEVIE):

  •  The first step was a pilot in Foulany Kondji in 2012. It gathered 30 women. The business managers (Target Partners) came together in a village group called an assembly, for which a president, a secretary and a counselor was elected. Inside this assembly, cooperatives of 4 to 6 women were created.
  • The activity in Foulany Kondji grew successfully every year and eventually gave rise to an assembly with 200 women and a few men. 
  • During a period of six years, the programme grew and was adopted by eight villages. The approach is embracing all aspects of community services.
  • During the first years of the programme the business owners paid back at the level of in average 90%. They appreciated the opportunity and the training.
  • After a few years, they started to complain about a too limited amount of coaching and that they would have wished for a larger amount of funds.
  • The first phase of the programme was concluded in 2018 and had then reached eight villages and one semi-urban location, with in total 300 business owners. 

2020 and 2021:  (M Yawo and L&D)

  • 90 loan-takers during 2020.
  • 100 % pay-back and in time.
    30 women 2,000 Euro in 1 Jan – 31 August 2020.  Paid back 2,200. 

Business management, scaling & profit management:

  • The type of businesses that benefitted from scaling-up included; sales of corn, rise, small fish, smoked fish, doughnuts, soya cheese, juice, condiments, cosmetic products, accessories, porridge, porridge with sugar, food from corn to eat at the shop, juice to drink at the shop, local food, local beer, and medicine, as well as; food shop, small-item shop, tailoring, hairdressing with sales of wigs, and medical treatment.
  • The beneficiaries informed that they have been able to scale up their businesses and increase their turn-over as a result of the programme. The loan has made it possible for the business managers to procure more material required for their businesses.
  • The customer demand is in balance with, or larger than, the scaling up and all products have been sold.
  • This has increased the profit for the business managers.
  • There are also several new start-up activities such as:– WOGBAGAN Kafui in KOTSOKOPE who is a hairdresser started the sale of wigs.– DAYLOR in AGBODJOKPO procured more corn for sale of porridge and added the sales of sugar.– KAZARO ADJO started selling smoked fish in addition to the previous corn trade.– AZINOU in AGBODJOKPO, was enabled her to equip her health hut, which previously lacked materials.
  • Profit management – saving: Asking the question about the management of their profits, the majority of the beneficiaries told that after they weekly paid Mr. Yawo in order to manage their saving. They paid savings either daily or weekly  FCFA 200 – 300 per day or FCFA 1000 – 3000 per week (EUR 1 – 5 per week).( Those who are not saving have been encouraged to start doing so.)
  • The saving of profit allowed them to manage any unforeseen costs and other expenses parallel to the activity.

Lessons learned

  1. The project start-up was actually not user-driven, the HR&S Action No1. S.E.VIE was not a member of the community, but an association from the nearest small city.
  2. Operations in villages becomes expensive due to transportation, as the programme manager will have to visit each village every month.
  3. As the programme manager actually has to collect re-peyment per week the programme can in actal practice give out parallel loans and thereby earn mor than 10 %, maybe 20 % if managing the funds in double.
  4. The programme manager M Yawo has the required capacity to supervise the loan-takers and hold the programme together. The programme manager Mr. Yawo AHIAKPONOU has shown the capacity to supervise the loan-takers on how to generate a profit, to encourage them to save, identify new loan-takers, and to hold the programme together. The programme manager is a villager him-self, and this may be one of the reasons why the re-start of the programme in 2020 was more successful than during the previous period.

Informed decisions

  1. 2019: Replace S.E.VIE with a programme manager from the community. M Yawo had been supporoting SEVIE with the programme since the beginning and accepted to become programme manager. SEVIE was instead proposing and also supported financially by Action10 to start the same programme in their own community, Tsévié (A26).


Not yet, expected in 2023. The expected impact is that the businesses supported shall become sustainable, and be growing by its own effort. In the 2020 – 2023 phase of the programme, 200 businesses are targeted. And the expected investment required is around EUR 12,000. Now that the payments are made in installments for a priod of two years ( and thus funds the running costs) the total coast is expected to be EUR 15,000.

The funds that have been paid back can then be invested in another group of 200 women.

The interest from the programme pays for the management of the programme (but not the coaching and auditing).


The business manager M. Yawo “warmly thank the people in charge of this programme for their contribution and support and hope that it will continue”.


Women in the villages have financial autonomy.



Through the many visits that S.E.VIE performed in the rural villages in the Zio prefecture in Togo during 2010 and 2011, the association identified yet neglected but potential economic development opportunities of these villages.  Women from villages struggle every day to run their business. Even though they have a strong and detailed project; microfinance companies have given up on them. The women do not have enough financial resources to manage the farming and they have been excluded from regular microfinance institute. Isolated in the countryside and with no real guarantee to offers a loan giver; villagers desperately need money to invest and be able to develop their activities.  Yet, the Banks and the Microfinance institutions do not intervene in the remote areas of Togo.

Opportunity for collaboration

Therefore, in 2012 S.E.VIE and Action10 decided to implement a programme addressing community services through social enterprising in rural Togo. The scope of the programme was to support women and men, who wanted to start social enterprises which should provide community services. SEVIE and Action10  jointly provide loans to the business managers, mostly women, with 10 % annual interest, combined with training and coaching in all areas required for success.


The first step was a pilot in Foulany Kondji in 2012. It gathered 30 women. The business managers (Target Partners) came together in a village group called an assembly, for which a president, a secretary and a counsellor was elected. Inside this assembly, cooperatives of 4 to 6 women are created. Each woman received a certain amount of money according to their project and the payback was collective.


The activity in Foulany Kondji grew successfully every year and eventually gave rise to an assembly with 200 women and a few men. During a period of six years, the programme grew and was adopted by eight villages. The approach is embracing all aspects of community services. 


2012 – 2018
During the first years of the programme the business owners paid back at the level of in average 90%. They appreciated the opportunity and the training. They complained about a too limited amount of coaching and they would have wished for larger amount of funds. The first phase of the programme was concluded 2018, and had then reached eight villages and one semi-urban location and 300 business owners. 

A new phase of the village programme was initiated in 2020, after a session of reflections over lessons learned, and targeted  four new villages and 200 new business owners. 

Status 2020

The situation is the same as when performing the previous review in 2010. Several financial institutions are in operation but these are more concentrated in the major cities of the country. The loan conditions in these institutions are generally difficult, especially the securities or the guarantees make the poorest left out, and especially the women. Several other projects are initiated by the government (FNFI, etc.) for these vulnerable population, but few are still involved. Many people, especially women, in order to survive and support the education of their children run rural small-scale businesses. There are still many of them who seek financial support to boost their daily activities.

HR&S aims to continue support vulnerable populations in order to improve their livelihoods through social entrepreneurship for a sustainable economy. To do this, HR&S partner with M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU for a programme where small credits are offered to members of the poor population in remote villages, especially women, for a renewable period during three years. M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU is from these villages himself and was supporting S.E.VIE with the implementation of the previous phase of the programme. M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU wanted to see the programme successd and pointed out lessons to be learned and infromed decisions to be taken.

Outcome 2020

  • 90 loan-takers
  • 100 % pay-back and in time.

Expected Outcome 2023

At the end of this phase of the programme, more than two hundred (200) households and women are expected to have their own capital to be able to continue their IGAs independently. Families are expected to live their lives far from poverty and their children are expected to go to school.

Social good & business model

Eligibility criteria

  • Be a vulnerable person who is economically active.
  • Be between 25 and 55 years old.
  • Being a member of a solidarity group: 2 or 3 people.
  • The amount of each loan must be approved by the solidarity group as well as by L&D.
  • Interest payments are used to cover the administrative costs of program benefits.
  • Participate in association meetings.


Amount (FCFA)*     30,000 – 100,000
Duration, months     6 – 10
Guarantee                  Solidarity cooperatives with 2-3 members
                                     HR&S coaching
Interest rate, %           10
Coaching fee, %          5
Refund period **         Weekly
Personal contrinution None
Asset guarantee          None

*  € 46 – 152, approximate as depends on exhange rate.
** Refunds are either collected on site or transferred through mobile money. Both are included in the coaching fee. 

Equal partnership collaboration

We aim to work in equal partnership, where each partner and partner institution is contributing with their skills to achieve the goals and where input, responsability and benefits are shared equally. The programmes must be needs driven, in the sense that a local stakeholders brings the idea and is responsible for the implementation of the programme. We further aim for real-time evalation planning, sustainable economy, accountabiliity and evidence based impact.

Target partners

The villages

  1. Foulani Konji. Start August 2012. Restart 2020.
    Following the pilot-project in 2012, 200 women formed a cooperative in Foulani Kondji.
  2. Konde kopé. Start November 2012.
  3. Boota. Start September 2013.
  4. Kpota. Start October 2013.
  5. Topévia.Start October 2013.
  6. Tsévié. Start 2013
    Tsévié is not a village but a small city, and the businesses concerns mostly selling food by the road. The project is managed by SEVIE and was scaled in 2019 and was then filed as A.26.
  7. Toméfa Start 2014.
  8. Agbodzekpo Start 2014. Restart in 2020.
  9. Kpotsokopé Start 2015. Total 25 entrepreneurs until 2018. Restart 2020
  10. Agbelouwé, Start 2020.
  11. Kpei. Start 2020
  12. Trekpedji. Start 2020
  13. Akakotsokope. Start 2020.
  14. Tokpo. Start 2020.

Programme management partners

Our programme management partners are

The programme was initiated by S.E.VIE in 2012 and was then taken over by M. Yawo AHIAKPONOU  in 2019. M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo has a very close link to the villages.

In 2019, S.E.VIE proposed to transfer their experience to a semi-urban context and to continue the collaboration with Action10, with the same approach but in Tsévie´ (programme A.26). S.E.VIE is located in and has a very close link to Tsévie.


HR&S acknowledges S.E.VIE and its CEO M. Francois KLUTSÈ and CEO assistant Mrs. Délali ADEDJE who originally developed the innovation to help vulnerable populations which constitutes loans to good women and men who work and who come to repay part of it every weekend, in some rural areas of Togo.

L&D also acknowledges HR&S and Action10 for their support with initiating the association and scaling it up

Business model

Unit: FCFA,  FCFA is given as rounded off.

1st loan 2020

ActionInvest: Euro 2,000

Paid back: 1,200,000
100 % pay back with 10% interest.

2nd loan 2020

ActionInvest: Euro 3,000

Business investment loans
Paid back 1st loan = 1,200,000
New loan: 2.000.000
Coaches paid = 900 euros (590000)
New capital = 1,954,000-590,000= 1,364,000
Total capital= 1364000+1200000= 2,564,000

Beneficiaries: 60 persons
30 loan takers who have benefitted from a first loan:
1- 40000 FCFA each for 20 persons
2- 50000 FCFA each for 4 persons
3- 60000 FCFA each for 6 persons
30 new loan takers:
40000 FCFA each for 30 persons

Expected payback
Interest 10 % = 256,400
Coaching fee = 115 FCFA (Euro 0.17) per Target partner and week (24 weeks) = 165,000 FCFA
Expected payback: 2,986,000


Expected costs
Mobile Money Transfer cost (per week 3,000), six months (26 weeks): 78,000
Local travels: 165,000
Programme manager reimbursement 35,000 FCFA per month (Euro 53), six months: 210,000
Total: 453,000

M Yawo Oct 2020: With this reimbursement (35,000 FCFA per month ) I will be able to work full-time on this programme and I will be in the villages every day.

unsplash - investment capital

3rd loan

By the end of the year 2020

                                                                                     FCFA               Euro 

ActionInvest                                                          1,300,000        2,000                   


New loans
14 persons FCFA 30,000 (Euro 46) each    420,000         644
16 persons FCFA 40,000 (Euro 61) each       640,000          976
Total                                                                               1,060,000          1,620

Bank fees                                                                       xx                       yy
Repair motorbike Programme manager          150,000             230
Upgraded smartphone Programme manager   50,000             80
Book and contract sheet                                               15,000             23
Fuel for transportation                                                    15,000             23
Total                                                                                     230,000           356

Grand total                                                                1,290,000               1,976

Please note that the numbers are approximate as a result of varying exchange rates.


4th loan

ActionInvest was able to transfer EUR 2,000 early 2021.
The total investment so far is then EUR 9,000.
L&D actually requested EUR 5,500 for the programme to become sustainable, but the funds avaliable was EUR 2,000. 

From 2021 the  Management team inlcudeas also  two ladies, that are reimbursed FCFA 6,000 (Euro 9) per person and month.

Financially sustainable

The expereince and calculations made by L&D early 2021 show that with an investment of about EUR  15,000 a new programme with 200 target partners can become sustainable, noting that the investement has to pay for some running costs while building up and establishing the the income from interest level that is required to cover the running costs.


L&D actually requested EUR 5,500 for the programme to become sustainable. That is, the interest can cover the programme management costs; including everything such as programme management  reimbursement and weekly transporttion. Meaning

Status report July 2020

by Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, PCA, CEO of Leaders & Development (L&D) and HR&S Evaluation planning coach.

Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI worked with M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for the new programme. This was done through many phone calls and meetings. L&D assisted the programme design including:

  • A business plan
  • Bookkeeping
  • Contract
  • Recruitment and Workshops
  • Management of ActionInvest funds

Contracts were signed on 29 /02/2020 and the new programme started finally from 01 march 2020 and the first reimbursement started on 12th march 2020. Thirty people (29 women and 1 man) were involved for the first six (6) months. This report concerns the evolution on the activities of the implementation of the “Small-scale business programme in Agbelouve”, Togo. Agbelouve is a small town about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated to three small villages Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo and Foulani Kondji, which are situated within 30 km from Agbelouve. Follow-up communication was arranged through cell-phone messages and calls between M AHIAKPONOU Yawo and L&D to be sure of the implementation. The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars, etc.

Status July 2020

  • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKPONOU Yawo.
  • L&D has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
  • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • An android Phone was bought for M AHIAKPONOU Yawo for helping for a good communication and for WhatsApp discussion
  • Regular discussions are performed with M Yao concerning the programme and difficulties
  • Mobile money transfer is used to reduce money transfer costs and this is also working well in this sanitary situations with COVID-19.

                                                                              Kotsokope,  2020


Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The mobility of M Yao is a very real issue. Because every week, he travels more than 60km to collect money from women.
  • Proposed solution: Mobil money transfer.
  • Too small amount of capital to give out as loans. The limit of the amount of the loans is 40000F CFA (60 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability.
  • Proposed solution: Increased volume of the capital.
  • A large number of candidates from the previous phase of the programme are expecting a continuation.
  • Proposed solution: Make a survey about the understanding and experiences among participants in the previous phase of the progamme, in order to learn the lessons and further strengthen the programme design.

“The people involved in this programme were happy  with these forms of cooperatives and the smile began again”.

vISIT report AUGUST 2020

08/30/2020 FROM 1PM TO 5PM

REPORT by Elisabeth DRAFOR 08/31/2020




The contract for this program was signed on March 01, 2020 and the start of activities on March 12, 2020 over a period of 6 months therefore ending at the end of this month of August
Following the visit followed by interviews with beneficiaries; the first part of this program went well and the reimbursements were made by proof of a payment book (1 with each beneficiary and 1 with Mr YAWO) which proves that all the members are up to date (exemple photo of a book below)
In addition all the beneficiaries have experienced the satisfaction of this program and strongly request a capital increase by means of 100,000 FCFA desired by all
They also suggest that it would be preferable for the funds to be on time according to the season of each activity for the smooth running of the latter thus avoiding delay in payment.
Out of 30 people participating in this program has AGBELOUVE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS; 19 were present for this evaluation.

Status report SEPTEMBER 2020

Coaching report

by Milohum DZAGLI


Results from the inventory of the loans in the villages, Programme No A.3. HR&S – Action10 proposed a restart of Programme No A3.  L&D has kindly agreed to coach the programme and follow the management. And the management of this programme is now lead by a partner with a closer link to the villages, M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo.

L&D worked with M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for the new programme. This was done through many phone calls and meetings. L&D assisted the programme design including:

  • A business plan
  • Bookkeeping
  • Contract
  • Recruitment and Workshops
  • Management of ActionInvest funds

Contracts were signed on 29 /02/2020 and the new programme started finally from 01 March 2020 and the first reimbursement started on 12th March 2020.

Thirty (30) people (29 women and 1 man) were involved for the first six (6) months. This report concerns the activities of the implementation of the “Small-scale business programme in Agbelouve”, Togo for these six (6) months.

Agbelouve is a small town about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated with three small villages Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, which are situated within 30 km from Agbelouve

Follow-up communication was arranged through cell-phone messages and calls between M AHIAKPONOU Yawo and L&D to be sure of the implementation. The programme in the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars and hairdressers, etc.

This programme ended on 31th of August 2020 and an onsite visit took place on 30 August 2020 to consider the real end and discuss with the loan takers.

It was noted that:

  • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contain every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKPONOU Yawo.
  • L&D has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
  • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • An Android Phone was bought for M AHIAKPONOU Yawo to enable good communication and for WhatsApp discussions.
  • Regular discussions were performed with M Yao concerning the programme and challenges.
  • Mobile money transfer is used to reduce money transfer costs and this is also working well in this sanitary situations with COVID-19.

The people involved in this programme were happy while the smile began again with these forms of cooperatives. All of them appreciated the support.


Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The mobility of M Yao is a very real issue. Because every week, he travels more than 60 km to collect money from the women.
    • Proposed solution: Mobil money transfer.
  • The limit of the amount of the loans is 40000F CFA (60 euros) but some activities would benefit from more funds to reach sustainability.
    • Proposed solution: Increased volume of the capital.
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated into the programme.
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up with the demand.
  • A large number of candidates from the previous phase of the programme are requesting a continuation.
    • Proposed solution: Make a survey about the understanding and experiences among participants in the previous phase of the programme, in order to learn the lessons and further strengthen the programme design.

The situation on 31 August  2020, FCFA

Invested on the field




Expenses at the end






Reimbursement on 31 August  2020

1 476 000

Travel fees & salary of M Yao (35,000 (€50) *6)


Mobil money transfer (1,500 (€2) *4*6)




Transport of L&D on 30/08/2020 (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out)


Remaining to be collected





Funds paid back to the account




Status report October 2020

Coaching report

by Milohum DZAGLI,
October 03th 2020


Through the coaching of Leaders & Development (L&D), Togo, thirty (30) peoples got loans from HR&S – Action10 villages Programme No A3. This term ended end of august 2020. The management of this programme is now lead by a partner with a closer link to the villages, M. AHIAKONOU Yawo. TRUST, RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY were found along with this new start of the programme.

So new contracts were signed on October 03th, 2020 and the first reimbursement is set on October 08th, 2020. Sixty people (58 women and 2 men) were involved for the next six (6) months. This report concerns the launch of the activities of the implementation of the second phase of the “Small-scale business programme in Agbelouve”, Togo.

Agbelouve is a small town about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated with three small villages Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo and Foulani Kondji, which are situated within 30 km from Agbelouve.

Follow-up communication was arranged through cell-phone messages and calls between M AHIAKONOU Yawo and L&D to be sure of the implementation and to recruit people to be involved. The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars, etc.

On October, 03th, 2020

  • A workshop on how to use the grants and attitudes to avoid and to reimburse all the amount was addressed to all the participants in each village.
    The workshop was held by M DZAGLI, M AHIAKONOU Yawo and Mme NYAGBE (L&D).
  • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that will contain every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
  • RISETogo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
  • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • Regular discussions started with M Yao concerning the programme and difficulties.
  • Mobile money transfer is used to reduce transport costs of M Yawo to Lomé or to a bank for the transfer.

The people involved in this programme were happy while the smile began again with these forms of cooperatives.

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The mobility of M Yao is a very real issue. Because every week, he travels more than 60 km to collect money from around 60 people.
    Proposed solution: a coaching fee (collection fee) is set to be paid by each Target Partner (115 FCFA).
  • The minimum of the amount of the loans is 40000F CFA (60 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability.
    Proposed solution: ten (10) people saw their amount increased to 50000 (76euros) or 60000 (91 euros) of the capital.
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated into the programme
    Proposed solution: More fund needed to meet the request.
  • A large number of candidates from the previous phase of the programme are proposing a continuation.
    Proposed solution: Make a survey about the understanding and experiences among participants in the previous phase of the programme, in order to learn the lessons and further strengthen the programme design.

Expenses for the programme



Transport of M Alexis (in Lomé)


Transport of L&D on 03/10/2020 (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out)

10 000

Print of contracts


Conception of contract and book


Copy of Book / Sale of Book


Invested on the field

2 560 000


2 576 200

Investment, Agbelouwe & villages, F CFA









First round paid back

1 200 000

ActionInvest (Euro 3000)

1 954 000


 3 154 000

Capital Invested

2 560 000


16 200


2 576 200


578 000


For coaches, Euro 900 (4*225)

590 310

Number of participants



Capital + Interest





Coaching / Collection fees charged  Target Partners


Transfer fees

(Money Transfer)




117 430

106 690

10 740

6 900

3 000

5 400


469 720

426 760

42 960

27 600

12 000

21 600

Duration 2 of the programme (6 months)

 2 818 320

2 560 560

257 760

165 600

72 000



Monthly expenses

Admin & communication

5 000

Coaching or collection costs

27 600

Monthly salary supplement M Yawo (41 560)

13 960

Women (2)

12 000

Transfer fee

12 000


70 560

End Programme – TOTAL (x 6)


Visit report  Nov 2020


Through the TRUST, RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY instituted in the management, HR&S – Action10 villages Programme No A3 increased the number of loan takers in the villages on the 31st October 2020. This is the result of the new fund supplied by the HR&S – Action10. The management of this programme is led by our closer link to the villages, M. AHIAKONOU Yawo. After the sixty (60) new contracts, signed on October 03rd, 2020, new thirty (30) women were now involved in the programme for twenty-four (24) weeks. Their first reimbursement started on November 05th, 2020.

This report concerns the launch of the activities of the implementation of this phase of the “Small-scale business programme in Agbelouve”, Togo.
Agbelouve (Prefecture of Zio) is a small town about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated to three small villages Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo and Foulani Kondji, which are situated within 30 km from Agbelouve. Some new members come from nearest villages such as Kpei, Trekpedji Akakotsokope and Tokpo. Follow-up communication was arranged through cell-phone messages and calls between M AHIAKONOU Yawo and L&D to be sure of the implementation and to recruit people to be involved. The programme on the field comprised of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars, etc.

On October, 31st, 2020

  • A workshop on how to use the grants and attitudes to avoid and to reimburse all the amount was addressed to all the participants in each village as advice (by M DZAGLI, M AHIAKONOU Yawo and Mme NYAGBE, Rise Centre Togo B&PR).
  • Each loan taker was advised to manage their activities making the economy to reach sustainability in a few years (for example 2 years).
  • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that will contain every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
  • A general excel sheet was set for all the loan takers to contain all transactions.
  • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • Regular discussions started with M Yao concerning the programme and difficulties.
  • Arrangements are made to reduce the transport costs of M Yawo to Lomé or the transfer cost.
  • The minimum of the amount of the new loans is 30000F CFA (46 euros) and the maximum is 40000 (60 euros) of the capital.

The people involved in this programme were happy while the smile began again with these forms of cooperatives.

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The mobility of M Yao is a very real issue. Because every week, he travels more than 60 km to collect money from around 90 people.
    • Proposed solution: a coaching fee (collection fee) is set to be paid by each Target Partner (115 FCFA) per week. Also, the broken moto of M Yawo is repaired by HR&S – Action10 (150 000 FCFA) to help him in the transportation.
  • Male candidates are expecting being integrated into the programme
    • Proposed solution: Good result from the actual programme can lead to their integration. More fund needed to come up of this demand
  • A large number of candidates from the previous phase of the programme are expecting a continuation.
    • Proposed solution: Make a survey about the understanding and experiences among participants in the previous phase of the programme, in order to learn the lessons and further strengthen the programme design.
  • New cooperatives are coming on the field to grant people. Women would like to take many engagements to get more capital.
    • Proposed solution: As our rate would be the best, people are still interested in. But investigations are improved to avoid loan takers with two different loans. The need to increase the amount of the loan is raised.


Expenses for the programme


Action 10

Transport of M Alexis (in Lomé)


Transport of Coaches on 31/10/2020 (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo -Lomé, in and out)

10 000

Print of contracts and envelop


The conception of contract and book


Copy of Book / Sale of Book


Moto repairing


Cell Phone


Invested on the field

1060 000


1 275 800



unsplash - us

Report  Report from field visit

by Ms. NYAGBE.

In order to support poor women in the Zio prefecture to improve their living conditions, HR&S – A10 through their representation, HR&S RISE Center in Togo, carried out, on October 31, 2020, a loan granting activity to certain women. .
Being all resellers, they numbered 30 in the respective villages of Agbelouvé, Agbodzekpo, Kotsokope and surrounding areas.
In total, an amount of one million sixty thousand (1,060,000) FCFA has been spread over a six (6) month term, the weekly repayment of which depends on the amount borrowed. For a loan of forty thousand (40,000) FCFA, the repayment amounts to one thousand nine hundred and fifty (1950) FCFA, or one thousand four hundred and ninety (1,490) FCFA for thirty thousand (30,000) FCFA of loan.
During this period, refunds will be sent to the account of HR&S RISE Support Center in Togo.
A phase of our meeting was devoted to the questionnaires of the beneficiaries following the advice given respectfully by the coaches of the RISE Togo Mr. DZAGLI and Ms. NYAGBE and the the Programme Manager Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo, .
At the end of our meeting we visited some members of the group who had received financial support to verify their activity and the day was closed with the delivery of a new telephone and a sum of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) FCFA to Mr. Yawo for the repair of his motorcycle as part of his continuing work.


Test-E report  Nov 2020

12 November 2020
In the localities of Agbelouve, Foulany Kondji, Agbodjokpo and Kotso Kope.
By Ms. Elisabeth Abra DRAFOR
with support from Mr Yawo concerning logistics.
Survey management coach at HR&S RISE Support Centre in Togo.

Survey Method

This survey took place on Wednesday 12/11/2020 in AGBELOUVE, FOULANY KONDJI, AGBODJOKPO and KOTSO KOPE, and targeted

  1. a compilation of the income-generating activities of the beneficiaries
  2. the change brought about by this programme in their life.
  3. A compilation of the names of the loan-takers and the amount borrowed.
  • The survey went from one village to the next during one day.
  • The day of the week selected for the survey was Wednesday, which is the official market day in the region.
  • Ms Elisabeth, the survey management coach was accompanied by Mr. Yawo, the programme manager. Mr. Yawo drove Ms. Elisabeth on his motorbike so that she could reach the villages more easily.
  • The team was able to meet with 46 out of 90 beneficiaries of the programme.
  • Elisabeth spoke with each partner individually.


Type of businesses that would benefit from scaling-up include; sales of corn, rise, small fish, smoked fish, doughnuts, soya cheese, juice, condiments, cosmetic products, assessories, porrage, porrage with sugar, food from corn to eat at the shop,  juice to drink at the shop, local food, local beer, and medicin, as well as; food shop, small item shop, tailoring, hairderssing wiht sales of wigs, and medical treatment,


Each of the business managers have received different sizes of loans of between 30,000 and 60,000 FCFA depending on the activity carried out.


Business size – scaling up
The beneficiaries inform that they have been able to scale-up their bsuinesses and increase their turn-over as a result of this programme. The loan has made it possible for the business managers to procure more material required for their businesses. The customer demand is in balance with, or larger than, the scaling up and all products have been sold. This has increased the profit for the business managers.

Number of businesses – increased
From stage one, to two to three during 2020 have the  number of participants increased by the maximum number; 30 each time, thus, 30, 60, 90. The maximum number refers to the size of the capital available for loans. Thus the number of potential HR&S business managers are in balance with, or larger than, the capital made available for the loans. This has increased the number of business managers that can increase the profit for their businesse.

New businesses
There are several new start-up activities of which some are mentioned here:
– WOGBAGAN Kafui in KOTSOKOPE who is a hairdresser started the sale of wigs.
– DAYLOR in AGBODJOKPO procured more corn for sale of porridge and added the sale of sugar.
– KAZARO ADJO started selling smoked fish in addition to the previous corn trade.
– AZINOU in AGBODJOKPO, was enabled her to equip her health hut, which previously lacked materials.

Level of paying back – high
The pay back level of 100 percent after stage ONE demonstrates
– the loan-takers determination to pay back and
– the programme manager M Yawo’s capacity to supervise the loan-takers and keep the programme together. 

Income generation – sustainability
The business managers did not point out any issues that could cause the business to break-down, other than unexpected drops in sales and customer base a few times.
Despite these challenges that business managers reassure their dedication to always settle again no matter the situation.

Profit management – saving
Asking the question about the management of their profits, the majority of the beneficiaries told that after they weekly paid Mr. Yawo in order to manage their saving. They paid saved either daily or weekly (200fcfa to 300fcfa / day) or (1000fcfa to 3000fcfa / week). This allows them to manage any unforeseen costs and other expenses parallel to the activity. Those who are not saving have been encouraged to start doing so.

Programme management – Mr. Yawo
The programme manager Mr. Yawo has shown capacity to supervise the loan-takers how to genereta a profit, to enourgae them to save, identify new loan-takers and keep the programme together. 

Lessons learned from previous phase: 2013 – 2018
The programme manager is a villager him-self, and this may be one of the reason why the re-start of the programme in 2020 is more successful than the previous.

The business managers warmly thank the people in charge of this program for their contribution and support and hope that it will be continuous.


From stage one, to two to three during 2020 have the  number of participants increase by the maximum number; 30 each time, thus, 30, 60, 90. The maximum number refers to the size of the capital available for loans.

This clearly demonstrates how this programme is useful for the beneficiaries
Also, the pay back of 100 percent after stage one demonstrates
– the loan-takers determination to pay back and
– the programme manager M Yawo’s capacity to hole the programme together. 

Next visit

The next visit will focus on unvisited beneficiaries. The reason why they could not be interviewed this time was due to either their absence and becasue it became late in the evening. Moreover during the next visit we will

  1. Ask open-ended survey questions.
    1. What do you think about this initiative?
    2. What is good?
    3. What can be improved?
    4. Other.
  2.  Call for group meeting and ask open-ended group questions.
    1. Ask each member to talk freely about the programme and invite the others to comment.
  3. Ask for un-guided testimonies.
  4. Take photos and video, with written conent to be shared on web-site and possibly social media as well.

Details about the business managers



1 DZENE Akossiwa Seamstress 60,000 FCFA
2 KODEGUI Christine 98181293 Catering + Purchase Sale of Corn 60,000 FCFA
3 KODEGUI Amavi 91473594 Sale of juice + catering 40,000 FCFA
4 AGBESSIME Adjowavi 96602410 Sale of condiments 40,000 FCFA
5 KODEGUI Friend
6 KODEGUI Mangui
7 DOTSE Ablavi 97 608 503 Sale of wig 40,000 FCFA
8 EDOH Ablavi
10 SODOGA Kossiwa 98736950 Sale of Thrift Store 40,000 FCFA
11 AGBOMADJI Friend 97291179 Rice trade 40,000 FCFA
12 ZIGAH Akoua
13 DAYO Afi
14 AYIBOKOU Friend
15 ABALO Catherine
16 YAPE Adjovi
17 DEDJO Akpedjé 97654297 Sale of cosmetic products + accessories 40,000 FCFA
18 AVOUKOU Akossiwa



1 AHIAWONOU Adjo Small general food shop 60,000 FCFA
2 KOGLO Philomène S / C 93 509 308 Purchase Sale of Corn 60,000 FCFA
3 NYADEDJO Adjo Restauration 40,000 FCFA
4 AGBOZO Afiyo 70 172 472 Sale of condiments + Catering 40,000 FCFA
5 AYITE Dela 93511300 Thrift store + Accessories 40,000 FCFA
6 AMOUZOU Délali Sale of small fish + Donut 40,000 FCFA
7 SETEWOU Ami S / C 93511 300 Sale of condiments 40,000 FCFA
8 AKAYI Amavi S / C 70 172 472 Sale of soy cheese 40,000 FCFA



2 DAYILOR Yawa 70090762 Sale of Porridge 40,000 FCFA
4 AZINOU Yawa 91580020 Medical case 40,000 FCFA
5 DOAMEKPO Abra S / C92894711 Smoked fish 40,000 FCFA


1 ABALO Abra Sale of Condiment 50,000 FCFA
2 ADJALAM Yawa Purchase and Sale of Corn 50,000 FCFA
3 AGBEVE Yawavi
4 AGBELENKO Adjovi Purchase Sale of Corn 40,000 FCFA
6 AMOUSSOUVI Adjovi Sale of Condiment
40,000 FCFA
7 AWANGA Amavi Local Drink
8 EDJA Sena
9 FETSE Afi Restauration + General Food 60,000 FCFA
10 KLOUTSE Akossiwa
11 KLUKPOE Mole Restauration (Pate, fufu) 50,000 FCFA
12 KOTA Souzana Production and Sale of Local Drinks 40,000 FCFA
13 NAPO Akossiwa
14 SIKA Abravi
16 WOGBAGAN Kafui Dressing table 40,000 FCFA
17 ATANDEMA Akuya Local Drink + Soy cheese 40,000 FCFA
18 DUNKU Massa Sale of Condiment 40,000 FCFA
19 SASI Adjo
20 NAGBADJA Boumpoua
21 GBOUDOU Akossiwa Shoe + loincloth 40,000 FCFA
23 SOWUBO Honorine Bassine + accessories seal 40,000 FCFA
24 FANWOU Julienne Pharmaceuticals + cosmetics + accessories 40,000 FCFA
25 GOSSOU Ablavi Maize + Accessories 40,000 FCFA
26 WOGBAGAN Mensavi
27 MBOM Marthe Local drink 40,000 FCFA
29 KODJO Kuya
30 ALIMO Adjo Local drink 40,000 FCFA
31 KLAKEVI Odette Restauration 40,000 FCFA
32 KPATA Morotowa
33 TOUN Akossiwa
34 KOTSO Woèvi
35 TEVI Massa
36 DUNKU Dovi Condiment 40,000 FCFA
38 KAZARO Adjo Purchase Sale of corn + smoked fish and loincloth 40,000 FCFA
39 KLOUKPOE Akouvi Bar Restauration 40,000 FCFA
40 SEGBE Adjo 91433514 Sale of condiments 40,000 FCFA
41 ABALO Akouvi
42 ABALO Akossiwa 79553135 Sale of condiment 40,000 FCFA
43 ABALO Abrayo 93034304 Commercial but 40mil
44 ABALO Afi
45 SAVI Abouya General Food 40,000 FCFA
47 DUNKOU Essi
48 FIOEGBE Adjovi General Food 30,000 FCFA
49 KAZARO Friend
50 KPATEKA Amavi
51 AWUNU Essi
52 FETSE Yawo
54 FOFOE Akouvi
55 AMEKO Friend

End of the year 2020
evaluation planning report


By  Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, (Assoc. Prof.)
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)


HR&S – Action10 proposed to restart of Programme No A3 under the management of a partner with a closer link to the villages, M. AHIAKONOU Yawo.  Follow-up communication was arranged through cell-phone messages and calls setting all. This programme is implemented at Agbelouve, a small town situated at about 50 km from Lomé and it is associated to neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, which are situated within 30 km from Agbelouve. The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, bars and hair dressers, etc.

L&D worked with M. AHIAKONOU Yawo to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme through the coaching. L&D and Rise Centre Togo were involved in the programme design with including:

  • A business plan
  • Bookkeeping
  • Contract sheet
  • Recruitment and Workshops
  • Management of ActionInvest funds
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
    • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
    • Mobile money transfer is used to reduce money transfer costs and this is also working well in this sanitary situations with COVID-19.

For this, contracts were signed:

  • For the first group on 29 /02/2020 and the programme layed from 01 march 2020 (first reimbursement 12th March 2020) to end at 31st August 2020. Thirty (30) people (29 women and 1 man) were involved for six (6) months.
    1. L&D has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
    2. A first android Phone was bought for M AHIAKONOU Yawo for helping for a good communication and for WhatsApp discussion
  • A second group was set from 03/10/2020 to 18/03/2021. Sixty (60) people (58 women and 2 men) were involved for six (6) months under the Rise Centre Togo. It’s noted that:
    1. Rise Centre Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.
    2. A more sophisticated android Phone was bought for M AHIAKONOU Yawo for helping for a good communication and for WhatsApp discussion
  • A third additional group was set from 03/11/2020 to18/04/2021 in pararel to the group 2. Thirty (30) people (30 women) were involved for six (6) months under the Rise Centre Togo.
    1. Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
    2. Rise Centre Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.

At this date ninety (90) people were happy being involved in this programme in these villages.  Smile began again in families with these forms of cooperatives. All of them appreciated the support.
For the first group, all the target partner (TP) payed back their loan. And for the Group 2 and 3, at this stage every TP is on time concerning the reimbursement.
M Yao’s motorbike was repaired to help him to join every week the TP.  To help him, two women were associated to M Yao to collect the money and advice people.

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • Too small amount of capital to give out as loans. The limit of the amount of the loans is 40000F CFA (60 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability.
    • Proposed solution: Increased volume of the capital.
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand
  • A large number of candidates from the previous phase of the programme are expecting a continuation.
    • Proposed solution: Make a survey about the understanding and experiences among participants in the previous phase of the programme, in order to learn the lessons and further strengthen the programme design.


Concerning the business plan, the sustainability of the programme will be after two (2) years of the programme where the women would run their activities by their own capital through the interest they got from the support of Action10. So another rounds of the programme would help them to fulfill this objective.
On the field, the main request was that how to introduce many men in the group, while they ask about the opportunities.
These groups will end at 31st march and 30th April 2021, respectively. So If all go well a next tour will be in may for new people or old one.



GROUP 1 closed on 31 August 2020

Situation on 31 August  2020

Invested on the field


1 200 000


Expenses at the end






Reimbursement on 31 August  2020



Travel fees & salary of M Yao (35000*6)


210 000


Mobil money transfer (1500*4*6)








Transport of L&D on 30/08/2020 (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out)



Fund back on 31 August  2020


1 476 000

On the field to collect







Fund payed back at the end



1 200 000







Sent by Action 10 (2000 euros)

1 311 800 F CFA

Received on the bank account  (1972 euros)

1 293 547 F CFA

Bank and installation costs (7%) (140 euros)

91 830 F CFA

Capital investment

1 219 970 F CFA

Credit amount per person

40 000 F CFA

Capital Invested

1 200 000 F CFA

Number of participants



Capital + Interest + collection costs



Collect fees charged to beneficiaries

Transfer fees

(Money Transfer)

















Duration (6 months)








Monthly expenses

Transport or collection costs


Monthly salary supplement


Total 1


Transfer fee


Admin & communication /month


Total 2


Total (1+2)


End Programme (TOTAL (x 6))

276 000


Expenses at the launching of the programme Group 1



Action 10

Transport of M Yao (Agbelouve-Lomé, in and out)



Transport of L&D on 29/02/2020 (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzakpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out)


15 000


Telephone for coordination to M Yao



Print of contracts



Conception of contract and book



Copy of Book



Invested on the field


1 200 000



1 250 600

Auditing report 2020

Aditor HR&S RISE Support Centre Togo


Pursuant to the contract for the audit assignment signed on November 18, 2020 with ACTION10 / HR&S, we present to you our audit report carried out on February 1 and February 07, 2021 relating to the credit activities of the A3 programme called SMALL-SCALE BUSINESS at Agbélouvé and surrounding villages supported by the association Leaders & Développement (LD) during the year 2020.

This report covers the examination of the annual report presented and the control of the accounts and various operations


Leaders & Développement is an association working in education, health, agriculture and income-generating activities and is headquartered in Lomé. This association has accepted to support a programme abandoned by the NGO Solidarité Enfance de Vie (SEVIE) called SMALL SCALE BUSINESS. This program is located in Agbélouvé,  50 km from Lomé and has ramifications in the surrounding villages. These villages are: Foulani Kondji; Kotsokopé and Agbodzékpo. The main activity of this program is to financially support the income-generating activity of women through microcredits.


The A3 program is administered by two main members namely: – Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, Chief Executive Officer at L&D and – Mr. Yawo AHIAKPONOU , assistant to the manager. Given the difficulties on the ground, Mr. AHIAKPONOU Yawo was assisted by two women. These are Ms. DALOR Yawa and Ms. DJENE Kossiwa. They are Mr. Yawo’s associates in the field and in charge of the mobilization for the repayment of credits.


To support the women of AGBELOUVE and its surroundings, ACTION10 and HR&S have made funds available to L&D and the A3 Programme during the year 2020 for a total amount of EUR seven thousand (7.000) , or approximately four million five one hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred (4,591,300) CFA francs. The funds have been made available to finance income-generating activities in the form of credit to be repaid and to cover other costs as shown in the following allocation tables:





MONTANT en Euros



1er Transfert via le compte de M. DZAGLI


1 311 800






Frais de tranfert prélévé sur le compte

18 365

Montant affecté aux crédits

1 200 000


93 435


1 311 800












2ème Transfert Via compte RISE TOGO


1 967 700






Frais de tranfert prélévé sur le compte

17 390

Montant affecté aux crédits

1 360 000

Avance aux Coachs Rise Togo (900 euros)

590 310


1 967 700












3ème Transfert Via compte RISE TOGO


1 311 800






Frais de tranfert prélévé sur le compte

18 365

Montant affecté aux crédits

1 060 000

Réparation Moto Yawo

150 000

Achat Téléphone à Yawo

49 500

Confection des carnets aux membres

15 000

Autres dépenses (transport, communication)

18 935


1 311 800





Out of 4,591,300 CFA of funds transferred in 2020, three million six hundred and twenty thousand (3,620,000) CFA francs were allocated to credit operations, i.e. a proportion of 78.85% of the total. During the year 2020, credits were granted three times to women’s groups.

3.1.1. 1st group credit

The 1st credit is given on February 28, 2020 to 30 people. Each of them received forty thousand (40,000) CFA francs for a total amount of one million two hundred thousand (1,200,000) francs invested over a period of six (6) months. At the end of the period, September 20, 2020, all 30 people have paid the principal and interest in full. This first loan generated interest of one hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred (182,400) francs. Taking into account the complexity of the operations in the field, collection costs were imposed and gave ninety-three thousand six hundred (93,600) francs. Thus the total interest and collection costs (182,400 F + 93,600 F) gives two hundred and seventy-six thousand (276,000) CFA francs.

Récapitulatif sur le 1er Crédit

Capital investi en crédit

1 200 000

Intérêts payés par les bénéficiaires

182 400

Frais de collecte des crédits

93 600


1 476 000


3.1.2 Credit to the 2nd Group

This second credit was given on October 3, 2020 and benefited 60 people including 26 people out of 30 of the 1st credit and 34 new for a total amount of 2,560,000 F over six months as shown in the table below:



Nombre de bénéficiaires

Montant du crédit

Montant Total

Anciens bénéficiaires


60 000

360 000

Anciens bénéficiaires


50 000

200 000

Anciens bénéficiaires


40 000

640 000

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


40 000

1 360 000




2 560 000

Intérêts attendus



256 000




2 816 000


These loans will generate a total amount of two hundred and fifty-six thousand (256,000) CFA francs in interest at the rate of 10%. These credits are still being reimbursed

3.1.3 Credit to the 3rd Group

One month after the loan to the 2nd group, thirty (30) people received loans totaling one million sixty thousand (1,060,000) CFA francs on October 31, 2020, to produce one hundred and six thousand (106,000) francs in interests.



Nombre de bénéficiares

Montant du crédit

Montant Total

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


40 000

640 000

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


30 000

420 000




1 060 000

Intérêts attendus



106 000






unsplash - pens


Out of 4,591,300 CFA of funds transferred in 2020, three million six hundred and twenty thousand (3,620,000) CFA francs were allocated to credit operations, i.e. a proportion of 78.85% of the total. During the year 2020, credits were granted three times to women’s groups.

3.1.1. 1st group credit

The 1st credit is given on February 28, 2020 to 30 people. Each of them received forty thousand (40,000) CFA francs for a total amount of one million two hundred thousand (1,200,000) francs invested over a period of six (6) months. At the end of the period, September 20, 2020, all 30 people have paid the principal and interest in full. This first loan generated interest of one hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred (182,400) francs. Taking into account the complexity of the operations in the field, collection costs were imposed and gave ninety-three thousand six hundred (93,600) francs. Thus the total interest and collection costs (182,400 F + 93,600 F) gives two hundred and seventy-six thousand (276,000) CFA francs.

Récapitulatif sur le 1er Crédit

Capital investi en crédit

1 200 000

Intérêts payés par les bénéficiaires

182 400

Frais de collecte des crédits

93 600


1 476 000

3.1.2 Credit to the 2nd Group

This second credit was given on October 3, 2020 and benefited 60 people including 26 people out of 30 of the 1st credit and 34 new for a total amount of 2,560,000 F over six months as shown in the table below:


Nombre de bénéficiaires

Montant du crédit

Montant Total

Anciens bénéficiaires


60 000

360 000

Anciens bénéficiaires


50 000

200 000

Anciens bénéficiaires


40 000

640 000

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


40 000

1 360 000




2 560 000

Intérêts attendus



256 000




2 816 000

These loans will generate a total amount of two hundred and fifty-six thousand (256,000) CFA francs in interest at the rate of 10%. These credits are still being reimbursed

3.1.3 Credit to the 3rd Group

One month after the loan to the 2nd group, thirty (30) people received loans totaling one million sixty thousand (1,060,000) CFA francs on October 31, 2020, to produce one hundred and six thousand (106,000) francs in interests.


Nombre de bénéficiares

Montant du crédit

Montant Total

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


40 000

640 000

Nouveaux bénéficiaires


30 000

420 000




1 060 000

Intérêts attendus



106 000







3.2.1. The RISE Togo Bank Account

At the date of the audit, the A3 programme has on the account of RISE Togo the sum of one million nine hundred and seven thousand two hundred and sixty-five (1,907,265) CFA francs. The disbursement is made on the account of Rise Togo by 2 people: – Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, the 1st Manager of Rise Togo and – Mr. Alexis AKOTCHAYE, his deputy.

3.2.2 Procedure for collecting and depositing funds into the bank account.

Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo receives the various reimbursements made on the credits received. These funds collected are then paid into an account in a microfinance institution on site in Agbélouvé. This account is opened in the name of Mr. DZAGLI. These funds are then transferred from this account to the RISE Togo account opened at Banque Atlantique; which causes transfer fees of six thousand (6,000) francs each month.

3.2.3 Keeping the cash register.

No assets are available in liquidity, everything is transferred to the bank account.


The 1st credit is fully reimbursed with interest. The 2nd and 3rd credits are in the process of being reimbursed, at the date of the audit, all reimbursements have been made normally, there has been no delay. The amounts received in reimbursement of the credits are paid into the bank account.


5.1- Verification of loan books and forms

Out of a total of ninety-two (92) notebooks made out to members, fifty-three (53) do not have a photo, ie more than half of the beneficiary members. This fact can lead to the risk of false beneficiaries. Likewise, not all notebooks are numbered in order of registration (risk of duplication). In addition, there is no entry of the credit amount in the book, only the reimbursement is included. The loan forms are fully completed and signed by the programme managers, the beneficiary and the witnesses, but without an identity photo.

5.2. Verification of refunds

All repayments are entered in the booklets in two copies, one of which is with the beneficiary of the credit. These reimbursements are also entered in the management file in Excel kept by Mr. DZAGLI. We observed that all the beneficiaries repay their loans well and without delay, but in the book there was no separation between the first loan reimbursed and the second being reimbursed.

5.3 Verification of expenditure

The expenses incurred relate to the payment of programme managers and the expenses necessary for the proper functioning of the programme.

5.3.1 Expenses on transfer funds HR&S-ACTION10

Of the funds transferred by HR&S / ACTION 10, apart from appropriations, two hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and thirty-five (233,435) francs were used directly to cover expenses including:
– Repair of the motorcycle of AHIAKONOU Yawo ………………. 150,000 F
– New phone at Yawo ……………………………………… 49.500 F
– Making a notebook for members ……………………………… 25,000 F
– Other expenses …………………………………………………… 8,935 F

Supporting documents for these expenses exist but are poorly classified.

5.3.2 Expenditure on interest received on credits.

On the credit of the 1st group, 182,400 F of interest is obtained. To this was added the collection costs 93,600 F or a total of 276,000 F. These funds were used as follows:


Montant mensuel




Salaire de AHIAKONOU Yawo

35 000


210 000


Frais de communication de deux assistantes de Yawo

5 000


30 000


Frais de transfert du compte Agbélouvé à Lomé

6 000


36 000





276 000

The verification of Yawo’s pay slips make 187,780 F instead of 210,000 F and those assisting Yawo, namely Mesdames AHIAWONOU Adjo and KOGLO Filomène make 27,000 F instead of 30,000 F. There is therefore no compliance with the expenses actually performed. The transfer fees are withdrawals from the account, so no receipt; it’s correct. It should be noted that the interest that will be received on the 2nd and 3rd credits will be used to pay the programme manager Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo.


• The year-end report produced by the programme managers does not take into account the amounts of credits granted to the 2nd and 3rd groups
• Regarding the management of credits, apart from the 10% regulatory, those in charge of the A3 programme have instituted collection costs of 130F for the 1st group and 115F for the 2nd and 3rd group per week and per beneficiary, which in reality increases the cost of credit, which penalizes the beneficiaries.
• The supporting documents for expenses are messy.
• Women’s complaints: They want the new loan after the actual repayment of their loans to last only one to two weeks in order to preserve their activities. They ask for an increase in the credit ceiling limited to 70,000 F to 100,000 F minimum.
• Many alumni who had worked with SEVIE want to join the programme. The financial envelope for programme A3 should therefore be increased.
• The report published by the persons in charge of the A3 programme is in English whereas we are in a French-speaking country this can be assimilated to an obstacle to our mission.


In view of all of the above, the mission makes the following recommendations:


– Paste a photo on the membership cards to be able to identify all the beneficiaries by name
– Enter credit repayments separately by page or by sheet for more readability in order to make repayment checks easier.


– Consider opening an account in the name of the programme at AGBELOUVE in order to avoid transfer fees of 6,000 F per month.
– Systematically record the various operations and classify the accounting documents by type of operations carried out.
– Have Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo sign the pay slips in time and the communication costs to his assistants.
– Prepare a monthly statement allowing regular monitoring of credits and payments on the account;
– Simply abandon the collection costs imposed.
– That the coach-accountant also play the role of internal controller.


– Now present reports in French before any transcription.
– The annual report must take into account all credit transactions for the year.
– Develop a small manual of administrative and financial procedures


– Add additional funds to deal with the files of new applicants awaiting credit.


The mission went smoothly and without any obstacles. Overall, the verifications proved that the documents presented conform to reality and the management is acceptable, but only the annual report presented did not take into account the figures for the appropriations of the 2nd and 3rd group. We hope that the recommended recommendations will be taken into account for an optimal improvement of the management of the A3 program.

Done in Lomé, February 18, 2021


Project update 2020

During 2020, 117 women and 2 men were enrolled in our programme supporting business owners. They are today operating their own business in a more sustainable way and are better equipped to support their families with school and health-care fees.  Our local support team is in weekly contact with the loan-takers to help them address challenges, understand their needs and ambitions and empower their businesses.  During 2021 will we scale up the loan to those who will benefit as well as support new business managers. 38 women have applied to become part of the programme and now the next step for Action10 is to raise funds and support the growing and new entrepreneurs.


By Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, (Assoc. Prof.)
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)

From the annual report and the auditor report, we would like to define the following plan for this year 2021. As results from some recommendations, M.  AHIAKPONOU Yawo and I suggest this budget for the year 2021.  The first group ended on 18th march, 2021 and the last group will end one month  later, so it will be good to set the next stage. For this, M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo made a survey on the expectation of women concerned by the programme.  From this, 38 women set their applications to be involved in the programme and  all the last promotion participants requested of an upgrading of their capital if the  occasion will permit. The increasing of the old capital ranges from 10,000.00 to  20,000.00 FCFA each.  With this idea, loans will range from 40,000.00 FCFA (60 euros) to 70,000.00 FCFA (105 euros) each for 24 weeks from 1st may to 31st October 2021 (almost 6  months).

The capital balance at the end of the passed stage is 3,521,615.00 FCFA (5,369.00 euros). The total capital to be invested for the programme A3 on the field to the  128 future loan takers is 6,260,000.00 FCFA (9,544.00 euros). The amount to be  requested from ACTION10 equals to 3,558,260.00 FCFA (5,425.00 euros) comprised of the capital needed to add of 2,738,385.00 FCFA (4,175.00 euros),
the coaches’ emulations for 2021 of 787,080.00FCFA (1,200.00 euros) and the  bank transfer fees from ACTION10 to the account of the Rise Center Togo of  about 32,795.00 FCFA (50 euros). If this is achieved, no collection fees will be requested from the target people. The 10 % will be sufficient to cover the management of the programme such as:
M. AHIAKPONOU Yawo: 75,000.00 x 6 = 450,000. 00; Mme DALOR Yawa: 7,500.00 x 6 = 45,000.00; Mme DJENE Kossiwa: 7,500.00 x 6 = 45,000.00; Money  Transfer & communication = 86,000.00, Total = 620,000.00.


I. INITIAL CAPITAL 3,620,000.00 5,519.00
II. DEPENSES  (AUDITOR) 98,385.00 150.00
III. BALANCE 3,521,615.00 5,369.00
1. FINAL  CAPITAL 3,521,615.00 5,369.00
2. NEW  CAPITAL  EXPECTED 6,260,000.00 9,544.00
3. CAPITAL NEEDED 2,738,385.00 4,175.00
CAPITAL FOR  NEW LOANERS 1,560,000.00 2,378.00
4. AMOUNT OF  UPGRADING 1,080,000.00 1,647.00
5. COMPLEMENT 98,385.00 150.00
6. BANK  TRANSFER  FEE ± 32,795.00 ± 50.00
7. COACHES  (2021) 787,080.00 1,200.00 AUDIT 300.00 COACHES (225*4) 900.00
TOTAL 3,558,260.00 5,425.0

unsplash - water pattern

Ordre Identity Villages Start Date Date of  end Initial  Investissement New Investissement – upgrading
1. AGBEVE Yawavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
2. AMOUSSOUVI Adjo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
3. KLUKPOE Akouavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
4. WOGBAGAN Kafui KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
5. AWANGAN Amavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
6. KOTA Sousane KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
7. TSOMADJO Abra KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
8. KPATA Morotowa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
9. AGBELENKO Adjovi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
10. DUNKU Dovi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
11. KPANKPANDEMA Meza KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
12. EDOH Ablavi AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
13. NAPO Akossiwa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
14. ATANDEMA Akuyo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
15. TIKINTO Essi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
16. AKPAMOGBO Akou KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
17. SEGBE Adjo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
18. SIKA Abravi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
19. KLOUTSE Akossiavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
20. EDJA Sena AGBODJEKPOE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
21. KOTSO Woevi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
22. TEVI Massa AGBODJEKPOE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
23. DAYILOR Yawa AGBODJEKPOE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
24. TOUN Akossiwavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
25. NYADEDJO Adjo FOULANIKONDJI 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
26. AMOUZOU Delali KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
27. SETOWOU Ami KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
28. AKAI Amavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
29. AGBESSIME Adjowa AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
30. AYITE Della KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
31. AGBOZOADZEGAN Afiyo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
32. DOTSE Abravi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
33. KODEGUI Mangui AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
34. KODEGUI Ami AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
Honorine KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
36. KODZO Kuya KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
37. WOGBAGAN Messavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
38. ALIMO Adjo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
39. MBOM Marthe KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
40. FANWOU Julienne KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
41. DEGBEVI Yawo Akofa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
42. GOSSOU Ablavi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
43. DOUNOUGLO Yawa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
44. DUNKU Massadje KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
45. SAVI Adjo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
46. GBOUDOU Akossiwa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
47. NAGBADJA Boumpoua KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
48. ATTITSO Dovi KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
49. KLAKEVI Odette KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
50. KAZARO Adjo KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 40000 50000
51. KODEGUI Akouavi
Christine AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
52. KODEGUI AGBO Amavi AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
53. DZENE Akossiwa AGBELOUVE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
54. KOGLO Filomene FOULANIKONDJI 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
Martine FOULANIKONDJI 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
56. FETSE AfI KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 60000 70000
57. AHIAKONOU Yawo AGBODJEKPOE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 50000 70000
58. KLOUKPOE Mole KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 50000 70000
59. ABALO Abra KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 50000 70000
60. ADJALAM Yawa KOTSOKOPE 03/10/2020 18/03/2021 50000 70000
61. ADZOTSA Afia KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
62. KETEMEPI Akouvi AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
63. ABALO Akossiwa KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
64. ABALO Afi AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
65. SAVI Abouya KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
66. DJIDJONOU Ama KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
67. DUNKOU Essi KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
68. FIOEGBE Adjovi AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
Akossiwa AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
70. KPATEKA Amavi KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
71. FETSE Yawo AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
72. FOFOE Akouvi AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
73. KEKESSI Akou AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
74. AMEKO Ami AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 30000 50000
75. AWUNU Essi AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
76. ABALO Abrayo AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
77. ABALO Akouavi KOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
78. ATIGNO Bebe BATOUME 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
79. DOAMEKPOAbra AGBODJEKPOE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
80. AZIANOU Yawa KPEI 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
81. KOUWONOU Ami TREKPEDJI 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
82. KAZARO Meliwata AKAKOTSOKOPE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
83. AZIANYO Essi AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
84. SAPE Adjo AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/202
1 40000 50000
85. ABALO Katherine KPEI 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
86. AYIBOKOU AMI AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
87. DAYO Afi Woetcha AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
88. ZIGAH Akoua TOKPO 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
89. AGBOMADJI Ami AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
90. SODOGA Kossiwa AGBELOUVE 03/11/2020 18/04/2021 40000 50000
91. New loaner 40000
92. New loaner40000
93. New loaner40000
94. New loaner 40000
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96. New loaner 40000
97. New loaner 40000
98. New loaner 40000
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110. New loaner 40000
111. New loaner40000
112. New loaner40000
113. New loaner 40000
114. New loaner40000
115. New loaner40000
116. New loaner 40000
117. New loaner 40000
118. New loaner40000
119. New loaner40000
120. New loaner 40000
121. New loaner 40000
122. New loaner 40000
123. New loaner 40000
124. New loaner  40000
125. New loaner  40000
126. New loaner 40000
127. New loaner40000
128. New loaner40000



By Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, (Assoc. Prof.)
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)


HR&S Action10’s Programme NoA3 was activated from march 2020, with the coaching support of Leaders & development (L&D) President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI. Rounds of 6 months were set for each step of the programme under the management of Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field. This report concerned the round started from 06/05/2021 to 14/10/2021. Follow-up communication and coaching visit were involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve, situated at about 50 km from Lomé and its neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé. The programme on the field comprises of peoples with small business such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of RISE Centre Togo. To help Mr Yawo, two women were associated to him to collect the money and advice people.

Activities are including:

  • Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo.
    • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.

For this, contracts were signed under the RISE Centre Togo with a group of sixty (119) people (117 women and 2 men). The RISE Centre Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.

We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support. At the 14th of October 2021, all the target partners (TP) payed back their loan and interest.

Outcome challenges & Activities

  • The limit of the amount of the loans is 60000F CFA (90 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, restaurants, etc.
    • Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000 (152 euros) for the women that need upgrading.
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to ACTION10, we expect other new capital (2000 euros or more) for the next round.
  • Comment by Cecilia: If the RISE Togo team can become active on social media and support the ActionInvest fundraising campaigns we can increase the capital faster. RISE Centre Operations Team and RISE members to be actively involved with ActionInvest fundraising campaigns through crowdfunding platforms and social media.


The business plan set the sustainability of the programme after two (2) years where the women would run their activities by their own capital, building on the ActionInvest loan. So more rounds of the programme would help them to fulfill this objective if the support is continued. Men asked to be involved in the group and we are looking for how to handle this if some women withdrew from the programme. So if all go well a next tour will be in November 2021. For the perspective, 119 or more people will be involved in the programme with the actual capital on the bank account.

Mourning:  One of the women passed on at the end of the programme after a sickness. May her soul rest in peace.



Situation on 1st May 2021

Actual Bank statement (19/04/2021)



Payment of auditor (AKOTCHAYE)( 23/04/2021)


196 800

Transport (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out) on 1st may 2021



Invested on the field



Expected Interest



Number of participants



Situation on 30th October 2021

Reimbursement collected on the field

 14th  October 2021 (A)




Collection fees (B)




Amount collected (A-B)




Interest collected





Expenses at the end






Travel fees & salary of M Yao (6 months)




Women associated to M Yao (Perdiems) (6 months)




Money transfer Fees (24 weeks)




Admin & Communication  (6 months)




Transport of visiting L&D on (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani kope -Lomé, in and out) (27th August 2021)




TOTAL final




Balance Capital on the account





We would like to acknowledge all our partners for their support to the people in the villages and in Togo especially Mrs Cecilia ÖMAN, all the group of Action10 and HR&S.

Annual Report 2021
HR&S Branch Togo


By Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, (Assoc. Prof.)
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)
Team-leader HR&S Branch Togo.

  • Background

HR&S Action10’s Programme NoA3 has been coordinated by L&D since March 2020, continued in 2021 with the coaching support of Leaders & development (L&D) and its President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI. Each step of the programme was set for six (6) months and the Programme manager was Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field. In 2021, the round from 03/10/2020 ended at 15/04/2021, another round started from 06/05/2021 to 14/10/2021 and the ongoing round started from 28/11/2021 and will end at 12/05/ 2022.

This report stats all the activities in 2021. These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the term. The necessary that is useful to be involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve and neighbouring villages located about 50 km from Lomé. The neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve. The programme on the field took into account about 117 women and 2 men who strive in small businesses such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of Rise Centre Togo. Activities are including:

  • Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo.
    • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.

For this, contracts were signed under the Rise Centre Togo with a group of one hundred and nineteen (119) people (117 women and 2 men). The Rise Centre Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions. We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support. At the 31th of december 2021, all the target partners (TP) payed back their loan and interest. One woman was replaced by another at the 23nd December 2021 due to sickness. To help Mr Yawo, two women were associated to him to collect the money and advice people. Some women left the programme after a sickness or unfortunately in case of death (we had one case of death last year, may her soul rest in peace).

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, Restaurants, etc.
    • Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to Action10 and its staff that strive for new capital for the ongoing round and for the next round.


The sustainability of the A3 programme was set two (2) years where women would run their activities by their own capital through the interest they got from the support of Action10. So more rounds of the programme would help them to fulfill this objective if the support is continued. Men asked to be involved in the group and we are looking for how to handle this if some women withdrew from the programme. So if all go well, at next tour new candidate will be involved. For the perspective, 30 or more people will be involved in the programme for the next Action10 transfer.

Second programme

Concern the idea to extend this programme and if the supports from HR&S allow, a parallel programme will be set at Aguduvu, a small village not far from Amoussoukopé, Commune Agou2, Prefecture of Agou (80km from Lomé). Thirty (30) people were involved already in a similar programme that take into account old women and gather later young women under the control of SOWALO Komi. Action10 support will increase the number of the participants and upgrade the capital for some women. The group name is MILAWOE (we can do it) under Leaders & Development (L&D).



Many thanks to all our partners for their support to the people in the villages and in Togo especially Mrs Cecilia ÖMAN, all the group of Action10 and HR&S.


January, 30th 2022                               

Social enterprises proposals


Madame DZENE Akossiwa (the wife of M Yawo) took in charge part of the formation of the poor and orphan girls in the village and around to their certificate. She hopes to be involved in the tailoring project.


The manager, Mrs SOVON Akou Olivia

Tél. : (+228) 90 93 33 90 / 99 65 58 02

Email : Fernanda.sovon@gmail.com


Business proposal to Rise Center Togo to reinforce her business capacity to set a hair dressing room in Lomé and to work to pay back. (Amount requested 1264000F around 2000 euros)

January, 30th 2022                               

Replies to questions by Action10 in Feb 2022

Action10 is preparing a new campaign on our social media for International women´s day. We would like to write about women involved in our programmes. Since you know very well women in our Togo programme, and about their living situations, would you be willing to help us and our followers understand them better? Here are some questions:

  • What do women in our Togo programme produce, or sell?
    • Sale of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, local drinks
    • Set of bars, tailoring and hair dressing
  • Do they work alone, or have help from other family members?
    • Some activities are carried alone and some of them employed other people such as bars, tailoring and hair dressing that using young girls and orphans.
  • What motivated them to start their business, and what motivates them to continue doing it?
    • Climate change leads to lack of rain that affect farm works
    • Poverty
    • Earn money to take care of the family
  • Do they have support from their families and community in running their businesses?
    • No support,
    • Some women got loan in some back system, but the interest is high.
  • Did their status in the community change thanks to starting a business?
    • Yes of course
    • They are taking in charge the school fees of their children with their interest
    • Participate to well beings of their family in food and clothes
  • Are they more appreciated?
    • The women involved in the programme were now more and well appreciated and a joy joined their family.


Audit Report 2021


2021 AUDIT MISSION REPORT PROGRAM A.3 / Small-scale business


In execution of the audit mission contract signed on November 18, 2020 with ACTION10 / HR&S, we present to you our audit report carried out on December 6, 2023 relating to the credit activities of the A3 program called SMALL-SCALE BUSINESS in Agbélouvé and villages surrounding areas sponsored by the Leaders & Development (LD) association for the year 2021. This report concerns the examination of the 2021 annual report presented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of L&D; effective control of the accounts and the various operations carried out during the said period.


Leaders & Développement is an association working in education, health, agriculture and income-generating activities and is headquartered in Lomé. This association has agreed to sponsor the program called SMALL SCALE BUSINESS. The main activity of this programme consists of financially supporting women’s income-generating activities through microcredits. It is located in Agbélouvé located 50 km from Lomé and in its surrounding villages which are: Foulani Kondji; Kotsokopé and Agbodzékpo then Batoumé. .


The A3 program is administered by two main members, namely:
– Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of L&D 2021 AUDIT MISSION REPORT PROGRAM A.3 / Small-scale business
– Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo, his local assistant, responsible for ensuring the smooth running of all operations in the field.
Given the difficulties of the terrain, Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo was assisted by two women. These are Ms. DALOR Yawa and Ms. DJENE Kossiwa. They constitute Mr. Yawo’s relays on the ground, responsible for mobilizing with a view to repaying loans within the allotted time.


3.1 Management of fund transfers received from ACTION 10 and HRS during the year

To support the women of AGBELOUVE and its surrounding areas, ACTION10 and HR&S have made available to L&D and the A3 Program during the year 2021, apart from previous payments, a net amount of nine hundred and eighty-three thousand and eight one hundred and fifty (983,850) CFA francs according to the 2021 annual report. While on the bank statement it is 1,293,547 FCFA which was transferred (see Bank account statement on 04/19/2021). These funds are intended to support program activities. The usage is as follows:


MONTANT en Euros


Transfer via Program account


983 850


Transfer fees taken from the account

28 206

Amount allocated to credits on 11/28/2021

955 644


983 860




Note that the balance in the bank account on 03/31/2021 before receipt of the fund transfer on 04/12/2021 is two million eight hundred seven thousand two hundred sixty-five (2,807,265) CFA francs confers Bankaccount statement on 04/19/2021 in annex to L&D’s 2021 activity report.


Several successive waves of six (06) month credit were granted during the period.

3.2.1: 1st Wave of credit

From October 3, 2020 to April 15 and 18, 2021. (Granted at the end of 2020 over 6 months including 3 months in 2020 and 3 months in 2021)






Agbélouvé, Kotsokopé, Agbodjékpo, Foulani Kondji

1 200 000

30 Femmes

03-11-2020 au

120 000


Agbélouvé, Kotsokopé, Agbodjékpo, Foulani Kondji

3 620 000

90 Personnes
(88 Femmes et
02 Hommes)

03-10-2020 au

362 000


4 820 000


482 000



Capital investi sur le terrain

4 820 000

Intérêts attendus

482 000


5 302 000

The day after the closing of credit repayments on 04/19/2021, in the program’s bank account, there was an amount of four million eight hundred and forty-six thousand eight hundred and twelve (4,846,812) CFA francs.  The report did not mention the amount of expenditure made until the funds invested were recovered.n However, he mentioned the audit fees paid (196,800 F) and the travel expenses of those responsible for the program of 20,000 F, making a total of 216,800 F.

Montant collecté

4 846 812

Paiement de l’auditeur

196 800

Transport aux villages

20 000


4 630 012

This remaining amount was used to provide the 2nd Wave credits.

3.2.2.  2nd Wave of credit:

From May 6, 2021 to October 14, 2021 (Period of 6 months).

GROUPES: N°01, N°02 et N°03





Agbélouvé, Kotsokopé, Agbodjékpo, Foulani, Kondji, Batoumé

4 630 000

117 Femmes et

02 Hommes

06-05-2021 au


463 000


4 630 000





Capital investi sur le terrain

4 630 000

Intérêts attendus

463 000


5 093 000


At the end of the credit operations, a total sum of Five million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand four hundred and eighty (5,277,480) CFA francs was reimbursed, including collection fees established by those responsible for the program for support credit collectors. The distribution of funds collected is as follows:

Capital investi

4 630 000

Intérêts payés

476 120 ?

Frais de collecte payés

171 360


5 277 480


Nombre de mois

Coût mensuel


Salaire de Yawo et frais de collecte


80 000

480 000

Femmes assistantes de Yawo


15 000

90 000

Frais de communication et administration


5 000

30 000

Frais de transfert de fonds collectés


6 000

36 000


                                      636 000

3.2.3 3rd Wave of credit

From NOVEMBER 28, 2021 to MAY 12, 2022 (Period of 6 months including 1 month in 2021 and 5 months in 2022). It should be noted that according to the annual report, a transfer of funds from ACTION 10 & HRS of 1,500 euros is a net amount of Nine hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and forty-four (955,644) which was added to a sum of four million six hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and forty-two (4,663,542) francs available on the bank account, thus giving a total amount of Five million six hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and eighty-six (5,619,186) francs to serve the last wave of credit for the year 2021.

GROUPES: N°01; N°02 et N°03





Agbélouvé, Kotsokopé, Agbodjékpo, Foulani Kondji


5 540 000

117 Femmes et

02 Hommes

28-11-2021 au


554 000


5 540 000


554 000




Capital investi sur le terrain

5 540 000

Intérêts attendus

554 000


6 094 000

These credits were in the process of being repaid before entering the year 2022.

Expenditure over the period from 11/28/2021 to 12/31/2021




Déplacement de l’équipe L&D sur le terrain 20 000
Collation 35 700
Achat enveloppes, copie des contrats 35 500
Vente de carnets (Sale of Books) 35 700 (une recette en principe)
Achat de détecteur de faux billet 6 000
Déplacement urbain et secrétariat 17 500



Nombre de mois

Coût mensuel


Salaire de Yawo et frais de collecte


85 950

85 950

Femmes assistantes de Yawo


10 000

10 000

Frais de communication et administration


5 000

5 000

Frais de transfert de fonds collectés


7 500

7 500

Beau-père de Yawo


20 000

20 000


128 450


278 850


Montant du Capital récupéré

1 152 590

Intérêts payés

116 575

Frais de collecte payés

29 750


1 298 915


3.3.1.The Rise Togo bank account.

As of December 31, 2021, the A3 program should have in Rise Togo’s account the sum of one million one hundred and seventy thousand four hundred and sixty-five (1,170,465) CFA francs. Remember that the disbursement into the account is made under the signature of 2 people:  Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, the 1st Manager of Rise Togo and  Mr. Alexis AKOTCHAYE.

3.3.2 Procedure for collecting and depositing funds into the bank account.

Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo receives the various reimbursements made on members’ credits. These collected funds are then paid into the FUSEC account, a microfinance institution on site in Agbélouvé. This account is opened in the name of Mr. DJAGLI. These funds are then withdrawn and transferred to the L&D account opened at Banque Atlantique; which incurs certain costs each month.

3.3.3 Cash management.

No assets are available in cash, everything is transferred to the bank account.


  • The 1st wave of credit given at the end of 2020 was fully repaid in 2021 with interest and collection costs.
  • The 2nd wave of credit for 2021 was also repaid
  • The 3rd wave of credits granted at the end of November 2021 is being reimbursed, all reimbursements are being made normally, there have been no delays.


5.1- Verification of booklets and loan forms

Two hundred and thirty-eight notebooks made for the 119 members. The books are double for the members because the member benefiting from the credit keeps a book and the credit manager also keeps a book. The filling of the notebooks is done twice.

  • The remark made at this level is that there are no photos pasted on the notebooks.

This fact can lead to confusion in filling; the risk of making mistakes is high.

  • Likewise, not all notebooks are numbered in order of registration (risk of duplication).
  • In addition, there is no entry of the credit amount in the book, only the weekly repayment appears there.

The loan forms are well filled out and signed by the beneficiaries and the program manager, however, no place has been provided on the form to paste an identity photo.

  • There is a risk of being mistaken about a person if they have the same surname.8

5.2. Verification of reimbursements

All repayments are recorded in the notebooks in two copies, one of which is with the beneficiary of the credit. These reimbursements are also recorded in the Excel management file kept by Mr. DZAGLI.

  • We observed that all beneficiaries repay their loans well and without delay.

5.3 Verification of expenses.

The expenses incurred concern the payment of program managers and the expenses necessary for the proper functioning of program activities. According to the vision of the project initiator, the interest generated should cover the expenses relating to the operating costs of the program.

5.3.1 Expenditure of interest received on credits.
  • On the 1st wave of credit given in October 2020 and which ended on April 15, 2021, the 2021 report did not report the expenses incurred for the recovery of credits.

However, the amount of interest expected was 482,000 F.

  • On the 2nd wave of credit granted from 06/05/2021 to 10/14/2021, we have:




Intérêts collectés


Frais de collecte payés


TOTAL Collecté (1)




Nombre de mois

Coût mensuel


Salaire de Yawo et frais de collecte


80 000

480 000

Femmes assistantes de Yawo


15 000

90 000

Frais de communication et administration


5 000

30 000

Frais de transfert de fonds collectés


6 000

36 000


                            636 000


                             11 480

Interest and collection costs fully covered expenses, generating a profit margin of 11,480 F. On the 3rd wave of credit from 11/28/2021 to 05/12/2022, the recovery took place over just one (01) month (December 2021)




Intérêts collectés


Frais de collecte payés


TOTAL Collecté (1)




Nombre de mois

Coût mensuel


Salaire de Yawo et frais de collecte


85 950

85 950

Femmes assistantes de Yawo


10 000

10 000

Frais de communication et administration


5 000

5 000

Frais de transfert de fonds collectés


7 500

7 500

Assistance décès beau-père de Yawo


20 000

20 000


                              128 450


                               17 875

Also at this level, the interest and collection costs for the month were used to cover the month’s expenses and to generate a surplus of 17,875 F. It should be noted that an expenditure in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand four hundred (150,400) francs corresponding to essential outings before the granting of the credit on 11/28/2021. This amount was taken from transfer funds received in 2021. In view of all the above, we can conclude that the management is effective to the extent that the vision of the project initiator is achieved with each wave of credit given. Checking the expense sheets revealed that certain expenses are without supporting documents, such as assistance from Yawo’s father-in-law and communication and administration costs. The supporting documents submitted are mixed and not classified.


  • The supporting documents for expenses are disordered.
  • Certain documents must be provided to justify they exits
  • The amount of the transfer received recorded in the report does not conform to the amount appearing on the bank statement as of 04/19/2021.


In view of all of the above, the auditor makes the following recommendations:


– Paste a photo on the members’ books and on the loan forms to be able to identify all the beneficiaries by name

– Enter the amount of the credit in the notebook before entering the corresponding reimbursements.


– Set up proper accounting;

– Consider opening an account in the name of the program at AGBELOUVE in order to avoid constantly increasing transfer fees.

– Systematically record the various operations and classify the accounting documents by nature of the operations carried out because apart from the Excel file kept by Mr. DZAGLI, there is no journal where the operations are recorded on a day-to-day basis.

– Develop a monthly report allowing regular monitoring of credits and payments into the account


– Develop a short manual of administrative and financial procedures for the program.


– Increase the financial envelope in order to be able to increase the amount of credits as desired by the beneficiaries.


Status Report – May 2022


The programme NoA3 of HR&S and Action10 consisted of small businesses with women in villages in Togo, with the coaching support of Leaders & development (L&D) and its President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI.


This round of the programme was set for six (6) months and the two managers were Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field at Agbelouwe and Mr. SOWALO Komi the man of the field at Aguduvu.

In the annual report of the year 2021, it was reported that in 2021, two full rounds were implemented at Agbelouwe; one from 03/10/2020 to 15/04/2021 and one from 06/05/2021 to 14/10/2021. Another round was arranged 28/11/2021 to 12/05/ 2022. All these rounds concerned Group No 1.

This report covers the activities concerning the last round 28/11/2021 to 12/05/ 2022 for Group No 1, as ell as a first round of a Group No 2 at Agbelouwe (March – August 2022) and of Group No 3 at Aguduvu. These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the round and all the necessaries that are useful to be involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve and neighbouring villages (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and at Aguduvu (about 80 km from Lomé). The neighbouring small villages near Agbelouve involved Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo, Foulani Kondji, Batoumé, and others.

Group No 1 involved 117 women and 2 men, and the Group No 2 involved 31 women. Group No 3 involved 13 women. The small businesses of the women are constituted of sale maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with Mr. AHIAKONOU Yawo and Mr. SOWALO Komi to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme. Activities included:

  • Bookkeeping, Contract sheets, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contained every transaction, one with the loan taker and one with the field person.
    • A contract of six months was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • The Branch Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions.

The programme is involving 163 active members. 

We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support. At the 12th of May 2022, all the target partners (TP) paid back their loan and interest. One woman was replaced by another at the 23nd December 2021 due to sickness. Another woman failed her payment but her husband rescued her and paid back.

To help Mr Yawo, two women were associated to him to collect the money and to advice people.

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, restaurants, etc., and with the crisis items are very expensive.
    • Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital,
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to Action10 and its staff that strives for new capital through fundraising.


The sustainability of the A3 programme was set two (2) years where women would run their activities by their own capital through the interest they got from the support of Action10. So more rounds of the programme would help them to fulfill this objective if the support is continued.

Men asked to be involved in the group and we are looking for how to handle this if some women withdrew from the programme. So if all goes well, at next tour new candidate will be involved and the next date for the new round for the Group 1 is set at 13th of June 2022. For the perspective, some women could withdraw and new people will be involved in the programme.

The amount of the capital could be revised in high if new Action10 transfer could be appointed.

The world crisis raised price of goods so more fund is needed to handle the request of upgrading of the capital of the women and to help new members.

Test_E survey

Milohum October 2020:

  • During my next visit, I will insist on the sustainability aspect because it difficult in these villages.
  •  Yawo is in favour of the programme and willing to work hard for it. Because it helps people to do something and get money for all the family.
  • Yawo informed about that a cooperative bank came to propose a loan to some people in the village, but the offer of A10, was the best.

Renaud June 2022
Mr. Yawo gave me a feedback. In his message, he instructs me to tell you that the children of all the beneficiaries have organized themselves into a delegation to come and tell him to thank you. They say that through your support, they manage to eat at least twice a day, through the small activities their mothers do, they manage to pay their school fees. In addition, the women themselves have submitted a complaint, that of offering them HR&S/Action10 t-shirts that they will often wear at each meeting. Personally, Mr. Yawo also thanks you for your support and says he is ready to work with you at any time and wherever the need arises. He sent me a photo of a woman he accompanied to buy thrift stores and resell.
Mr. Yawo has just given me a sign. He says that more than fifty new women have come to benefit from this financing. He asks me to send you this message while telling me that he would like that instead of giving 30,000 to women to start their activities, he would like it to be 40,000 given due to the high cost of the goods. Moreover, he let me know that Wednesdays, market day, are the only days suitable for meeting women and following up with them. He also mentioned the poor condition of his motorcycle which can no longer really ensure travel in these different villages, especially since the roads are impassable

Ambition & intrinsic motivation

Yawo is in favour of the programme and willing to work hard for it. Because it helps people to do something and get money for all the family.

Social good
direct impact

  • Products and services are provided to under-served communities.
    • Products and services are: xxx
      • Number of customers for a each product and each service: xxx
  • Business owners generate profit.
    • Number of business owners: xxx
    • Size of profit: xxx

Social Good
Indirect Impact

Children well-being

Children of the women who manages HR&S small-scale businesses.

Number of meals per day increased.

  • From one to two or three.
    • Number of children: xxx


  • Tuition fee paid and school attendance made possible.

Women well-being

The status of the women in the families has improved as the contribute with income.

Institutional capacity

Communication & partnership

  1. Frequent, positive, transparent and supportive communication between HQ, branch and local programme manager partner.
  2. Active, creative and locally appreciated local programme manager partner.
  3. Local programme manager partner appreciated by Branch and HQ.

Managing a capital

  1. Is the capital big enough?
    • June 2022 the answer is no.
      The PPM requests the size of the loan to increase. “He asks me to send you this message while telling me that he would like that instead of giving 30,000 to women to start their activities, he would like it to be 40,000 given due to the high cost of the goods.”

TP training coaching & team building

  1. Training sessions: xxx
  2. Coaching sessions: xxx
  3. HR&S / Action10 T-shirts “women themselves have submitted a complaint, that of offering them HR&S/Action10 t-shirts that they will often wear at each meeting.”

Sustainable economy

Sustainable business mind-set

Milohum Oct 2022: During my next visit, I will insist on the sustainability aspect because it difficult in these villages.

Does the income exceed the expenses?

Renaud June 2022
No, lack of funds to cover the cost for PPM’s transportation with his motorbike.

Field-survey June 2022

By Renaud AZIABOR, June 29, 2022.

Reduce poverty by helping vulnerable groups to obtain sustainable, stable incomes and to save in order to be independent later; this is the objective pursued by HR&S/Action10 by granting microcredits to vulnerable populations, the majority of which are headed by women, so that they can find a place within their community.
As part of the achievement of these aforementioned objectives, a monitoring team from HR&S/Action10 proceeded this Wednesday, June 29, 2022 to a raid on the arenas of Agbélouvé and some of its surrounding villages in order to collect informations and get to grips with the realities on the field. What improvements on the social, economic level, child care, HR&S credits induce? Some answers in this article.
As usual, every Wednesday is market day in Agbélouvé. But this Wednesday was particular. After several km of road from Lomé, we arrive in Agbelouvé precisely at the market and we surprise about twenty women in a meeting community around the actions of HR&S/Action10.
This is the case every Wednesday, Mr. Yawo, focal point of HR&S/Action10, comes to educate the beneficiaries of HR&S credit on the strategies to adopt in order to quickly finish the payment. He also assists them in choosing the activities to undertake.
A few dozen meters from the place of community mobilization, we see a group of about ten women, who rediscover the heritage of their ancestors: the sale of Tchoukoutou (local drink made from sorghum) with great satisfaction.
At the age of forty, Madam Moulaba is struggling to put away her smile, visibly happy with her small business. She says: <<
The sale of Tchoukoutou is a profession that our grandparents passed on to us. And as you can imagine, I had trouble realizing myself because I was not in charge of my own business. When we learned of the start-up of the HR&S Fund, on several occasions, we received in our village, Mr. Yawo who comes to educate us on the background of HR&S. With my sisters in the village, we mobilized and followed all the stages of the process to finally obtain credit. I had a first installment of 30,000 F CFA, a second of 40,000 F CFA and this sum allowed me to do a lot of things because my children eat and go to school thanks to this fund. Thanks to this credit, we are able to supply ourselves with all kinds of basic necessities.>>

When we approach the question of reimboursements with this woman, it is also with great conviction that she replies: Very early on, I understood that the sustainability of our business lies in the proper repayment of loans. And on this, Mr. Yawo made us very aware. The proof is because we are up to date in all our reimbursements that we have been able to obtain the other credits without difficulty. Thanks to HR&S, we are financially independent but please you should increase our credits because things are expensive now on the market
Our interlocutor also proudly shares with us the improvement that credit has brought to her life. Thanks to the profits I generate from the sale of the drink, I manage to ensure the well-being of my family, including schooling, health care, as well as all other basic needs. The Credit has contributed in more ways than one to improving my living and working conditions. At Agbelouvé and its surrounding villages, there are countless HR&S strategies and plans for the development of women . HR&S/Action10 has managed to make impressive progress in gender equality. This is how many women beneficiaries of HR&S Credits manage to rise very high in entrepreneurship. Among them, SOTOWOU Ami the amazon of Foulanikondji. Let’s discover the story, the talent, the fights of this female figure who inspires.
Her fame speaks for herself. She is the prototype of the woman destined for certain success. From dawn to dusk, the brave lady invests body and soul in her general food sales activities. Determined and committed, she firmly believes in the future. The HR&S, which she crossed paths with, will be her greatest opportunity to develop and increase her many talents, qualities and skills.
Initially, we thought that the HR&S credit was a fun,” she admits. But time will do its work and change this illusion, as HR&S has transformed the lives of many women.
We must recognize that the HR&S credit has truly improved the conditions of women in our community on all fronts. It has made it possible to develop our capacities and to get us out of poverty confesses the one who is now a successful entrepreneur.

Village of Agbodjékpo, 27km from Agbélouvé, on the way to visit our interlocutor, one of the beneficiaries of HR&S credit, it is with joy that we notice the enthusiasm of some of the women in front of their displays of all kinds. What is most surprising and admirable is the fact that everyone wants to take charge of herself by carrying out a generative activity. It is lady AGBESSIME ADJOA who crystallizes our attention.
With my savings that I obtained with my small business, I managed to set up this little hut that you see. My astonishment was spectacular, and for good reason, the HR&S did not leave me on the road at the end of the cycle, it was precisely to allow me to be able to scale up the exercise of my income-generating activity. A fund that aims precisely to enable beneficiaries to gradually become independent. I then read the conditions for obtaining it and I complied with all the requirements. This is how I was then granted a loan. This sum allowed me to be able to buy cheap bags and ladies’ shoes as well as thrift stores that I display here for sale. And since then, I managed to satisfy the customers and my business is going pretty well. But please tell your superiors to increase our credits. I also grab this opportunity to address my heartfelt thanks to HR&S/Action10 for all they do. Your visit and especially your various questions about our difficulties that we are experiencing really give us the strength and the courage to move forward and give the best of ourselves so that this initiative goes forward. We ask you to always come for this follow-up
Testimonials like that of madam AGBESSIME are among those that we want to hear because they are among those that are stimulating and are school cases and allow many other people to be inspired by them. The courage and determination of our interlocutor ended up paying off. Today her business is flourishing and the income she generates allows her to meet loan repayments and take care of her needs as well as those of her family.

For a while I have felt more fulfilled because I manage to take charge of myself and contribute alongside my husband to taking care of the needs of our family. I have no difficulty with loan repayments. As I was already used to the refund, I manage to pay without difficulty. It’s really a good experience that HR&S is currently giving me. It is on these notes that our prospecting ended in unparalleled jubilation.

Impact assessment

Survey Manual

  • Compile tesimonies.
  • Make individual interviews.
  • Perform group discussions.
  • Take photos, take videos.

Involve the full coaching team in identifying individual questions and group questions.

Make four field-visits
Visit No ONE – Five programme villages:
1. Ask the individual survey questions
2. Call for group meeting and ask the group questions.
3. Ask a few individuals for testimonies.
4. Take photos and video.
Compile results and call for groups asssessment

Draft individual survey Questions

  • TYPOLOGY (various studies)
  • Title of the activity activity in extension start-up activities
  • Start date of coaching
  • Monthly income without the HR&S / A10 project
  • Effective start date of the activity
  • Duration of operation
  • Sum disbursement
  • Monthly turnover (Write the monthly turnover for each month so that we can see the progress)
  • Net cash flow or Self-financing capacity (CAF) (Write the CAF for each month so that we can see the progress)
  • Savings made
  • Assessment of the evolution of the activity compared to the PA (Good performance, average performance, poor performance, performance in decline, performance in progress, etc.)
  • Comment on performance (Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the carrier, the opportunities and threats, training received, etc.)
  • Proposal for a solution approach (to strengthen the strengths and reduce the weaknesses by exploiting the opportunities and bypassing the threats)
  • State of implementation work of the or each recommendation (To be completed within a month after the recommendations made).
unsplash - steps

Survey team

Survey coach from the RISE Centre: Elisabeth DRAFOR
Programme manager: M. YAWO


As control we benefit from three neighbouring villages that where not yet involved with the programme.

Survey sample

  1. Each programme village
    • Each member the programme.
    • A number of villagers (maybe five) that were not member of the programme.
    • The village leaders.
    • Other stakeholders.
  2. Five control villages
    • A number of villagers (maybe five-ten) that were not member of the programme.
    • The village leaders.
    • Other stakeholders


The Team Leader  Dr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI (Assoc. Prof.)
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)

  • Background

HR&S and Action10 set up support of its Local branches in countries of sub-Sahara Africa as Togo in some programmes. The programme NoA3 that was re-activated in March 2020, continued in 2022 with the coaching support of Leaders & Development (L&D) and its President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI. The programme NoA3 of HR&S and Action10 consisted of small businesses with women in villages in Togo. This programme involved two areas in Togo, Agbelouve and ressorts (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé. The programme was constituted of tours of six (6) months and the managers were Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field at Agbelouwe and SOWALO Komi the man of the field at Aguduvu. Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with these men to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of RISE Centre Togo. Activities are including:

  • Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with the managers.
    • A contract of six months long was signed in double by every loan taker.
  • Activities

Three groups were involved in the programme with two in Agbelouve and one at Aguduvu. In 2022, the group 1 round was from 28/11/2021 ended at 12/05/ 2022, and from 06/05/2022 to 14/10/2022 and the ongoing round started from 19/01/2023 for the group 1. The first rounds of the Group 2 at Agbelouve and the Group 3 at Aguduvu ran from march –august 2022 and september 2022 to February 2023.

This report stated all the activities in 2022. These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the term. The necessary that is useful to be involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve and resorts situated at about 50 km and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé.

The neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve. The programme on the field took into account about 150 women and 3 men at Agbelouve and 13 women at Aguduvu, who strive in small businesses such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

For the year 2022, contracts were signed under the RISE Centre Togo with a group of one hundred and sixty-three (163) people.

The RISE Centre Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions and reimbursement.

We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support. At the 31th of December 2022, most of the target partners (TP) payed back their loan and interest. Due to the accident of M Yawo in August 2022, he and his wife did not pay back all.

To help Mr Yawo, three persons were assigned to collect the money. Some women did not pay too two or more weeks’ reimbursement. Actions were taking to bring these people to pay all back like they will pay back before getting another loans.

  • Challenges and proposed solutions
  • The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, restaurants, etc.
    • Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital.
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to Action10 and its staff that strive for new capital for the ongoing round and for the next round.
  • The accident of the manager Yawo at Agbelouve area complicated the reimbursement for some loans taker.
    • Proposed solution: New persons are assigned for this job till the establishment of M Yawo.
  • The creation of company
    • Proposed solution: The branch will focus on the activity this year 2022.
  • Remarks

The accident of Mr Yawo, unfortunately, cost a lot to the programme and that could not allow us to buy the bike promised to him. We hope he will be on his feet soon and we will work. He was paid to December 2023.

For the moment, three persons were assigned to collect money from women at Agbelouve, Kotsokope and Agbodzekpo and Batoume.

New contracts will be set in the end of February or early March 2023 for other groups.

  • Finances

Situation on 27th  February 2022

HR&S and Action investment (2730 euros)



Bank  transfer cost (27 euros)



Payment of auditor (AKOTCHAYE)(year 2021)


196 800

Payment of coaching (DZAGLI) (year 2021)



Invested on the field Group2 & Group3








Expected Interest (10%)








Number of participants

Group2 = 31


Group3 = 13


Transport (Agbelouve, Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulanikope -Lomé, in and out) on 27th February 2022



Accommodations during  the launch (4 people, 27th February 2022)



Book & contracts & envelops



Sale of Books



Forfait (transport for AKOTCHAYE)



Forfait (secretariat works)



Situation on 12th may 2022 Group 1

Reimbursement collected on the field



Collection fees (B)



Amount collected (A-B)




Interest collected




Expenses at the 12/05/2022

Travel fees & salary of M Yao (6 months) (comprising the collection fees (B))




Women associated to M Yao (Perdiems) (6 months)




Money transfer Fees (24 weeks)




Father in Law Yawo




Admin & Communication  (6 months)




TOTAL final (C) 




Balance Capital on the account D (A-C)










Situation on 12th May 2022

Reimbursement collected on the field

 12th May 2022







Total (E)



Collection fees







Total (F)



Total Amount collected G (E-F)




Total Interest collected at 12th May 2022




Expenses at the 12/05/2022






Travel fees of M Yao (3 months) (comprising the collection fees (Group2))




Travel fees and salary of M SOWALO Komi  (3 months) (comprising the collection fees (Group3))




Women associated to M Yao (Perdiems) (6 months)




Money transfer Fees (12 weeks)




Admin & Communication  (3 months)




Transport of visiting L&D on (Aguduvu – Lomé, in and out) (26th February 2022)



TOTAL final (H) 




Balance Capital on the account I (G-H) Group 2& 3




Total Capital on the account J (D+I)








Situation on 31th August 2022

Reimbursement collected on the field

 31th August 2022 with interest (10%)







Total (E)



Collection fees







Total (F)



Total Interest collected at 31th August 2022

Total (G)



Total Amount Invested  Total (E)- Total (G)





Expenses at the 31th August 2022






Travel fees of M Yao (6 months) (comprising the collection fees (Group2))




Travel fees and salary of M SOWALO Komi  (6months) (comprising the collection fees (Group3))




Women associated to M Yao  Group2 (Perdiems) (6 months)




Money transfer Fees  Group3 (6 weeks, 2000/month )




Money transfer Fees  Group2 (6 weeks)




Admin & Communication  Group3  (6 months)




TOTAL final (H) 




Balance Capital Group 2 & 3







Situation on 15th  September  2022

Reimbursement collected on the field Group 1 (A)

(Launched 16/06/2022)


Collection fees (B) (3 months)



Amount collected (A-B)




Interest collected (3 months)



Expenses at the 15th  September  2022

Travel fees & salary of M Yao (3 months) (comprising the collection fees (B))




Women associated to M Yao (Perdiems) (3 months)




Money transfer Fees (14 weeks)




Admin & Communication  (3 months)




TOTAL final (C) 




Balance Capital D (A-C)




Total Capital on Account Group 1&2&3 (15th  September  2022) (E)



Invested on the field Group2 & Group3  on 15th  September  2022







Total (F)



Expected Interest (10%)







Total (G)



Number of participants

Group2 = 33



Group3 = 13



Expenses at the 15th  September  2022





Accommodations during  the launch (4 people, September 2022)




Book & contracts & envelops




Sale of Books




Forfait (secretariat works)




Transport of visiting on (Aguduvu – Lomé, in and out) (26th September 2022)




Transport of visiting on Agbelouve – Lomé, in and out) (26th September 2022)




Loan for Business of Renaud




TOTAL final (H) 




Total used I (F+ H)




Total Capital on Account Group 1 (15th  September  2022) after the launch of Group 2&3 ((E)-(I)



Situation on 31st December 2022 Group 1

Reimbursement collected on the field (A)



Collection fees (B)



Amount collected (A-B)




Total Interest collected at 30th November 2022 (C)



Total Amount  Interest &  Collection (B+C)




Expenses at the 12/05/2022

Travel fees & salary of M Yao (6 months) (comprising the collection fees (B))




Women associated to M Yao (Perdiems) (6 months)




Money transfer Fees (14 weeks at 1500 & 10 weeks at 4000)




Admin & Communication  (6 months)




Travel fees of M Wogbagan  (10 weeks at 5000/week)




Travel fees of Mme KODEGUI Christine  (10 weeks at 1000 /week)




Loan for Business of Renaud




TOTAL final (D) 




Balance Capital on the account D (A-C)








Situation on 31st December 2022

Reimbursement collected on the field

 30th November 2022 with interest (10%)







Total (E)



Collection fees







Total (F)



Total Interest collected at  31st December 2022

Total (G)




Expenses at the 31th August 2022

Travel fees of M WOGBAGAN (4 weeks/2000/week) (Group2 – tokpevia ))




Travel fees and salary of M SOWALO Komi  (4 months)  (Group3))




Travel fees of Mme KODEGUI Christine  (4 weeks at 1000 /week)




Money transfer Fees  Group3 (16 weeks, 2000/month )




Money transfer Fees  Group2 (4 weeks, 6000/month)




Admin & Communication  Group3  (4 months)




Admin & Communication  Group2  (4 months)




TOTAL final




Balance Capital on the account

















Recap on 31st December 2022

Balance Capital on the account D (A-C)




Balance Capital on the account




Transfer for Moto bike 900 euro









Day 1 of Accident – transport to the hospital – the leaving of the hospital CHU Sylvanus Olympio




Radiography 2



Transport to Kumasi 1



Food Assistance at  Kumasi



Visit to Yawo 1



Transport to the Checking 1 at  CHU Sylvanus Olympio




Medicine 2



Transport to Kumasi 2


Transport to Kumasi (WIFEs)



Transport Kumasi  to Gape area



Transport to Massage at Clinique  Agbelouve



Transport to the Checking 2 at  CHU Sylvanus Olympio



Agbodzekpo house  Assistance for children and animals



Visit to Yawo 2








Balance Capital on the account









Situation on 14th Janvier 2023

Balance Capital on the account




Launch of the Group 1 on 14th Janvier 2023 (Investment)






Expenses at the 14/01/2023





Copies of contract




Copies of contract and Books




Sale of Books




Forfait (transport for AKOTCHAYE)




Transport of visiting on the field (14th  Janvier 2023)

Agbelouve, Foulanyikondji,  Agbodzekpo, Kotokope, Batoume, including the location of M Yawo




TOTAL final (H) 




Balance Capital on the account  (more than ……..)






Many thanks to all our partners for their support to the people in the villages and in Togo especially Mrs Cecilia ÖMAN, all the group of Action10 and HR&S.

January, 30th 2023                               Reported by

Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI,

PCA, Leaders & Development (L&D)

Social enterprises proposals


Madame AWUNU Essi took in charge the formation of the poor and orphan girls in the village and around to their certificate free of charge. She hopes to be involved in the tailoring project.



Madame DZENE Akossiwa (the wife of M Yawo) took in charge part of the formation of the poor and orphan girls in the village and around to their certificate. She hopes to be involved in the tailoring project.



Tél. : (+228) 90 93 33 90 / 99 65 58 02, Email : Fernanda.sovon@gmail.com

Business proposal to RISE Center Togo to reinforce her business capacity to set a hair dressing room in Lomé and to work to pay back. (Amount requested 1264000F around 2000 euros)



Some pictures on the field



Status report 2023

Prof Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)

August 2023
This report compiles the results from the first part of 2023.


The programme A.3 now involves two areas in Togo, Agbelouve with surrounding villages (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and at Aguduvu (at about 80 km from Lomé). The L&D programme offers six (6) months loans and collaborates on the field with Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, in Agbelouwe and SOWALO Komi in Aguduvu. Unfortunately, Mr Yawo, had an accident in August 2022 and since three persons have been assigned to coordinate the activities, in his absensce; at Agbelouve (KODEGUI Akouavi Christine), Kotsokope (WOGBAGAN Messavi) and Agbodzekpo- Batoume (MEBUIKE Mawusi).

Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with these people to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme including:

  • Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
  • In general:
    • Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with the managers.
    • A contract of six months are signed in double by every loan taker.


Three groups were involved in the programme with two in Agbelouve and one at Aguduvu. In 2023, the group 1 round was from 19/01/2023 ended at 29/06/ 2023. The Group 2 at Agbelouve and the Group 3 at Aguduvu ran from September 2022 to February 2023 and March to August 2023.

These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the first half of 2023.

The neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve. 

The programme on the field took into account about 150 women and 3 men at Agbelouve and 13 women at Aguduvu, who strive in small businesses such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.

For the year 2023, contracts were signed under the L&D with a group of one hundred and sixty-three (163) people.

The L&D has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions and reimbursement.

We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support. At the 15th of august 2023, most of the target partners (TP) paid back their loan and interest. Some women missed some weeks’ reimbursement due to their health condition and death and the sick people promised to pay back after their recovery. Actions were taking to bring these people to pay all back like they will pay back before getting another loans.

Challenges and proposed solutions

  • The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, restaurants, etc.
    • Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital
  • New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
    • Proposed solution: More fund needed to meet the demand.
  • The accident of the manager Yawo at Agbelouve area complicated the reimbursement state for some loanstakers because they are far away.
    • Proposed solution: New persons are assigned for this job till the recovery of M Yawo.
  • Efficacy of the L&D
    • Proposed solution: The organisation must seek for people that will be available for work and if there are income they can be paid.


The accident of Mr Yawo, unfortunately, cost a lot to the programme and we still support him. We hope he will be on his feet soon. L&D choose a native doctor for his treatment and things are not going as we expected.

New contracts will be set. 

L&D need to develop a solid business plan.

  • Finances



Situation on 14th Janvier 2023

Balance Capital on the account



6 234 510


All Group


6 205 000

Balance Capital on the account


29 510    

Total Interest collected (10%) at 15 August 2023


620 500    



Expenses at the 15/08/2023





Travel fees of M Wogbagan


120 000


Travel fees of Mme KODEGUI Christine




Travel fees and salary of M SOWALO Komi




Travel fees and salary of M MEBUIKE Mawusi




Money transfer Fees G1




Money transfer Fees G2




Money transfer Fees G3




Admin & Communication  (6 months)




Assistance of M Yawo






476 000    


Balance on the account  



6 379 010    



August, 22th 2023

Many thanks to all our partners for their support to the people in the villages and in Togo especially Mrs Cecilia ÖMAN, all the group of Action10 and HR&S.

Reported by

Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI,

PCA, Leaders & Development (L&D)


Audit report

In September 2023 it was agreed to do an audit of L&D. The audit shall cover the full period of partnership with HR&S.  The audit will be performed by Alexis and the fee is EUR 300.

Mid-term report March 2024


Leaders & Development (L&D) 

By the Team Leader, Prof Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI
President, Leaders & Development (L&D)
March 2024


Background and context

v Poverty in villages
v Limitation of financial resources
v Women decided to add something else to their farm working,
v Women are doing their best to run a business
v Unfortunately, the Banks and the Microfinance institutions do not intervene regularly in these villages
v So Women had limited access of loan from bank systems with a hard condition.

HR&S and Action10’s programme NoA3 that was activated since march 2020, continued in 2022 with the coaching support of Leaders & development (L&D) and its President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI. The programme NoA3 of HR&S and Action10 consisted of small businesses with women in villages in Togo. This programme involved two areas in Togo, Agbelouve and ressorts (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé. The programme was constituted of tours of six (6) months and the managers were Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field at Agbelouwe and SOWALO Komi the man of the field at Aguduvu. Unfortenately, Mr Yawo, had an accident in August 2022 and some people are designated the coordinate the activities.  For the moment, three persons were assigned to collect money from women at Agbelouve (KODEGUI Akouavi Christine), Kotsokope (WOGBAGAN Messavi) and Agbodzekpo- Batoume (MEBUIKE Mawusi). Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with these people to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of Rise Centre Togo.
Activities are including:
Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
In general: Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with the managers.A contract of six months long was signed in double by every loan taker.

Activities Three groups were involved in the programme with two in Agbelouve and one at Aguduvu.
Small businesses involved in the programme are: i) sales of maize, beans, cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes, shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks, local food ii) tailoring and hairdressing

L&D activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the term. The necessary that is useful was involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve and ressorts situated at about 50 km and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé. The neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve. The programme on the field took into account about 150 women and 3 men at Agbelouve and 13 women at Aguduvu Contracts were signed under the Rise Centre Togo with the groups thanks to L&D. L&D has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions and reimbursement. We thank God, that all the people being involved in this programme in these villages appreciated the support.

Today, most of the target partners (TP) payed back their loan and interest. Some women missed some weeks’ reimbursement due to the difficulties they met, but people promised to pay back after. Actions were taking to bring these people to pay all back like they will pay back before getting another loans.

Challenges and proposed solutions
– The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, Restaurants, etc.
Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital
New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
Proposed solution:  More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to ACTION10 and its staff that strive for new capital for the ongoing round and for the next round.
The accident of the manager Yawo at Agbelouve area complicated the reimbursement state for some loans taker because they are far.
Proposed solution:  New persons are assigned for this job till the recovery of M Yawo.
The creation of company
Proposed solution:  The branch company was created on 7th April 2023
Efficacy of the Group of Togo
Proposed solution:  The branch must seek for people that will be available for work and if there are income they can be paid
The issue of life of the Company “Human Right & Science Branch Togo with the resignation of the manager M Alexis due to the non-activity of the company. Proposed solution:  to close company or to appoint a new manager. All these actions may cost for the Center. Almost between 75 000 for new appointment to 250000 for the closing. In all the cases we must pay the taxes for the year.


For the future : L&D will try to set well it proper activities that could be interesting to its members. For the moment the programme at these villages helps the women there and could only pay the people on the field, communication, with the interest gained.