A42. – Help me home
Re-integration of former convicts,

Re-integration of former convicts

About the business

Ms. Margaret Wambui from Kenya has a company “Help me home Kenya”. Her business help previous convicts, especially women. It has been running for 3 year. The women get the opportunity to have counselling, earn their own money and be re-integrated in their communities. The women business addresses mental wellness and provides counselling and training such as tailoring, hair dressing and home care. After the training the business help to establish contact with potential employers. They challenge they want to address want the support from HR&S Action10 is lack of equipment so that they can train more and better and thus generate a higher income.
It was noted that this activity has similarities with our programme with IDEFOCS in Liberia, so knowledge can be shared.

Ms. Margaret presented at ActionTalks, 2 March 2024.


Ms. Margaret Wambui

Outcome challenges & Activities


WhatsApp August 20024. Margeter. We the halfway home have some items to sell and would be greatful if you can get us a market to sell I’ll share them .The only problem is that we have to hire tools to make them if we had ours we can be able to have many items.

I think the best way to reach out to people is to have a show room to display especially those sides of limuru road but we have to have tools  inorder to have several items and in case we get orders we able to supply the  items  on time .


Finances, KShs.

First instalment of xxx requested in yyy.  Not paid.
Loan payment to start in xxx.

Second instalment requested of xxx requested in xxx.

Total request xxx                   EUR xxx

Accounting training