We have established HR&S local branches & RISE Centres in Sub-Saharan Africa countries.

The Centres provide support to local social entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators to offer their products and services to the local community, they also represent HR&S locally.


  • Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou
  • Kenya, Nairobi
  • Liberia, Monrovia
  • Nigeria, Abuja
  • Togo, Lomé
  • Rwanda, Kigali
  • Uganda, Kampala 
  • Zambia, Lusaka


Burkina Faso

Branch launched in 2021

Company registration:  In process
Directors, Brice.


Facebook page:

Interim payment solution
Mobile money transfer: +226 71614492, name Brice Alain KABORE.
Payments from previous webinars are kept by Prof. Stéphanie, until we have a proper bank account.

Webinar fee in local currency
EUR 10 in local currency is FCFA 6,500

Team of operations
Brice Alain KABORE – Team-leader*, REACH

*at Kenyatta University during 2022-2026

Advisers & previous members
Stéphanie MAIGA – REACH & FAST. In contact with the university.
Cheick Omar
ZOURE’  – SCALE. In contact with potential RISEmembers.
Paul SAVADOGO – 22RISE. In contact with policy makers.
Amidou TALLprevious deputy team-leader REACH, FAST & 22RISE, but cannot accept interest and left the team. Member of NetREACH.

Previous members
on laboratory management.
Souleymane KOLOGO


Vacant – accountant
Vacant– Auditor; auditing of members.

RISE Members
  • Senexel (fundraising stage)
    With a laboratory accreditation project.
    Boubacar SENOU, CEO and Founder
    Computer science, develops applications and websiste for customers.
    Ben Ismael NOMBRE, Founder CEO
  • Nella Consult
    Promoting HR&S webinars.
    Paul Savadogo, CEO and Founder

Previous candidate

  • FEDis
    Water purification
    Kabou KAMBOU-KADIO, CEO and founder


Branch launched in 2020

Company registration
In process.


Social media (previous)

Bank: Cooperative Bank of Kenya, Kimathi Branch
Bank account name: ANN/KELVIN/JOSEPHAT
Account Type: Haba Haba
Bank account number: 01109846557600
Bank name: Co-operative Bank of Kenya (Ann/Kelvin/Josephat)
Bank Address: P.O Box 48231-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Account Number:  01109846557600
Signatories (3): Anne Chebet Biwott, Kelvin Gitau Kamau, Josephat Isaiah Ligami

Webinar fee in local currency
EUR 10 in local currency is Ksh 1300

Team of Operations
Kevin WERUNGA – Team leader. TestE, REACH, short term loans.
Due to limited access to internet, Kelvin and Josephat acts on behalf of Kevin.
Contact: CLIFTOP
Josephat LIGAMI – Deputy team-leader No. one, and Accountant.
SCALE, RISEtalks, branch annual report (programme and finance), branch business plan, accounting, team-building, loan agreement.
Contact: ENEO
Kelvin GITAU – Deputy team-leader No. two.
SCALE, on-line marketing training,  internet solutions, accounting, business management coaching, loan agreement.
Contact: Dolas & Veema
Ann CHEBET BIWOTT– Women empowerment projects and TestE.
Contact: Amani
Justus BARASA –  Acting internal auditor and “Team-leader advisor”.
TestE, REACH, link between TSC & other salaried companies for short term loans, market research.
Contact: TSC
Vacant – External Auditor

Name, address, and email to the signatories of the bank account
– Ann Chebet Biwott, Thiong’o RD, Nairobi, P.O. Box 66560-00800 Nairobi   
Email Address:
– Kelvin Gitau Kamau, Thika, Kiambu, P.O. Box 420-01020, Kenol   
Email Address:
– Josephat Isaiah Ligami, Makadara Estate, P.O. Box 145-50105 Bukura   
Email Address:

Millicent SIFUNA, Member of HR&S Research network management

Previous team members

Millicent SIFUNA – Team-leader, 2020-2022.
Mariam SWALEH  – Laboratory management, 2022.

Previous company registration 2020-2022 through Millicent: Hosted by Kenya PAMMI MEDICARE, bank account Equity bank, account number: 0570273000299, account name: Kenya PAMMI MEDICARE

From left to right Frederick, Collins, Ann and Millicent, (photo by RISE Kenya, 2020).

RISE Members
  • Amani Women Group
    with the Table banking project.
    Enuice (Rose) GITHAIGA , CEO and Founder.
  • Dolas Creation Ngong Road,
    with the design and tailoring production in Kibera project.
    Frederick ATING’A, CEO and Founder.
    Sammy, CEO Assistant
  • Veema Household
    Bed-runner production.
    Virginia NJERI, CEO and Founder.
  • ENEO farm
    Frederick Khabeko, Founder CEO
    since 2023
  • CLIFTOP Plumbing
    Victor Musungu, Founder CEO
    since 2023
  • TSC, Teachers Service Commission
    planned for partner around short term loans.

LinkedIn profiles

Josephat LIGAMI –
Justus BARASA –
Kelvin GITAU –

RISEtalks training

Kelvin GITAU – Digital Marketing on-line


Branch launched in 2020, closed during 2023 and reconstructed 2024

Company registration
HR&S RISE Supp. Center Liberia inc.
Directors Ramses, Patrick, vacant

Bank name: Guarantee Trust Bank (GT Bank)
Bank account number: 208-801898-2-1-0
Bank account name: HR&S RISE Supp. Center Liberia inc.
Signatories: Ramses and Lionel

Webinar fee in local currency
EUR 10 in local currency is LD 2,000

Branch Team of Operations
Ramses HUTCHINS –  Team-leader.
Patrick GMAH – Deputy team-leader, accounting.
Ceceli Leelai WINGBAH – Communication.
David C.S. JONES Jr
Traveller BANKS, Auditor / deputy team-leader

Previous team-members and now Advisers
Previous Directors: Lionel (with Ramses)
Lionel GEORGE – Previous deputy team-leader and accountant.
Elaine REEVES – Communication, Public relations & Branding.
Sainfor WESSEH – Accounting, survey management, social counselling.
Isaac DAVIS – Auditor; auditing of members.
Darius KORLUBA – Deputy team-leader, IT, Employment & Entrepreneurship Training
Marthaline BLAMO – TestE, sociology and computer science, data collection.


RISE Members
  • Initiative for the Development of Former Child Soldiers (IDEFOCS) with the reintegration of former child soldiers BRV project.
    Morris MATADI, CEO and Founder
    Tarr GARNET, Programme officer & communication director
    Joe TITUS, Accountant
    Ousmane Jalloh, IT
    Manyango M. KORMAH, Agriculture (with degree from Grand Bassa collage of Agriculture).
    Sylvester BRV on-site care taker & farmer
    Previous members:  Ramses HUTCHINS, The founder of GOLD, J. Forkay Horris,  Rubin Gungar (Accountant)
  • Little Bassa community with cold storage for fish.


Branch launched in 2020

Company registration
Name: RISE Workshop
Directors: Elvis and Sunday


Social media

Bank:  First Bank PLC
Account Name: RISE Workshop
Account Number: 2035848596
Signatories: Elvis and Sunday

Webinar fee in local currency
Webinar fee EUR 10 in local currency is N5000.

Branch Team of Operations
Theophilus AGADA
Elvis AUSTINS – Visibility & marketing, Facebook.
Clifford CHIEMEZIE – Auditor; auditing of members.

On break
Osayimwense OTOKITI

Expert advisers
Charles BALOGUN – Computer Science and ICT
Sunday OTAIGBE – Accounting.
Chioma CHIKERE Scientific research and gender equity           

RISE Members
  • NoveleQ with the Laboratory management project.
    Prof. Karniyus GAMANIEL, CEO and Founder.
    Prof. Ado DAN-ISSA, Deputy manager.
    Dr. Charles BALOGUN, ICT manager.
RISEmember applicants
  • Eluyem Tech Solutions
    Founder Aghama JESUROBO–BN-3351834
  • Lady presented by Elvis in november? 2023. Sales in beauty.
  • Possibly Chioma CHIKERE, if so we need to agree on a programme.
Previous RISE members
  • SpellAfrica with the Back to School (B2S) project.
    Erezi EDOREH, CEO,


Branch launched in 2021

Company registration:  In process


Bank:  N/A

Team of Operations
Valens HABIMANA – Team-leader, REACH FAST SCALE for laboratories and scientific findings.
Christosome UFITINEMA – Co-team-leader, REACH, FAST.
Vacant – Accountant, in contact with tax authorities
Vacant – RISEmembers & business plan

Previous members of the Team of Operations, now advisers
Alice DUKUZE – Survey manager NC.
Jean Claude SAFARI
Mardochee BIRORI – FAST

RISE Members: In process


Branch launched in 2020, re-launched with a new team in 2023, and again in 2024. Company registration in 2023 but cancelled due to lack of agreed on business plan.

Company registration in 2024 by M. Kodjo DOUVOR.

Branch hosted by the association L&D in Lomé 2020-2023.
Bank: Banque Atlantique Togo
Bank account number: 041471600003
Bank account name: AKOTCHAYE ET DZAGLI
IBAN: TG53 TG13 8010 0404 1471 6000 034
Signatories: Milohum and Alexis

Webinar fee in local currency

EUR 10 in local currency is FCFA 6,500

Team of Operations from 2024
M Kodjo DOUVOR, Team-leader & Director

Support team
Alexis Akotchaye Kodjo KOTCHIJKPA – Paid for auditor of the branch and RISEmembers. EUR 300 per auditing.
Ayi Kanyi VIVIEN – Paid for translator.
Olivier KODJO – Paid for driver and supporter during field visits.


Previous members 2020-2023
Milohum DZAGLI
Team-leader, micro-businesses in villages, REACH, FAST.
Patricia Mawuenam SEGBE  –
Deputy team-leader, secretary, impact surveys.
Elisabeth Akou Dofui KAMASSA –
Deputy team-leader, accountant, handling business related matters towards the government.
Renaud AZIABOR – 
Survey management and Facebook.
Komi ABAVE – Deputy team-leader, accounting.
Elisabeth DRAFORDeputy team-leader, survey management, human resources.

(photo by HR&S)

RISE Members

  • L&D
    A.3 Micro businesses in rural areas in and around Agbolowé, and Kotsokope (from 2022)
    CEO: Assoc. Prof. Milohum DZAGLI
    Agbelouwé, Mdm. Kodegui Christine
    Kotsokope, M. Wogbagan Mensanvi)
    Previous team
    Yawo AHIAKPONOU, programme management partner, until he suffered from a stroke in 2022
    Martina AHIAWONOU, business management.
    Filomene KOGLO, business management.
  • A.3 Small-scale businesses in rural areas in Aguduvu
    Komi SOWALO, programme management partner.
  • Training in the English language – Renaud AZIABOR.
    Renaud disappeared without paying back.
  • Tailoring
    through L&D
  • Early pregnancy awareness
    idea by Cecilia for Madame Jeanette
  • M. Ayi VIVIEN,
    buying and selling fabric from Mali. Postponed March 2024.
  • Madame Délai ADEDJE
    producing and selling karitée. Withdraw early 2024.


Branch launched in 2020

Company registration:
Human Rights & Science Research innovation and Social Enterprise Support Center Uganda Limited.
Directors: Moses & Doreen

HR&S RISE Support Centre (U) Ltd.
P.O. Box 72738, Kampala.
Whatsapp (Moses MURUNGI): +256 701 728 333

ABSA Bank Uganda Limited.
Bank account number: 6006880620
Bank account name: Human Rights & Science Research innovation and Social Enterprise Support center Uganda Limited.

Webinar  fee in local currency
Webinar fee EUR 10 in local currency is Ugx 46,000

Team of Operations
Moses MURUNGI – Team-leader, RISE member agreements.
Joel MAFABI – Deputy team-leader, law and accountability.
Atwine AMBROSE – Deputy team-leader,  also in Technician Network.
Arnold LUBWAMA – Auditor; auditing of members.

Previous team members

Doreen NALUGYA – Accountant and accounting training.


Ubuntu Art House
with art production and sales project.
Bernard OMONY, CEO and Founder

KIMU Coffee
Procuring coffee from 20 small holder farmers, add value and sell.

RISE Members:
  • RISE Salon, postponed
    Hair and beauty salons.
    Agnes, appointed July 2022 in an ActionTalks
  • Daste Events
    Event management
    Presented July 2022 in an ActionTalk
  •  St Michaels Food Laboratory and Consultancy Ltd.
    A food testing lab located at Plot 68B, Prince Charles drive, kololo, Kampala, Uganda. They do testing for food microbiology and chemistry. The lab was started in 2016, it is UNBS recognised and currently preparing KENAS accreditation. They are currently seeking for funding to expand their scope of testing to include nutritional and proximate analysis of food to fully meet the needs of their customers. The lab has a big potential for expansion given its big clientele base including UN, supermarkets, industries, hotels, SMEs and USAID.
    To be coordinated with HR&S Network for Technicians
Previous members
  • Chusa School of Beauty (2021)
    Hair and beauty school.
  • 256 Creative Arts (2021)
    with food business
    Edward BUTIMBA, CEO and Founder
  • Kamwokya SACCO
    Small scale business loans
    Ann, presented July 2022 in an ActionTalk
  • African Continental Crafts Ltd
    Founder CEO Stephen RWAGWERI


Branch launched in 2021

Company registration:
Name: SIER Human Rights and Science centre Zambia Limited
Directors: Evelyn & Silvia
Date: 13 September 2022
Phone: +260 771384573


Social media

Mobile money account as interim.

Bank account number:
Bank account name:

Webinar  fee in local currency
Webinar fee EUR 10 in local currency is 

Team of Operations
Evelyn FUNJIKA – Team-leader and evaluation planning manager.
Sylvia MUTALE –  Deputy team-leader, business management, accountant.
Ian CHISENGA Visibility, social media, mobile money manager.
Finest MWAMBA – Communication and Public Relations.
Pamela CHANSA – Admin
Vacant – Auditor.

– Business management.
Kanekwa ZYAMBO – FAST and business management.

RISE Members
  • Madame Cecilia, since 2023
  • Mr Moses, since 2023


Mr. Ramses HUTCHINS & Mr. Lionel GEORGE,
Thank you sincerely for your huge effort during the HR&S RISE Centre start-up. Your contribution to this team is what made it possible to be established. We will always remember. You have asked for nothing in return, but you have been working and you have delivered measurable results. Seriously. We are proud of you!

About the Team of Operations

Millicent SIFUNA, M.Sc.
Evaluation planning trainer, Team leader, Nairobi Kenya.

Millicent is a Master’s graduate in Medical and Veterinary Entomology from the University of Nairobi Kenya. Her research which is grounded in malaria research, focuses on the ecology and biology of malaria mosquitoes. Millicent has huge community interests. She has worked in marginalized communities as a volunteer graduate assistant. Apart from supporting and strengthening education outcomes in the community, she actively participated in community sensitization programs addressing hunger and food insecurities. This has ensured invaluable exposure to diverse environments, experiences and communities. This experience has provided her with inter-ethnic interaction, thus a global mindset.

It is this great passion for a better community that linked Millicent up with Cecelia, CEO HR&S. Cecelia came to the University of Nairobi to offer a Research management workshop. From her unique training, Millicent noted that they shared some common values, goals and interests. Millicent followed her up and they were able to link and initiate some collaboration.

Millicent works as an evaluation planning coach for the programme. Her main responsibilities are:

  • Designing programmes and performing evaluation planning for the institution.
  • Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management
  • Developing and implementing business plans
  • Collecting information from surveys and developing the annual programme report

Millicent finds being a coach as something interesting yet challenging. New lessons are learnt every day. Decisions also have to be made, some hard to make. One is also exposed to different environments and people which makes it more interesting and something worth holding onto.

Millicent would love to see a changed society. She believes that every community should be happy and healthy. This is only possible when we reach out, listen and turn problems into opportunities.

David AURA, B.Sc.
Network member, Kenya.

I am a bachelors’ graduate in Agriculture and Natural resource management from Kisii University, Kenya. Currently, I am working in the rural set-up as an extension officer in the field of agriculture. I have a huge interest in community work. Previously I worked in marginalized communities as a volunteer graduate assistant, supporting and strengthening education outcomes in the community, and actively participated in community sensitization programs addressing hunger and food insecurities. These engagements exposed me to diverse environments, experiences, and communities besides providing me with an inter-ethnic interaction.

Main responsibilities are:

  • Survey management.
  • Compiling monitoring data and evidence according to TestE.
  • Developing a survey manual.
  • Developing annual Survey reports.

Coaching activity is more interesting, though at some point it poses some challenges. The experiences and exposure to different projects, people, and environments make the whole thing exciting.


Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Evaluation planning trainer Team leader, Togo

I am an Associate Research Professor in Physics at the University of Lomé, Physics Department, Lomé Togo.

During a visit of Madam Cecilia, in Togo especially at S.E.VIE, an association that worked with Action10, she asked to know what can be possible. First, our ideas concerned research, and she made two workshops with the department on research management and how to leave the AID system to sustainability and responsibility. During our discussions, I heard about Action10 and its activities which are similar to some of my activities implemented personally in some villages. I saw that I can be useful in helping people through Action10 activities. And I started as a coach of the association SEVIE at TSEVIE, a village not far from Lomé, Togo. I am leading an association namely “Leaders and Development, L&D” that worked with SEVIE and HR&S and Action10.

As a coach for SEVIE, we:

  • Reinforced the business idea, the “Small-scale business programme in Tsévié”
  • Were involved in the implementation of the programme A28 that support many women in their activities.
  • Set monthly face-to-face meetings with all assigned administrators and managers.
  • Follow-up through communication in-between meetings.
  • Produced the annual coaching reports presenting the year’s activities and a written assessment.
  • Sampled some books and showed ways to reach a better implementation.
  • Attended of the inventory of the loans in the villages for Programme No A3, where L&D has kindly agreed to coach the programme a new restart with the management a new partner who has a closer link to the villages, M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
  • Set TRUST, RESPONSIBILITY for the new programme through many calls and discussions and meeting. So,
  • L&D and I assisted the programme with its setup such as:
    • A business plan.
    • Books setup.
    • The contract sheet.
    • Recruitment and Workshops.
  • I am the leader of RISE Centre Togo as an evaluation planning coach.
    • Chairing the group of Togo.
    • Coaching the programme of M Yawo.

To be a coach is a matter of responsibility and to be; Serious, Engaged, Trustworthy, Volunteer, Smart, Tolerance.
The most value being a coach is; being considered by the target partner; Your effort to solve a problem; Results at the end.
The biggest change I have seen happen through our programme is Workshops; Effort to work with many poor people; Introduction of the business model; Building RISE centres. 
My dream is to build a new world in connecting many people through Action10.

Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor – CAMES , FDS/UL/Dpt de Physique/Université de Lomé-Togo, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux et Composants à Semi-conducteurs, Tel. 0022899489536. email:  ou, ORCID iD :, Web of Science ResearcherID  Q-4806-2016: