Our Core Expertise
Scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising & sustainable development
We work with researchers, technicians, entrepreneurs, and development stakeholders, perfecting the way we train and coach businesses and institutions in Sub-Sahara Africa countries.
Our expertise has been generated from 15 years of experience from
operating in Sub-Sahara African countries in close collaboration with
local stakeholders. We have focused on lessons to be learned and taken
carefully assessed informed decision to adjust our tools, during this
time. As a result, have we been able to developed a unique and
innovative management strategy. We aim for sustainable and evidence based impact in all our operations.

Lessons learned & informed decision
Our vision is a world without extreme poverty. Our mission is sustainable development through international equal partnership and we have identified scientific research, innovation, social enterprising, and coordination among development stakeholders as key to our mission.
In order to be a useful international partner we thus need to have expertise on scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and sustainable development. We need to be experts on the discipline itself, on the realities on ground, on cross-cultural knowledge sharing and on the management of programmes implemented locally.
We work with researchers, technicians, entrepreneurs, and development stakeholders, perfecting the way we train and coach businesses and institutions in Sub-Sahara Africa countries.
Our expertise has been generated from 15 years of experience from
operating in Sub-Sahara African countries in close collaboration with
local stakeholders. We have focused on lessons to be learned and taken
carefully assessed informed decision to adjust our tools, during this
time. As a result, have we been able to developed a unique and
innovative management strategy. We aim for sustainable and evidence based impact in all our operations.
We have noticed a resistance against mutually beneficial equal partnership, for example during ten years, 2009-2019, have the loans that we offered almost never been paid back.
Testimony CEO: The reason for a resistance against mutually beneficial equal partnership is assumed to be related to a “help-me” mind-set.
Why funds are not paid back is assumed to be because the need is big and people are seeking opportunities. The life of our partners is usually marked by short-term planning rather than long term planning. The view of many partners is often that someone with potential to give, of course have to give a little. Even if we agree that it is a loan the intention is usually not to pay back. Moreover, written agreements has no value where rule-of-law is lacking.
Informed decision by CEO:
Action10/HR&S was registered with a key purpose to develop, share, and train on a management strategy that will change mind-sets from targeting short-term donations to long-term mutually beneficial equal partnership, and to coach its implementation.
- The HR&S management strategy generates road-maps that guides on every step for our partner to reach their goals with sustainable impact, and is suitable for institution managements, scientific researchers, social entrepreneurs and sustainable development stakeholders. Action10/HR&S has been fine-tuning our managements strategies since 2009 and the work is continuing. We have included evaluation planning, evidence based impact assessment, accountability strategies, and cross-cultural understanding into the management strategy.
- We have established a team of staff and advisers with professional understanding of scientific research, advanced laboratories and social enterprising.
- We have also developed deep understanding of the realities on the ground and of how to coach our partners to reach their goals.
- We have also developed a supportive infrastructure in order to empower the implementation the road map in actual practice. We have established local branches and support centres in Sub-Sahara African countries, a fundraising programme that generates a capital which we can share as soft loans, a team of experts willing to give expert advice. We provide bi-annual open trainings on the on our Strategy for change and coordinates four networks of researchers, laboratory technicians, social entrepreneurs and development stakeholders.
- We empower scientific researchers and laboratory technicians, as well as social entrepreneurs and their innovations, we target social impact through our partner social entrepreneurs especially in under-served communities, and offer support to development stakeholders.
Progress marker
Pay-back of loans
During 2009 -2019 no loans were paid back. Loans were offered to Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda.
In 2020 and 2021 loans were offered to the same countries and now 30 % was paid back. The paying back was done by Togo. Togo is also the country where the first loans were offered.
Reflections by CEO. A change of mind-set is possible. It has taken ten years.
Informed decision: Activities shall be implement to shorten the time period of change.
Our four areas of expertice
We cover four areas of expertise;
- scientific research,
- advanced laboratories,
- social enterprising, and
- development stakeholder collaboration.
These are the four main areas required for the implementation of our mission.
We manage each area of expertise at five levels; we have a deep understanding of the discipline itself as well as of the realities on the ground, we ensure to learn about the ambitions and the challenges of our partners. We understanding of how to coach our partners to reach their goals and we use scientific evidence based methods to measure impact.
We carefully learn our lessons and we take informed decisions real-time to improve our strategies, methods and tools.
Scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising, & international Sustainable development.
We have four areas of expertise; scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising, and international development. These are the four main areas required for our mission: i) international equal partnership for sustainable development and ii) eradication of extreme poverty.
International equal partnership for sustainable development
- Scientific research is key to growth for any country. To be able to contribute to international collaboration as an equal partner, the researchers must have the necessary capacity. HR&S promotes scientific capacity strengthening procedures at scientific institutions.
- In SSA the scientific institution suffer from lack of functioning advanced scientific equipment, why addressing laboratories is a key component in the above mentioned scientific capacity strengthening procedures. HR&S prmotes the access to functioning advanced scientific equipment.
- Implementing of scientific findings targeting sustainable development can preferably be done through social enterprising. HR&S empowers implementation of scientific findings through social enterprising.
Moreover, innovation is key to the grows of any country and we capture innovations anywhere in the society by offering social enterprising support to innovators for the launching of their ideas. - There is an international interest in that all countries in the world can offer their population a good livelihood, and a set of human rights has been internationally agreed on. Aid has been seen as tool to achieve this, but after 60 years of aid the number of extremely poor people in Africa is increasing every year. HR&S has developed an method to serve under-served population that is an alternative. Our method targets local scientific research, local social enterprising and sustainable economy rather than donor driven NGOs. We implement our activities though our own alternative method and we offer to share about our methods with the aid industry.
Eradication of extreme poverty
HR&S claims that in order to reach the under-served communities we need a chain of stakeholders, with four layers.
- Each under-served community has its own character, needs and expectations.
- We seek to identify members of the under-served communities that are brilliant social entrepreneurs, and that have close relations with the community members.
- The local social entrepreneur may lack, or have little formal education, and we perceive formal education as an opportunity to develop skills for making analyses and long-term planning why we seek to identify a person withing the university community that has intrinsic motivation for developing close relations with social entrepreneurs from the under-served communities.
- Then HR&S Sweden developed close relations with the university people.
Four areas of expertise with Five layers each
- Understanding of the discipline itself.
- Understanding of the realities on the ground.
- Understanding the the ambitions and the challenges of our partners.
- Understanding of how to coach our partners to reach their goals.
- Measuring impact or no impact with evidence based methods.
How do we put our expertise into actual practice so that it serves our two mission statements?
We offer four types of services. First, we have developed management strategies that we offer to our four sets of stakeholders; scientific researchers, laboratory staff, social entrepreneurs and international developers. The management strategies combines our four areas of formal expertise with our understanding about the realities on the ground, targeting a change to firm procedures that captures the goals identified by our partners, as well as measuring evidence based impact or no impact. Secondly, we offer tailor-made support to social entrepreneurs where we provide business loans, training, coaching, expert advise, infrastructure and networking. Thirdly, we measure the impact that our social enterprises have on the local community to ensure that we serve the under-served in a manner that is profitable and sustainable for them. Fourthly, we coordinate among development actors in SSA; the local authorities, the development institutions, private sector with CSR programmes, suppliers from Europe, and donors.
Impact measurement
We measure impact or no impact with scientific methods. We are eager to improve and try innovative methods all the time, we we use scientific evidence based methods to measure impact, carefully learn our lessons and take informed decisions on how to adopt strategies when impact is not reached as expected.
Scientific reseach
We partner with scientific institution managements with the aim to increase the scientific output, the world ranking, and the financial income.We tailor-make support packages to meet the goals of our partners. We address the intrinsic outcome challenges presented by researchers, laboratory technicians and institution management, increasing the number of research grants, publications in peer-reviewed journals, implemented scientific findings, and the amount of income.
We have developed the HR&S Research Management Support programme (REACH) management strategy in order to support scientific institutions with the generation, dissemination and implementation of scientific findings. HR&S REACH compiles and addresses the necessary conditions required to bring about a given impact, including; truth, trust, state-of-the-art knowledge, sustainable economy, institutional capacity, transparency, accountability, cross-cultural understanding, evaluation planning, and testing the strength of evidence for social impact.
Advanced laboratories
We address the access to functioning advanced scientific equipment and reach a sustainable economy for advanced laboratories. We tailor-make support packages to meet the goals of our partners. We
address the challenges presented by laboratory management and technicians management, improving the performance by the laboratory and the amount of income.
We have developed the “Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment” (FAST) management strategy in order to support laboratories and Scientific Institutions with the selection, transportation, installation, calibration, operation, maintenance, servicing, use and decommissioning of advanced scientific equipment.
Each program builds on the Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation tool (ROPE) which measures whether the support provided by the enabled
the partners to be successful. The strategy is unique and has proven
successful. HR&S is coaching through the whole process. The service
is offered in the form of support packages:
A. Equipment procurement and delivery.
B. Equipment use & maintenance.
C. Construction of laboratories.
D. Operational & Financial plan development.
E. Business idea, business plan, and business venture.
We may be able to offer loans with 10 % interest to invest in advanced scientific equipment and the related service and maintenance programmes. In addition, we offer to negotiate a favourable deal with Agreed Suppliers; Agreed Suppliers are suppliers of scientific equipment supported by leading international manufacturers in Europe. HR&S thus facilitates the communication between the manufacturer/supplier from Europe and the buyer in Sub-Sahara African countries.
Other important partners are thus the “Agreed Suppliers”. Agreed suppliers are suppliers of scientific equipment supported by leading international manufacturers. We offer to Agreed Suppliers to bridge gaps between them and scientific laboratories in Sub-Saharan countries and thereby increase the sales volume.
Social enterprising
We empower social businesses that improve livelihoods for under-served populations in Sub-Sahara African countries. HR&S aims to maximize the social impact while finding fair ways of generating income that can cover the costs and thus make the social businesses sustainable. As a result of our strong presence and understanding of the local context, HR&S is able to reach both the served and the under-served population. Our model has proven successful.
We offer tailor-made support packages to meet the goals of our partners by addressing the challenges presented by social entrepreneurs and increasing the sustainability of their business. We aim to increase amount of social good delivered while also increasing the level of income.
Support package. HR&S supports early-stage or small innovative social companies that are in the process of validating, verifying, and developing their business and the solution the business is based on. The goal is to create conditions for companies to develop their operations at locations where other support and financing are difficult to obtain. We have developed a support package from lessons learned during 15 years of operations, that contains business loans, training, coaching, expert advice, infrastructure, and networking. The support package is delivered through our local Research Innovation & Social Enterprising (RISE) Support Centres.
Accountability coaching. A financial deal between stakeholders in an under-served community and HR&S Sweden will most likely not work. We need our i) local branches to stay in contact with our partner entrepreneurs and we need to ii) strike the deal with entrepreneurs that have an agency for change and intrinsic motivation. iii) We only support needs and user-driven intervention, it is our partner entrepreneurs that brings the idea and the implementation plan and that is responsible for the implementation process. HR&S Sweden and HR&S local branches have a humble approach towards our partner entrepreneurs as we do not know the realities on the ground and we address the outcome challenges identified by our partners; iv) We implement a system within each RISE Centre were the RISE members have jointly accountability for the loans that they take. This is achieved through joint regular training events on accounting and evaluation planning, transparency among members, accountability discussions, knowledge sharing and internal support as well as a dependency on each other to pay back according to agreements, to be able to achieve new and larger loans.
Institution management. We also offer training and coaching to institutions that support social entrepreneurs in SSA. We develop tailor-made support packages that enables the institutions to meet their goals.
International sustainable development
There is an international interest in that all countries in the world can offer their population a good livelihood, and a set of human rights has been internationally agreed on. Aid has been seen as a tool to achieve this, but after 60 years of aid the number of extremely poor people in Africa is still increasing every year.
HR&S has developed a method to serve under-served populations targeting improved livelihood that is an alternative to traditional aid procedures, and we claim we contribute to a shift of paradigm. HR&S offers empowerment opportunities for scientific researchers and social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries who can provide employment opportunities and/or products and/or services requested for by under-served communities. Thus it is our local partners in Sub-Sahara African countries who identify the local solutions. At the same time our partners work in equal partnership with the international community. Thereby our operations are needs and user driven while being framed by international state-of-the art knowledge. More,over, while HR&S offers empowerment services and products, we test evidence for impact, learn lessons, and take informed decisions in order to improve our empowerment procedures. We learn our lessons from measuring progress not only targeting the social enterprises themselves but more importantly the impact it has on our target partners, the company clients in the under-served communities. We have developed our own unique evidence based procedures for measuring impact that uses scientific evaluation methods.
A shift of paradigm
There is an international interest in that all countries in the world can offer their population a good livelihood, and a set of human rights has been internationally agreed on. Aid has been seen as a tool to achieve this, but after 60 years of aid the number of extremely poor people in Africa is still increasing every year. HR&S has developed a method to serve under-served populations targeting improved livelihood that is an alternative to traditional aid procedures, and we claim we contribute to a shift of paradigm.
Our ActionAreas
The HR&S method is composed of a set of ActionAreas that combined makes a shift of paradigm possible. It is necessary to address aspects at different levels.
- Management strategies.
The HR&S Founder has developed a management strategy with which the challenges of the partner is identified and a road-map is developed to address the challenges. Thereby, HR&S does not propose the how implement development, but the local stakeholders do, with the support from HR&S. HR&S ensures to address the challenges that previously hindered the local stakeholders to achieve their goals, develop a road-map and coach until goals are met and procedures has become sustainable. Our management strategies is composed of six components, our Strategy ActionAreas; principles for international development collaboration (TAct); cross-cultural awareness & respect (CROSS); trust, trust, transparency and accountability (TRUST); real-time outcome evaluation planning (ROPE); testing the strength of evidence (TestE); and a narrative of the above (SfC).- TAct, the Ten Actions. Principles for international development collaboration.
Action ONE Needs and user driven and Action xx Equal partnership. It is our local partners in Sub-Sahara African countries that identify and implement the local solutions. At the same time our partners work in equal partnership with the international community. Thereby our operations are needs and user driven while being framed by international state-of-the art knowledge. - CROSS, cross-cultural awareness & respect.
- Local presence; Local Branches & RISE Support Centres
- Monthly ActionTalks
- TRUST, transparency and accountability in governance and finance.
We implement accountability strategies. - ROPE, Real-time outcome evaluation planning.
While HR&S offers empowerment services and products, we test evidence for impact, learn lessons, and take informed decisions in order to improve our empowerment procedures. - TestE, Testing the strength of evidence.
We learn our lessons from measuring progress not only targeting the social enterprises themselves but more importantly the impact it has on our target partners, the company clients in the under-served communities. We have developed our own unique evidence based procedures for measuring impact (Testing the Strength of Evidence, TestE) that uses scientific evaluation methods. With TestE, we distinguish between output, outcome and sustainable impact. Outputs are quantified results from the HR&S own activities, outcomes are initiatives taken by our partners (Programme Management Partners (PMP) the empowered social entrepreneurs and Target partners (TP) the clients of the social enterprise) as a result of the outputs, and sustainable impact is when structures have become sustainable in a way that direct support from HR&S is no longer needed. We usually remain partners and previously supporters entrepreneurs becomes members of our networks. - SfC
- TAct, the Ten Actions. Principles for international development collaboration.
- Empower scientific research institutions & advanced laboratories
HR&S offers empowerment opportunities for scientific researchers. Empowering scientific includes support the access of advanced scientific equipment. We understand; i) the discipline itself, ii) the realities on the ground, iii) the ambitions and the challenges of our partners iv) how to coach our partners to reach their goals, and v) how to measure evidence based impact. We target natural sciences, rather than social sciences or health sciences. - Empower social entrepreneurs and serving under-served communities.
HR&S offers empowerment opportunities for social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries who can provide employment opportunities and/or products and/or services requested for by under-served communities. We understand; i) the discipline itself, ii) the realities on the ground, iii) the ambitions and the challenges of our partners iv) how to coach our partners to reach their goals, and v) how to measure evidence based impact. We target the delivery of social good while benefiting from a sustainable economy. This is an sustainable alternative to the aid approach to support development. The types of social enterprises that we support varies widely. This is due to that we seek local entrepreneurs who are in charge of generating an idea, develop, implement and maintain the idea. Thus HR&S does not ave to be an expert, in case our partners need expert advice we will call on our team of experts. - Addressing the realities on the ground
Besides having professional capacity within our four areas of expertise, do we have a deep understanding of the realities on the ground, in relation to our four formal areas of expertise. This capacity is a result of i) HR&S Sweden 15 years of interventions in SSA, on ground, inside the communities and in close collaboration with local stakeholders, in conjunction with a ii) solid team of local stakeholders, the HR&S local branches, our partner social entrepreneurs, researchers and technicians, and the clients to our social entrepreneurs. , thus the local communities and iii) HR&S operates in an innovative manner, sometimes we do the right ring but sometimes we fail, either way we improve our procedures as we have implemented firm methods to learn our lessons and take informed decision. - Development stakeholder coordination.
We implement our activities though our own alternative method and we offer to share about our methods with the aid industry. We also target international sustainable development by creating practical road maps for development stakeholders to reach their development goals while testing the evidence of impact. Our partners benefit from our own innovative and unique management strategies, our other resources and network through training and coaching. We reach out to local authorities, aid institutions, CSR programmes, suppliers from Europe, and the civil society. We also aim for synergies among the different stakeholders.- Local authorities. HR&S addresses the outcome challenges presented by local authorities and other local development stakeholders in SSA, while benefiting from our own management strategies addressing international development and investment in a manner that generate evidence based sustainable impact. We seek local tenders where where we can support local authorities or matters identified by them.
- Aid institutions. It can be concluded from 60 years of aid that “Help” as a mode of operation is biased, and suffer from volatility. The charity, help, aid sector is rich of money, but not effective and/or efficient enough. We reach out to aid institutions for knowledge sharing and we seek grants for the implementation of HR&S programmes.
- Corporate social responasblity (CSR). We collaborate around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ensuring social impact while generating benefits for the CSR company. We tailor-make CSR support packages, benefitting from the HR&S expetise and services that are directly related to the company’s mission. We aim to engage the partner company´s employees,customers, suppliers, and shareholders.
- Agreed suppliers. We offer tailor-made programmes to facilitate sales for European Suppliers. Especially do we target manufacturers of advanced scientific equipment and their local suppliers. We have the capacity to coach the establishment of a functioning and accredited laboratory with advanced equipment managed with a sustainable economy.
- Civil society. We reach out to organisations and individuals with interest in international development and offer seminars, workshops, and webinars where we share from our 15 years of lessons learned. We also offer cross-cultural awareness raising activities.
Supporters: Many want to be involved and to contribute, in their own small capacity, maybe by donating or by doing volunteer work. HR&S proposes volunteer driven crowd-funding platforms that are linked to professional operations in the under-served communities. The mode of operation must be based on intrinsic motivation, it must be efficient, effective, respectful, transparent and accountable to all stakeholders; the receivers, the partners and the givers. The administration cost must be low, below 5%. HR&S has created Action10 for this purpose. Action10 is a volunteer driven organisation that raises money for business loans to local entrepreneurs. The administration costs are 3 %.
- Local authorities. HR&S addresses the outcome challenges presented by local authorities and other local development stakeholders in SSA, while benefiting from our own management strategies addressing international development and investment in a manner that generate evidence based sustainable impact. We seek local tenders where where we can support local authorities or matters identified by them.