RESEARCH MANAGEMENT coaching for scientific capacity strengthening (REACH)
The purpose with the Research Management coaching for scientific capacity strengthening is to support scientific institutions and their scientific researchers with the generation, dissemination, and implementation of scientific findings.
The coaching entails compiling and addressing the necessary conditions required to bring about a given impact. The target partners’ ambitions are compiled to as well as the related challenges. Activities to address the challenges are agreed on and are addressed together, until an expected impact has been reached.
Each programme builds on the HR&S Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation tool (ROPE) which measures whether the support provided by the enabled the partners to be successful.
HR&S operates at scientific institutions with fragile scientific capacity strengthening procedures. Through the coaching each supported researcher will develop an individual Road-map that guides on how to manoeuvrer within a fragile system, team-leaders develop road-maps for their team. Managements develop road-maps for how to reach implement solid scientific capacity strengthening procedures at the institution level. Management road-maps usually include HR&S coaching of individual researchers, technicians and team-leaders.
HR&S has 20 years of experience from working with research management in countries with fragile scientific infrastructure. The tool ROPE has been developed through lessons learned and informed decisions during working within the countries in close partnership with key stake-holders.
Purpose is to ensure sustainable operations and economy in scientific research, enabling equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development.
HR&S offers coaching to scientific institutions and other scientific research related stakeholders in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Within scientific institutions we target the:
- Top and middle management.
- Management administration.
- Scientific researchers.
- Technicians.
- Librarians.
Related stakeholders include:
- Agreed suppliers of scientific equipment.
- Ministry of research and education.
- Private and policy sector seeking scientific knowledge and capacity.
- Development institutions targeting scientific research.

HR&S has developed six unique Practical Strategies and our strategies have given rise to nine unique ActionAreas.
Corner-stones include:
- Motivation.
- Truth & Trust.
- State-of-the-art knowledge.
- Sustainable economy.
- Institutional capacity.
- Transparency & accountability.
- Cross-cultural understanding.
- Equal partnership.
Tools include:
- User-driven social good.
- Stakeholder analysis.
- Strategy for change.
- Accountability management.
- Evaluation planning.
- Testing the strength of evidence of impact.
Modes of delivery
- On-line trainings.
- On-line workshops.
- On-site workshops.
- Individual coaching.
- Round-Table sessions.
- Field visits.
Institution management coaching
Monthly coaching webinar preparations
- Agree on a date for monthly zoom meetings with HR&S and
- set up a joint WhatsApp chat-group, (with time we will have our own platform).
- Assign a local team-leader and a local deputy team-leader.
- Team leaders compile:
- The names of the participants in the team, their affiliation, degrees, and their different roles in the group.
- Time of entry to the coaching programme for each team member and the expected duration.
- Exactly which type of support that is planned to be provide to each of the team member and the related budget line (if any).
- The expectations of what the supported team member will achieve as a result of the support.
- The actual achievements in relation to the expectations at the end of each year, and
- The expected sustainable impact from the coaching.
Progress markers
The progress markers are adjusted to the context of the site of the coaching.
Each team member:
- Has access to good internet to be able to efficiently attend coaching sessions.
- Has a written time management plan.
- With good meeting performances.
- Time set aside to do key work.
- Keeps a personal updated ROPE road-map.
Each team-leader
- Keeps an updated ROPE Road-map for the team.
- Team-leaders present a written vision and mission for the team concerning international equal partnership.
- Each team-leader develops an annual report describing the programme in general,
the output, the progress markers, sustainable impact and a financial report. - A stakeholder analysis is made that describes how to manoeuvrer the team ROPE road-map within the institution.
Each team member
- Access to well-functioning advanced scientific equipment.
- Training on “the scientific method”.
- Workshops on scientific supervision.
- Workshops on seeking research grants.
- Workshops on developing and submitting manuscripts for publication.
- Workshops on motivation, team-building, net-working, knowledge-sharing and time-management.
- Each supported researcher submits two manuscripts per year.
- Each supported researcher submits two grant applications per year.
- Each supported researcher presents scientific findings at one conference or meeting per year.
- Accounting, accountability and transparency procedures are written down and implemented.
- Team-leaders presents and follows-up on business plans.
- Team-leaders presents annual reports.
- Researchers with training ambitions give training sessions on a topic chosen by the researcher every year, within 6 months after having published two papers. External students pay a small fee.
- Researcher with entrepreneurial ambitions implement scientific findings through social enterprising, within one year after having published three papers on the topic.
- Runs monthly seminars with national invitations.
- Each team-leader keeps record of what motivates each team-member, and acts to empower the team-members in the relation to the motivation.
- Scientific capacity strengthening procedures according to the above are part of the institution curriculum and annual reviews shows that the progress markers at levelTWO are met.
- The targeted department benefits from a sustainable economy.
- Scientific capacity strengthening procedures according to the above are part of the institution curriculum and annual reviews shows that the progress markers at levelTWO are met.
Coaching Agenda
- Introduction to the Strategy for Change (SfC)_Coaching.
Cecilia presents the SfC tool and supports with developing a road-map.- Identify individual ambitions and outcome challenges.
- Identify joint challenges and make them group challenges.
- Discuss the different parameters and agree on progress markers including for example;
- Access to quality internet and quality network. A network is a collection of computer systems and devices that are linked together utilizing LAN, WAN, CAN, or HAN.The internet is a global system that connects various sorts of electric devices worldwide.
- Access to good enough computer.
- Time management.
- Ensure sustainable economy
- Identify potential sources of income and address those.
- Empower staff to achieve research grants.
- Sell laboratory services.
- Provide policy briefs for efficient communication with the government.
- Arrange continuous round table discussions with government and private sector representatives.
- Social enterprising targeting the implementation of scientific findings: Reaching the target audience, value proposition & customer segment, the lean business model, performing customers survey interviews and analysis, get commitment from the first few customers / scale with new customers, business model, boot-strapping, strategy for change, start / scale-up loans.
- Identify areas of costs and balance those with the income.
- Develop business plans and ensure customer care
- Implement procedures for transparency and accountability in all areas of governance and finance.
- Financial ethics is equally important as scientific ethics, and we must manage the related standard operational procedures to be able to ensure an enabling scientific environment for our researchers.
- We shall not support institutions avoiding tax as lack of tax payment hinders a society from being wealthy.
- Identify potential sources of income and address those.
- Ensure generation, dissemination, and implementation of scientific findings_Support coaching of researchers.
- Implement REACH coaching for academic staff_ scientific capacity strengthening procedures.
- Training supervisors on scientific supervision.
- A separate mini SfC will be developed to guide supervisors with their assignments.
- Ensure access to scientific literature.
- Empower librarians.
- Ensure access to functioning advanced pieces of equipment_Implement FAST & Support coaching of technicians.
The purpose with the “HR&S Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment” (FAST) Support programme is to support laboratories and Scientific Institutions with the selection, transportation, installation, calibration, operation, maintenance, servicing, use and decommissioning of advanced scientific equipment. Each programme builds on the Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation tool (ROPE) which measures whether the support provided by the enabled the partners to be successful.- A. Equipment procurement and delivery.
- B. Equipment use & maintenance.
- C. Construction of laboratories.
- D. Operational & Financial plan development.
- E. Laboratory business idea.
- Support for women_Coaching
- Arrange with senior women role-model mentors for junior women who
would like to have this. Set up a meeting schedule and rewards for the
mentors. - In case the interest is large, coordinate a local network of lady support.
- Identify and address gender related outcome challenges.
- Arrange with senior women role-model mentors for junior women who
- International collaboration_Participant Engagement
- Develop equal partnership relations with senior and junior
researchers within the same discipline; locally, regionally and
globally. - Join networks. When joining suitable network, be active. Join discussions, support colleagues, share knowledge, give advice.
- Develop equal partnership relations with senior and junior
- Ensure institutional capacity with effective and efficient operations_Coaching
- Ensure motivation, team-building, net-working, knowledge-sharing and time-management.
- Accounting, accountability and transparency procedures are written down and implemented.
- Bureaucracy and hierarchy often make progress inefficient.
- Make stakeholder analysis.
- Involve policy makers in the strategy for change.
- Team-leaders presents and follows-up on business plans.
- Team-leaders presents annual reports.
- Researchers with training ambitions give training sessions on a topic chosen by the researcher every year, within 6 months after having published two papers. External students pay a small fee.
- Researcher with entrepreneurial ambitions implement scientific findings through social enterprising, within one year after having published three papers on the topic.
- Review the SfC road-map_Coaching
Reflect again on ambitions and outcome challenges. Re-reflect also on progress markers and start to measure progress markers. Team-members develop a set of activities and mile-stones and may also develop individual SfC Road-maps guiding the individual efforts to reach individual goals. Team-leaders develop SfC Road-maps for the entire team.- Discuss the different parameters and agree on progress markers including for example;
- Intrinsic motivation.
- Stakeholder analysis.
- International equal win-win partnership.
- Agree on dates and venues for monthly local och coached knowledge sharing sessions, where the SfC related topics are discussed, including outcome challenges, activities and milestones. A coordinator for the logistics around the meetings is assigned, including venue, the agenda and snacks. Progress markers shall be agreed on including submitting two manuscripts per year and two grant applications per year. The meetings shall be well planned, well attended and generate outcome.
- Measure progress markers. The progress-markers are measured during October – December every year and a report is developed due 31 December and shared.
- Measure Baseline, 31 December the year prior to the the start of the coaching.
- Review the SfC road-map_Continuous coaching
- Measure progress markers.
- Literature_Coaching.
- Search the internet for resources from Author Aid concerning literature review.
- The university librarians often have access to keywords to main databases through a collaboration with INASP, but the researchers and the technicians are not aware of this opportunity. Thus i) Establish a relation and facilitate communication between librarians and researchers.
ii) Encourage workshops by the librarians for the researchers and technicians on increased access to literature. - Go through referencing software, including End-Note. Ensure that each researcher has access to End-Note.
- Go though search databases including where to upload own publications and thesises.
- Review the scientific method_Training.
Cecilia offers a one-hour reminder presentation on “Scientific method”. - Review the SfC road-map_Coaching
- Measure progress markers.
- Laboratory work & access to advanced functioning scientific equipment (FAST)_Coaching
- Compile resources from the Royal Society of Chemistry,, that address the group challenges.
- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
When each group members has presented minimum one topic each a compilation of the topics chosen is made. A coordinator for internal training is assigned. A schedule for addressing the resources identified in the monthly sessions is agreed on and implemented.
- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
- Compile resources from the Royal Society of Chemistry,, that address the group challenges.
Research team coaching
Monthly coaching webinar preparations
- Agree on a date for monthly zoom meetings with HR&S and
- set up a joint WhatsApp chat-group, (with time we will have our own platform).
- Compile the names of the participants in the team, their affiliation, degrees, and their different roles in the group.
- Local leaders compile;
- i) time of entry to the coaching programme for each team member and the expected duration,
- ii) exactly which type of support that is planned to be provide to each of the team members and the related budget line (if any),
- iii) the expectations of what the supported team member will achieve as a result of the support,
- iv) the actual achievements in relation to the expectations at the end of each year, and
- v) the expected impact from the coaching.
Progress markers
The progress markers are adjusted reflecting the context of the site of the coaching.
Each team-leader
- Each team-leader attends minimum 10 SfC coaching sessions per year and is active.
- Each team-leader provides a clear compilation of team members, and updates this 1 January every year.
- Each team-leader develops an annual report describing the programme in general, the output, the progress markers per team-member, sustainable impact and a financial report. Due 15 February.
- Attends minimum 10 ROPE coaching sessions per year, and speaks at each session.
- With good internet connection and the video on.
- Has access to internet:
- A personal hot spot
- A reliable internet network at campus.
- Has access to a quality computers
- Procurement procedures are in place.
- Service and maintenance procedures are in place.
- Has access to scientific literature and literature review
- Has access to password for databases available through the librarian.
- Has developed an efficient search profile with support from a librarian.
- Has access to EndNote or other reference soft ware.
- Benefit from the resources available through AuthorAid.
- Information on manuscript writing.
- Information on grant application writing.
- Attends webinars.
- Links to a mentor.
- Has a written time management plan.
- With good meeting performances
- Time set aside to do key work such as write grants application and paper manuscripts.
- Keeps a personal updated ROPE road-map.
- Gives minimum one presentation per year to the team.
- For example from the AuthorAid resources.
- Attends minimum 10 local support meetings per year, and contribute actively to the manuscript or grant application reviews.
- Acts actively as an expert on the topic for the presentation given to the team.
- Has connected to one external mentor (maybe through Author Aid) or formal supervisor and discuss with them minimum six times per year.
- Has access to the scientific equipment required together with glassware and consumables.
- Has access to transportation to and logistics around field sites.
- Each supported researcher submits two grant applications per year.
- Each supported researcher submits two manuscripts per year.
- The financial supporter is always acknowledged.
Each team-leader
- Each team-leader keeps an updated SfC Road-map for the team.
- Each team-leader keeps record of what motivates each team-member, and acts to empower the researcher in the relation to the motivation.
- Team-leaders present a written vision and mission for the team concerning international equal partnership.
- Each team-leader presents in writing and implements accounting, accountability and transparency procedures.
- Team-leaders presents and follows-up on business plans.
Each supported researcher
- Each researcher keeps an updated SfC Road-map.
- Each supported researcher presents scientific findings at one conference or meeting per year, or more often..
- Attends minimum one external training per year.
- For example one of those provided by AuthorAid.
- Train trainers_ Researchers with training ambitions give training sessions on a topic chosen by the researcher every year. External participants pay a small fee. Giving reference to the coaching.
Each team-leader
- A stakeholder analysis is made that describes the how to manoeuvrer the team SfC road-map within the institution.
- A scientific survey is made on outcome challenges and motivation factors.
Each supported researcher
- Researcher with entrepreneurial ambitions implement scientific findings through social enterprising, within one year after having published three papers on the topic.
- One project, or more, within the team benefits from sustainable economy.
- The team benefits from a sustainable economy.
- Scientific capacity strengthening procedures according to the above are part of the institution curriculum and annual reviews shows that the progress markers at levelTWO are met.
Coaching Agenda
- Opening session
Introduction to the REACH Coaching.- Cecilia presents the REACH tool.
- Team-leaders introduce the team-members.
- Each team-member present their individual ambitions and outcome challenges.
- The team identifies common or joint outcome challenges and make them team ambitions and challenges.
- Progress markers are agreed on for each team-member and for the full team together.
- Cecilia supports with developing a draft road-map.
- Agree on Monthly coaching meetings
The team agrees on a time for monthly REACH coaching meetings, maybe one hour, when the team-members are coached on developing and revises road-maps and where progress markers are measured. - Agree on Monthly local meetings
The team agrees on a time for monthly meetings, maybe one or two hours, when applicants presents their work related to progress markers (grant applications and manuscripts) to the team and benefits from team-review.- The monthly meeting gets a name, maybe “Monthly internal review workshop” or “Monthly review club” or….”.
- The time, venue and name of coordinator (circulating) is noted in the Road-Map.
- Refreshment is served if possible.
- Team-member expert committee
- Each team member will become an expert on topics they have presented to the team (from the AuthorAid and Research4Life resources) and guides their colleagues on this specific issue.
Annual reporting, Due 15 January.
- Each team members reports scoring of their individual progress markers and if scoring is low and adjusted road-map; maybe new identified outcome challenges and related activities and mile-stones. Include
- Attends minimum 10 ROPE coaching sessions per year, and is active during the sessions
- Has access to internet and stable network.Has access to a good enough computer
- Has a written time management plan
- A certain amount of hours are set aside per week for grant application and manuscript writing
- Measure Baseline, 31 December the year prior to the the start of the coaching, of the above parameters.
- Each team-leaders reports as above on the joint team progress markers.
- Link to the institution management.
- SECOND session
Sustainable economy & institutional capacity
Besides topics arising from specific situations, knowledge will be shared around:- Access to quality internet and quality network.
- Access to good enough computer. Maybe establish a pool of computers that team-members can borrow, while being part of the team.
- Access to reference manager software.
- Access to Web of science.
- Pictures: Bio render
- Ensure each team-member can cover the tuition fee, through ISP or elsewhere.
Staff do not need tuition fee, but they also have less time. - Efficient communication
- Zoom meetings, WHAP chat
- Efficient time-management.
- Positive and supportive team spirit.
- Local, targeted and international networks.
- Stakeholder empowerment and motivation.
- Transparency and accountability including trust, accounting, auditing.
- Research ethics.
- Cross-cultural awareness raising
as key to the success of the event itself is cross-cultural mutual understanding between the participants this be an aim of the coaching.
- Support for women_Coaching
- Arrange with senior women role-model mentors for junior women who would like to have this. Set up a meeting schedule and rewards for the mentors.
- In case the interest is large, coordinate a local network of lady support.
- Possibly offer grants targeting women.
- “Sex for grades” is addressed, if relevant.
- Supervision_Awareness raising & training
It is key that each researcher has access to useful supervision. The supervisor must know how to inform about all necessary scientific issues, how to build teams of the researchers that shall publish together and ensure that their team members have access to ALL necessary input. With such understanding, the researcher can by her/him-self reply to many questions, make successful plans and take the right initiatives.- Make a scheme of researchers and supervisors.
- Time-management review.
- A separate mini road-map is created during the training to guide supervisors with their assignments.
- Resources on the topics available on internet are compiled, shared and used.
- The scientific method_Training.
It is key that each researcher has a perfect understanding of the scientific method.
such understanding, the researcher can by her/him-self reply to many
questions, make successful plans and take the right initiatives.
It is also key to time management at a personal level.- Cecilia offers presentations on the “Scientific method”.
- Resources on the topics available on internet are compiled, shared and used. Interested team members make presentations on the topic, and become Team member experts.
- Ethics in research is reflected on.
- Ethics in Research_Awareness raising and reflection
- Good research practices rest on some fundamental principles: that one can be assured that research is of high quality; that research is conducted and reported in a truthful way and with respect to important societal values; and that researchers take responsibility for their research and its consequences.
- Principles put differently: Nonmaleficence: not doing harm, Beneficence: doing good, Autonomy: promotion of self-determination of others, Justice: fairness, Universalisability: applicability in other such circumstances, Rationality: ability to give good reasons.
- Seeking research grants_Home work & participant presentations
Addressing the progress marker submitting two research grant applications per year.- Participants make an overview of possible sources of research grants.
- Each team-members selects around three sources of research grants that fit with the individual research topic.
- Author AID resources (
Compile resources from AuthorAid that address the group challenges.- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
When each group members has presented minimum one topic each a compilation of the topics chosen is made. A schedule for addressing the resources identified in the internal monthly sessions is agreed on and implemented.
- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
- Monthly internal review workshops.
Applicants presents their draft application to the team and benefits from team-review.
- Manuscript writing_Home work & participant presentations
Addressing the progress marker, submitting two manuscripts per researcher and year.- Author AID resources (
Compile resources from AuthorAid that address the group challenges.- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
When each group members has presented minimum one topic each a compilation of the topics chosen is made. A schedule for addressing the resources identified in the internal monthly sessions is agreed on and implemented.
- Presentation of resources: Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.
- AuthorAid training events
- Dates and topics of free training events by AuthorAid is compiled. A coordinator for external training is assigned. Group members registers for trainings and the coordinator keep track of the registrations.
After each training the topic of of the training meeting will be to share at the monthly meeting.
- Dates and topics of free training events by AuthorAid is compiled. A coordinator for external training is assigned. Group members registers for trainings and the coordinator keep track of the registrations.
- Predatory publishing awareness
- Predatory publishing, also write-only publishing or deceptive publishing, is an exploitative academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without checking articles for quality and legitimacy, and without providing editorial and publishing services that legitimate academic journals provide, whether open access or not. Naive readers are victims together with researchers having their work overlooked.
- Web of science. A paid-access platform that provides (typically via the internet) access to multiple databases that provide reference and citation data from academic journals, conference proceedings, and other documents in various academic disciplines. It is currently owned by Clarivate.
- Monthly internal review workshops.
Each team member presents their draft manuscript to the team and benefits from team-review.
- Author AID resources (
- Literature review & publishing process_Exercises & annual training by librarian
Addressing the progress marker, submitting two manuscripts per year.- INASP (
INASP Aims to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to produce, share and use research and knowledge in Africa,
Asia and Latin America. We work across the research and knowledge system. INASP negotiate with publishers across disciplines to provide researchers and libraries in developing countries with the journals, books and databases that they need at affordable prices. - Research4Life resources (
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. Research4Life content is grouped into the following collections: Hinari is one of the world’s largest collections of biomedical and health literature. AGORA is an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food and agriculture. ARDI gives access to scientific and technical information. GOALI focuses on law and social sciences, including politics, economics, philosophy, history and more. OARE collects information resources on environment, including ecology, geography, energy and more.- Take time to do the exercises,, either individually or during the internal monthly meetings.
- Sign up for the Research4Life MOOC and webinars, watch videos on Youtube.
- Ensure access to the databases available at the institution library
- Develop a effective and efficient literature search profile. Reach out to librarian for help. Invite librarian to ISP monthly meeting or local meeting.
- Reference management tools: Mendeley, Zotero, and End-note.
- Review the ROPE road-map & measure progress markers_Coaching
Reflect again on ambitions and outcome challenges taking the AuthorAid and R4L support into consideration. Score and re-reflect on progress markers. Consider as well:- Intrinsic motivation.
- Stakeholder analysis.
- International equal win-win partnership.
- Sustainable economy_Coaching, home-work and participants presentations
Address the progress markers sustainable economy.- Sources of income
The team brainstorms on possible sources of income related to defined ambitions; research grants, selling products and services to customers, crowd-funding, reach out to the Government with Policy briefs and round table sessions, reach out to the private sector with round table sessions. - Seeking research grants_Participant Presentations
- Author AID resources
Compile resources from AuthorAid that address seeking research grants. Group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings, the discussions are compiled into a small report.The presenter now becomes an expert of the topic presented and shares about this in the internal monthly review meetings.
- Author AID resources
- Selling products and services to customers.
- Reach out to the Government with Policy briefs and round table sessions.
- Reach out to the private sector with round table sessions.
- Establish a financial plan_Team-leader presentations
- Team-leaders presents how the funds available shall support the team and how new funds shall be generated. A business plan is developed.
- Individual researchers presents how they shall financially contribute to their own research and to the team business plan.
- Accounting, accountability and transparency procedures are agreed on at the team-level.
- Sources of income
- The grant application review_Training & reflection
- Cecilia offers training on the grant application review process.
- Team-members discuss each other’s applications.
- Revisit the manuscript writing – Literature_Coaching & training.
- Revisit the resources of Author Aid.
- Connect again with the university librarian.
- Seek support from INASP.
- Go through referencing software, including End-Note. Ensure that each researcher has access to End-Note or other tool.
- Go though search databases including where to upload own publications and thesis.
- Cecilia offers training on manuscript writing and manuscript peer-reviewing.
- Review the scientific method_Training & reflection.
- Cecilia offers training on “Scientific method”.
- Team reviews their research projects and refelcts on the scientific method.
- Laboratory work & access to advanced functioning scientific equipment (FAST)_Coaching
The purpose with the “HR&S Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment” (FAST) Support programme is to support laboratories and Scientific Institutions with the selection, transportation, installation, calibration, operation, maintenance, servicing, use and decommissioning of advanced scientific equipment. Each programme builds on the Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation tool (ROPE) which measures whether the support provided by the enabled the partners to be successful.- A. Equipment procurement and delivery.
- B. Equipment use & maintenance.
- C. Construction of laboratories.
- D. Operational & Financial plan development.
- E. Laboratory business idea.
- Compile and share resources from
- the Royal Society of Chemistry,
- Supplier websites
- Each group member selects a topic and gives a presentation during the monthly meetings. A coordinator for internal training is assigned.
- Safety
- Health and environment.
- International collaboration_Participant Engagement
- Develop equal partnership relations with senior and junior researchers within the same discipline; locally, regionally and globally.
- Join networks. When joining suitable network, be active. Join discussions, support colleagues, share knowledge, give advice.
- Review the ROPE road-map_Coaching
- Address progress markers.
- Presenting at conferences_Training
- Preparing oral presentations and posters.
- Resources available through AuthorAid.
- Address the progress marker.
- Reaching out to policy makers
- Develop and share policy-briefs.
- Invite to round table sessions.
- Bureaucracy & hierarchy_Coaching
Bureaucracy and hierarchy often make progress inefficient.- Make stakeholder analysis.
- Involve policy makers in the ROPE work.
- Social enterprising targeting the implementation of scientific findings_Coaching
- Reaching the target audience, value proposition & customer segment, the lean business model, performing customers survey interviews and analysis, get commitment from the first few customers / scale with new customers, business model, boot-strapping, strategy for change, start / scale-up loans.
- Review the ROPE road-map.
- Measure progress markers.
- Measure sustainable impact.
- The Base line is measured at 31 December of the starting year.
- The progress markers are measured 31 December every year.
Useful Links
Author Aid
cas-scifinder: – Identifying a chemical substance
Time management & planning (forwarded by Joanna)
The scientific method
Differences of Useful terms used in Research Methodology,
Difference between Research Methods and Research Methodology,
Differences between Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework ,
Differences between Reliability and Validity,
Problem Statement
How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement
How to identify a research gap,
How to select Research Topic,
Data collection and analyses
Data Collection Websites ,
Interpretation of Regression Analysis,
Regression Analysis with Scientific Calculator,
How to install Add-ins,
Basics of MS Excel,
Literature review
Basics of Literature Review | 5 Simple Steps,
Literature Databases,
Science writing (forwarded by Joanna)
Article Writing Pros and Cons,
1-Shitty First Drafts.pdf
6-MIN Journal_Focus.pdf
Belcher_Chapter 1.pdf
Review Article
How to Write a Review Article | Step by Step Guide
Differences between Review Paper vs Research Paper,
Five Simple Rules to Avoid Plagiarism
Social media
How to add or update articles in Google Scholar,
How to cite and download articles from google scholar,
Other (share by John Wasswa)
Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach By UMA SEKARAN,
Best Books of Research for beginners ,
Best Academic Paper Writing Books,
How to Convert Word to PDF | Without Software or Internet,
How to Convert PDF to word | Without Software or Internet,
Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation,
How to write the introduction,
MCQs on Research Methodology
Important for all Competitive Examinations,
Research Proposal Presentation Speech,
History of Gold Prices in Pakistan,
Strategy for change
Twenty 3-5 days long workshops on Research Management have already been held benefitting from the HR&S strategies.
We have targeted Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Findings from the workshops have been compiled below.

Target Partners
The programme addressed five categories of Target partners (TPs):
- TP1 Research
TP1A. Researchers: PhD students, Post-doc researchers, Professors.
TP 1B. Research Students: MSc students.
TP 1C. Supervisors.
TP 1D. Entrepreneurs from the university. - TP2 Education
TP 2A. Lecturers. - TP3 Research services
TP 3A. Laboratory Technicians.
TP 3B. IT technicians.
TP 3C. Librarians. - TP4 Research management
TP 4A. Department management.
TP 4B. University Top management; VC, DVC research, innovation and enterprising, DVC administration, DVC academic, Finance manager, Bursary.
TP 4C. Top management Administration; Accountant, Procurement officer, Public relations and communication. - TP5 External Research services
TP 5A. Agreed Suppliers.

Professional Ambitions among the researchers have been found to be:
- Individual career goals.
- Perform high quality research.
- Disseminate scientific findings.
- Implement scientific findings.
- Enable talents of Africa.
1. Individual career goals
- Do scientific career. Be promoted.
- Become a professor.
- Become an authority in a subject.
- Establish a research group and become a team leader.
- Become journal editor.
2. Perform high quality research, in order to:
Generate knowledge.
- Become experts, for example in water treatment.
- Develop products and services.
- Generate innovations.
Address the needs of the people
- Solving problems of the population. Save Africa from suffering from a lot of problems, save Africans.
- Develop new products and services for the community, for example: minimal amount of minerals required in rice, varieties of cotton, develop phyto-medicine, implement cooperative processes.
- Characterise the local situation for example: identify appropriate local material (clay etc.), sharing of land.
- Sensitise the local community on development, for example: analyse the mind-set of the community, promote use of developed products.
- To know what research that needs to be done to save Africa.
- To develop our communities by using research results, gather all local research to benefit basic development in the communities.
- Introduce anthropology in health-care, promote health-care by medicinal plants.
Address the needs of the country
- To know the needs of the country and address it through research, for example;
address the lowering level of groundwater, to know the quality of water and able to make advanced measurements of water quality and with the most advanced pieces of equipment, identify and address pollution from industries, to use results from research to improve agricultural and process engineering.
Address the needs of the government
- Support politicians to develop national policies to promote community development, lobbying politicians
- Support policymakers.
- Involve universities and research teams in the elaboration and realisation of development policies.
Address the needs of the private sector.
- At the university level.
- At the institutional level.
3. Disseminate scientific findings
To other researchers
- Publish scientific papers.
- Present results at conferences.
To the public
- Produce books and distribute to the public.
- Offer workshops to the public.
- Translate findings into local language.
- Increase community awareness about development.
To the government
- Share scientific findings with the policy makers.
- For example: regulated sharing of land, enabled free movement of people in Africa.
- Through University website.
To the private sector
- Through University website.

4. Implement scientific findings and services while making profit
Offer chemical, physical and biological analytical services
- Chemical, physical and biological analyses.
- Accredited chemical analyses.
- Training on analytical equipment.
Take on consultancy assignments
- Address the needs of the rural and urban civil society, for example: food security, economic resilience for cotton, manage livestock, access to safe drinking water, improved water treatment, fuel production and appropriate habitat based on local raw material.
- Address the needs of the government.
- Address the needs the private sector.
Develop for-profit businesses
- Sell products and services developed through research.
- Develop patents of novel ideas for example on pesticide formulation.
5. Enable talents of Africa
All youths, also those lacking tuition fees.
- Enable the talents of the youths of the country. Develop the university to be able to capture the genius of all the youths, because only a few get this opportunity, many more would contribute if provided the opportunities.
Female students and researchers.
- Offer opportunities targeting women to do scientific research.
African researchers in other continents
- Promote African researchers at other continents.
TP2. Technicians
- Fulfilling laboratory responsibilities.
- Teach about theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry.
- Analytical chemistry.
Outcome Challenges
The outcome challenges have been developed in relation to testimonies shared during the workshops.
TP1 – Researchers
Outcome challenges for the researchers (TP1) have been presented as:
- Lack of motivation to do research.
- Lack of funds.
- Lack of time management.
- Lack of collaboration & networking.
- Lack of theoretical research capacity.
- Lack of practical research capacity.
- Lack of capacity to address the needs of the rural and urban civil society.
- Lack of capacity to disseminate scientific findings.
- Lack of capacity to implement scientific findings.
- Lack of capacity to develop a business around implementation of sientific findings.
- Lack of capacity todevelop and share plolicy briefs.
Individual career goals
Lack of motivation to do research
Lack of motivation due to lack of dissemination and implementation of sientific findings.
“To be motivated then I have to add something to the scientific community.”
“Motivation depends on the real goal. I need to have clear and reachable goals.”
Lack of motivation due to weak leadership.
“Some needs to be motivated by others.”
“Good leadership can provide motivation, but we lack motivating leaders.”
“The leader have to give the motivations by their presence in meetings.”
“Police, soldiers, and leadership are related to provide motivation.”
Lack of motivation due to limited financial support.
Sometimes during the workshops, the word “motivation” atually refers to money.
“Too low salary.”
“The private institutions offers higher salary.”
“If we don’t get something when we do something, then we we will start to do nothing. The focus may be on achieving money rather than on quality values. Some people tend to love money too much.”
“We should actually think that we make an investment in ourselves even if we do not get well paid, but we do not thnk like that”.
Lack of interest in and passion for research itself.
“We cannot oblige someone to be motivated.”
“If there is motivation or here is lack of motivation, will be seen as soon as difficulties appear.”
“If members do not have motivation they can be chased away from the team. We don’t force anybody to be a member of a research team.”
Time management
“I lack enough workhours to spend on research.”
“I have to spend a lot of time on administrative issues.”
Perform high quality research
Collaboration & networking
“It is difficult to develop multidisciplinary teams.”
“There are no opportunity to attend conferences.”
Performing theoretical research
“I lack skills in data management.”
Performing practical research
“We do not have access to functioning equipment, such as AAS, HPLC, GCMS, ICPMS, FTIR, UV, LCMS, capillary electrophoresis and NMR.”
“I lack knowledge about which equipment I need to perform my research.”
“I do not have enough workhours to spend in the laboratory.”
“I am not allowed to choose the supplier that i find is best.”
Addressing the needs of the rural civil society
“I lack information about local needs.”
“I do not know how to get commitment at the community level.”
“I lack social know-how; how to introduce new methods to the community, how to change the communities’ mind-set.”
“I lack communication skill and experience from development at the community level”.
“I lack knowledge about local technical conditions, technical know-how and the type of equipment at the community level.”
“We suffer from weak internet connection at the community level.”
Disseminate scientific findings
“I lack skills in how to publish my findings.
Implementing scientific findings
Share scientific findings with the government
“The communication between the academic sector and policy makers is weak.”
“I lack opportunities to practice linking scientific results to policy making.”
“I lack knowledge about policy-briefs.”
Developing Businesses
“I do not know how to implement innovations.”
“I do not know about patenting.”
“I do not know about how to start a business.”
Enable talents of Africa
“Talents may not have access to tuition fees.”
“Talents may not have access to powerful internet.”
“Social economic challenges hindering women from doing scientific career.”

TP2 Technician
” We lack enough staff.”
” We lack adequate salary.”
” We lack laboratory space.”
” We lack servicing tools and manuals.”
” We lack funds to do service and maintenance real-time.”
” We lack communication with reliable suppliers.”
The Activites have been developed as a rsult of testimonies shared during the workshops.
TP1. Researchers
Individual career goals
“I will ensure individual time management.”
“I will ensure enough time to do research through own well-disciplined time management.”
“I shall ensure time to attend the meetings.”
“I will ensure an individual long-term planning with measurable mile-stones.”
Apply for reserch grants
“I will seek knowledge to know how to apply for research grants and how to invest them well, so that my career is promoted and not destroyed.”
” I will send grant application to donors supporting research and scientific meetings.”
” I will identify appropriate grant giving institutions.”
” I will seek funding from the government.”
“I will send grant application to the government.”
” We shall arrange a Grant Club where we support each other with seeking research funding; set times, venue and appoint a coordinator.”
” I will seek knowledge to know how to publish.”
” We shall arrange a Publishing Club where we support each other to publish; set times, venue and appoint coordinator.”
Manage the English language. Manage an English Club; weekly, set time, venue. With English teacher. Coordinator appointed. Homework: learn three new words per day.
Change attitude related to lack of motivation due to limited financial support
“We shall change attitude from focusing on money to focusing on research output.”
“We should be motivated from that we make the investment in ourselves.”
“Team work can also motivate.”
Perform high quality research
“We shall believe in ourselves.”
“The prolonged provision of aid became a problem since it discouraged creativity, innovation and creative thinking as the researchers focus on the money rather than the impact of the research.”
“We shall develop novel ideas.”
“We shall develop products and services.”
“We shall develop patents.”
“We shall do more research even with the available inadequate pieces of equipment.”
Collaboration & networking
“I shall seek opportunities to do things together.”
“I shall capture opportunities for collaboration.”
“We shall share knowledge and experiences with each other.”
“We shall create knowledge sharing platforms.”
“I shall ensure time to attend meetings.”
“I shall have a positive attitude to all contributions by others.”
“I shall help other people to become more motivation.”
“I shall address team building.”
“I shall build research teams.”
“I shall network among research teams.”
“We shall increase the direct research collaboration through identifying authors as new potential collaborators.
“In order to have reliable and functional research teams it is necessary that objectives of the projects that the team shall work on are well defined.”
“We shall arrange with collaborative platform between researchers, students and technicians.”
“We shall partner with departments of the same discipline worldwide.”
“We shall build a network of all African scientists.”
“We shall establish pan African networks with regular meetings in domains without. “
“We shall build networks of all African scientists in order to do basic and applied research together.”
State-of-the-art knowledge
“We shall seek knowledge and ensure to be up-dated about the state-of-the art.”
Practical research
“We shall ensure that we have access to a quality laboratory with functioning advanced equipment and well educated technicians.”
“We shall identify quality pieces of equipment that are suitable for African conditions.”
“We shall create a good atmosphere and a collaborative platform between researchers, students and technicians.”
“We shall develop a proper business situation around laboratories.”
“We shall convince the authorities through policy-briefs and Round table sessions to equip the laboratories at academic institutions.”
Address the needs of the civil society
“I shall analyse the mind-set of the community.”
“I shall benefit from and collaborate around local knowledge when developing products and services.”
“We shall develop products and services appropriate to and useful for the local civil society, for example to use local material as pigment and traditional medicine to overcome health problems in Africa.”
“I shall sensitise the local community on development.”
“I shall promote the usage of developed products.”
Collaborate with policymakers
“I shall support policy development.”
“I shall support politicians to develop national policies in order to promote community development.”
“We shall lobby among the politicians.”
Collaborate with the private sector
“We shall address the needs of the private sector.”
Disseminate scientific findings
Scientific meetings
“We shall increase the amount of disseminated results through workshops and conferences.”
“We shall publish more.”
Share with the government
“We shall inform about scientific findings through policy briefs.”
“We shall inform about products and services through Round Table discussions.”
“We shall prove ourselves useful to the government in order to motivate them to invest more in scientific research.”
Implement scientific findings
“We shall work in research areas with practical applications.”
“We shall reach out more to the society.”
“We shall have more knowledge of the areas of research required by the society”
“We shall have knowledge about the problemof the society before starting the research work.”
“We shall focus on impactful research for the society.”
“We shall discuss with industries to identify gaps and then research on on topics relevant for the industry.”
“We shall work in collaboration with research beneficiariesin order to come up with impactful research topis”.
“We shall communicate and compare with others in order to ensure interdisciplinary collaboration that will promote implementation.”
“We shall implement results directly after publication.”
“We shall establish local research institutions, besides the universities and the governmental institutions, to promote implementation.”
“We shall adopt competency based training.”
Sustainable economy
“We shall analyse how money raised can generate further income.”
“We shall avoid to be depending fully on aid.”
Develop businesses
“We shall improve our service delivery.”
“We shall take responsability for generating the necessary start-up capital while doing boot-strapping.”
Enable talents
“We shall ensure tuition fees for all ambitious students.”
“We shall ensure gender equity regarding scientific careers.”
” We shall empower women by ensuring women researcher role-models.”
“We shall promote African researchers at other continents.”

TP2 Technician
Quality laboratory with functioning advanced equipment.
“We shall select the most relevant and appropriate equipment, accessories and consumables.”
“We shall identify the technicians and technologists that needs to be in charge of the new pieces of equipment.”
“We shall identify research topics and researchers that can be supported with new pieces of equipment available.”
“We shall develop the required physical infrastructure.”
“We shall evelop the operational and financial plans for the laboratory.”
“We shall ensure that we have procedures in place where we can i ) perform an honest tender to identify reliable suppliers and secure high quality after-sales services, ii) negotiate prices, ii) placing orders and pay, iii) ensure professional transporttion and installation, iv) trainings on operation, analytical methods and maintenance, and v) ensure professional after-sales contact with the suppliers.”
“We shall promote educated for technicians.”
“We shall train other technicians. “
“We shall ensure that technicians have the capacity to operate all pieces of equipment.”
“We shall ensure sharing of knowledge and capacities among all relevant stakeholders.”
Collaboration and networking
“We shall ensure a good atmosphere and a collaborative platform between researchers, students and technicians.”
“We shall ensure arrange an association of chemists in the country.”
“We shall ensure arrange strong collaborating with other laboratories.”
The Milesones have been developed as a result of discussions during the workshops.
Access to internet
Education and research activities came to a standstill during the lockdown caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. The pandemic has pushed most educational activities and communication to rely on the internet. The internet provides the crucial link for communication amongst people. The need for social distancing in this pandemic era has enhanced online based activities. Reliable internet connectivity is essential for successful benefit from online based activities/communication. Internet connectivity has always been a challenge for group members. While the university provides internet, connectivity is intermittent and when working the internet is slow. It goes without saying that reliable internet is essential in this new normal where most activities are now internet based. The research group members will benefit from good internet with constant connectivity, this will enable the members to carry out literature reviews effectively and carry out zoom meetings to discuss various issues pertaining to research in the group. Reliable internet will also enable the group to effectively participate in virtual conferences.
Internet connection options shall be made available both at the usniversity / department level and at home.
The connectivity shall cover the whole campus.
Expected Cost:
Modem: Euro 100.
Connectivity per year (100 GB): Euro 1000.
Researchers also need to be able to connect to internet from home.
Expected cost
Euro 40 per person and month (50GB).
Assume 10 members fo a research team: Euro 5000 per year.

Access to laboratory
The activities were also affected by the Covid 19 pandemic with laboratory work halted.
Although scientific researchers and innovators in Sub-Saharan Africa present amazing solutions to national and international challenges, their ideas are often unrecognised and unsupported. Consequently, findings tend not to be implemented, and businesses not to be started. As a result, the society lack access to products, services and employment opportunities that would have strengthened the society. This also reduces the tax income to the government and thus creates a lack of advanced education, social security and resourceful institutions. Moreover, international negotiations and international trade tend to be unbalanced and some countries tend remain behind on the international competitive development arena. The number of extremely poor people are increasing every year.
Human Rights and Science (HR&S) claims that the efficiency of implementation of locally developed solutions is strengthened through international equal partnership collaboration. We argue for truth, trust, harmony, equity, resilience, mutual knowledge sharing, sustainable economy, institutional capacity and cross-cultural understanding. We have developed six unique tools and strategies (TAct, ROPE, TRUST, CROSS, RISE & TestE) while targeting scientific research, innovations and social enterprising. With ten years of experience, with operations in twelve Sub-Saharan African countries, and with evidence of outcome and impact, we can state that our model is successful.
As mentioned the evaluation planning of the Research management programmes follow the Real-time Outcome Planning & Evaluation (ROPE) strategy. A new ROPE programme starts with setting a goal and to develop indicators to measure results. Then we develop an implementation plan, we secure finances, staff, and infrastructure, then we ensure knowledge sharing, the accounting procedures and the cross-cultural understanding. Then we make an activity plan and assign to people and institutions; who will do what, how and when. Now we implement, and after we measure the results and analyse. Thereafter we complement with what did not go well until we reach the goal we set up in the beginning. HR&S offers to coach through the procedures.
We only work in areas identified by our local partners, and besides programme design and implementation coaching, HR&S contributes with expert advice on the scope of the programme, international state-of-the art knowledge, facilitation of accounting and auditing, cross-cultural understanding, monitoring and evaluation as well as start-up loans. The ROPE practical strategy is useful for the implementation of development programme management, scientific research management, laboratory management. The ROPE strategy is likewise useful for scaling small activities to profitable social enterprises.
The Research management support programme has been developed by Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN.
She is grateful for the support provided by friends, colleagues and partners all over the world.