Reports per Branch
We have established HR&S local branches & RISE Centres in Sub-Saharan Africa countries.
The Centres provide support to local social entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators to offer their products and services to the local community, they also represent HR&S locally.
- Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou
- Kenya, Nairobi
- Liberia, Monrovia
- Nigeria, Abuja
- Togo, Lomé
- Rwanda, Kigali
- Uganda, Kampala
- Zambia, Lusaka
Millicent SIFUNA, M.Sc.
Evaluation planning Coach, Team leader, Nairobi Kenya.
Millicent is a Master’s graduate in Medical and Veterinary Entomology from the University of Nairobi Kenya. Her research which is grounded in malaria research, focuses on the ecology and biology of malaria mosquitoes. Millicent has huge community interests. She has worked in marginalized communities as a volunteer graduate assistant. Apart from supporting and strengthening education outcomes in the community, she actively participated in community sensitization programs addressing hunger and food insecurities. This has ensured invaluable exposure to diverse environments, experiences and communities. This experience has provided her with inter-ethnic interaction, thus a global mindset.
It is this great passion for a better community that linked Millicent up with Cecelia, CEO HR&S. Cecelia came to the University of Nairobi to offer a Research management workshop. From her unique training, Millicent noted that they shared some common values, goals and interests. Millicent followed her up and they were able to link and initiate some collaboration.
Millicent works as an evaluation planning coach for the programme. Her main responsibilities are:
- Designing programmes and performing evaluation planning for the institution.
- Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management
- Developing and implementing business plans
- Collecting information from surveys and developing the annual programme report
Millicent finds being a coach as something interesting yet challenging. New lessons are learnt every day. Decisions also have to be made, some hard to make. One is also exposed to different environments and people which makes it more interesting and something worth holding onto.
Millicent would love to see a changed society. She believes that every community should be happy and healthy. This is only possible when we reach out, listen and turn problems into opportunities.

Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Evaluation planning Coach, Team leader, Togo
I am an Associate Research Professor in Physics at the University of Lomé, Physics Department, Lomé Togo.
During a visit of Madam Cecilia, in Togo especially at S.E.VIE, an association that worked with Action10, she asked to know what can be possible. First, our ideas concerned research, and she made two workshops with the department on research management and how to leave the AID system to sustainability and responsibility. During our discussions, I heard about Action10 and its activities which are similar to some of my activities implemented personally in some villages. I saw that I can be useful in helping people through Action10 activities. And I started as a coach of the association SEVIE at TSEVIE, a village not far from Lomé, Togo. I am leading an association namely “Leaders and Development, L&D” that worked with SEVIE and HR&S and Action10.
As a coach for SEVIE, we:
- Reinforced the business idea, the “Small-scale business programme in Tsévié”
- Were involved in the implementation of the programme A28 that support many women in their activities.
- Set monthly face-to-face meetings with all assigned administrators and managers.
- Follow-up through communication in-between meetings.
- Produced the annual coaching reports presenting the year’s activities and a written assessment.
- Sampled some books and showed ways to reach a better implementation.
- Attended of the inventory of the loans in the villages for Programme No A3, where L&D has kindly agreed to coach the programme a new restart with the management a new partner who has a closer link to the villages, M AHIAKONOU Yawo.
- Set TRUST, RESPONSIBILITY for the new programme through many calls and discussions and meeting. So,
- L&D and I assisted the programme with its setup such as:
- A business plan.
- Books setup.
- The contract sheet.
- Recruitment and Workshops.
- I am the leader of RISE Centre Togo as an evaluation planning coach.
- Chairing the group of Togo.
- Coaching the programme of M Yawo.
To be a coach is a matter of responsibility and to be; Serious, Engaged, Trustworthy, Volunteer, Smart, Tolerance.
The most value being a coach is; being considered by the target partner; Your effort to solve a problem; Results at the end.
The biggest change I have seen happen through our programme is Workshops; Effort to work with many poor people; Introduction of the business model; Building RISE centres.
My dream is to build a new world in connecting many people through Action10.
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor – CAMES , FDS/UL/Dpt de Physique/Université de Lomé-Togo, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux et Composants à Semi-conducteurs, Tel. 0022899489536. email: ou, ORCID iD :, Web of Science ResearcherID Q-4806-2016:
2023 – L&D
As for the business plan can I please propose.
L&D borrows in total EUR 20,000 from HR&S (scaling step-wise)
and pays annual interest 10% to HR&S Togo (EUR 2,000).
L&D gives out loans per 6 month and charges 7% per 6 months, thus 14 % per year, and thereby earns 4% of EUR 20,000 per year, which is EUR 800. This can used for reimbursement and empowerment of L&D.
In addition, L&D charges the loan-takers a small fee, which covers the direct costs related to the coaching, transportation, transfer of money, reimbursement to field staff etc. The coaching ensures that the loan is paid back.
Each loan-taker pays a percentage of the loan as a fee, 3% per six months. The income to L&D from the fee to pay direct costs will then be 6% per year, thus EUR 1,200.
(L&D may also want to consider the opportunity to give out loans per month, with 3 % interest (and not fee). Thus 36 % per year. This gives an opportunity to increase the profit.)
Social impact
The loan range is EUR 50-250, assuming the average loan is EUR 200. With EUR 20,000, we can then serve 1000 loan-takers.
Accounting 2021
FROM: Doreen Faith Nalugya, Accounting Coach
Date: 30th November 2021
This report is from the month of July when the rise center officially started its activities in Uganda to date. In my capacity as an accounting coach, my duty is to guide on quality of book keeping, financial controls and providing instructions related to the actual situation.
Accounts Activities
Bank Account. With the assistance of the project manager, we were able to open up an account in Absa bank where I and the project manager are signatories. This has been used for transactions of the Rise Center, both deposits and withdraws of funds to facilitate activities.
URA Returns. Provisional INCOME TAX RETURNS for period 2021/2022 were filled. I filled zero returns basing on the fact that there were no activities that were being done by the Rise center due to the lock down I the country. Basing on the situation, final returns will be filled in January 2022 when lockdown is lifted.
Laboratory management workshop. We were able to collect Ugx 1,247,623 (EUR 300) from attendants of this workshop that happened in March 2021.
Receipt Book and Cheque Book. We were able to make a receipt book for confirmation of money received on our account. On the same note, we also got a cheque book to facilitate us on withdraws from our bank account.
Loan to Chusa salon. Details for this loan are as below. Receipts are in my custody. However, Moses is currently looking for a space to relocate the saloon. Rent payment of Ugx1,750,000 was transferred to Moses through our account.
item Unit Price Unit Amount EUR Expenditure
Rent 200,000UGX 61,200,000UGX 272.73 € 1,200,000
Drier 500,000UGX 1500,000UGX 113.64 € 750,000
Braids & Cosmetics300,000UGX 1300,000UGX 68.18€ 350,000
Electricity50,000UGX 6300,000UGX 68.18€ 100,000
Carpentry200,000UGX 1200,000UGX 45.45€ 150,000
Mirrors100,000UGX 2200,000UGX 45.45€ 204,000
Trimming machines100,000UGX 2200,000UGX 45.45€
KCCA trading licence150,000UGX 1150,000UGX 34.09€
Sink – wash basin150,000UGX 1150,000UGX 34.09€ 550,000
Plastic chairs20,000UGX 5100,000UGX 22.73€ 150,000
Rollers15,000UGX 460,000UGX 13.64€ 35,000
Carpet50,000UGX 150,000UGX 11.36€ 130,000
Towels5,000UGX 735,000UGX 7.95€ 45,000
Door curtain30,000UGX 130,000UGX 6.82€ 70,000
Banner30,000UGX 130,000UGX 6.82€
Gloves25,000UGX 125,000UGX 5.68€
Aprons5,000UGX 525,000UGX 5.68€
Combs20,000UGX 120,000UGX 4.55€ 50,000
Basins10,000UGX 220,000UGX 4.55€
Jerrycan10,000UGX 220,000UGX 4.55€
Head bands3,000UGX 412,000UGX 2.73€
Bucket5,000UGX 210,000UGX 2.27€ 40,000
Scissors5,000UGX 210,000UGX 2.27€ 25,000
Hand driers2240,000
Saloon styling chair1750,000
Total3,647,000UGX 828.86€
Total loan repayment amount 4,011,700 UGX 911.75€
My recommendations would be;
Us diversifying Human Rise businesses to enable us survive beyond the lockdowns happening in the country.
To fully resume surveys on what to invest in in January 2022 as Uganda is still under partial lockdown and curfew. Same are expected to be risen in January as per the most recent communication from the President.

Reflections on 2019 until 2022
- In the financial report we have to differentiate also the sources of income. We have had two sources of income Action10 and participation in webinar fees. The income generated by the branch itself, shall be used for the branch itself.
- Action10 pays EUR 300 per year (for three years) to members that provides an activity report that is approved by HR&S. This has to be accounted for each year. We have Moses and Doreen. Moses has been reimbursed since mid 2019. With the mentioned transaction this has been catered for, plus EUR 100 for team-leader computer support. After three year the intention is that the income generated by the branch itself shall cover the team member reimbursement. If this is not possible, we shall look into the outcome challenges and adjust the branch strategy for change.
- We want to support KIMU coffee, but there is a resistance from Action10 board and auditors at several branches against providing loans to team-leaders. Instead we want to reimburse appreciated team -leaders enough for them to have their own capital to invest in their businesses. For Moses we shall the reimburse him EUR 600 for 2022
(300 from Action10 and 300 from the income generated in 2021). - At the same time it would be great to have an auditing of the Branch, but we do not know if we can afford this for 2021. Instead maybe Arnold will give us professional advice, until the branch is large enough to afford auditing.
- We need a manager for RISE salons, that is key. With this project running Action10 can transfer again.
Maybe Arnold will want to look into his network as well. - Then we need businesses that we can empower and that will actually pay the interest and membership fee, and not waste our money and destroy the HR&S branch Uganda.
- I will offer a new training in March, and this can generate participation fee.
- We are also talking with Bernard and if we can buy art from him and sell at a higher price elsewhere, this is an opportunity. This can be done by Branch Uganda and HR&S Sweden as well. I believe that for example his paintings would look wonderful at hotels in Uganda