Our expertise
Our expertise is three-fold.
- We have a deep understanding of performing scientific research as well as disseminating and implementing the findings.
- We have developed support packages through which we share this information in the form of webinars and workshops.
- We have a deep understanding about the the the context in SSA related to scientific institutions.
We have developed research management strategies (REACH) both for institution managements as well as for researchers and laboratory technicians that package our understanding in a format which can be efficiently communicated to our partners. With REACH we transform fragile scientific systems to become strong by developing tailor-made scientific capacity strengthening procedures in close collaboration with our partners. - We have a deep understanding about how to implement change.

HR&S Strategy for change
Context, Mission, Ambition
Although scientific researchers and innovators in Sub-Saharan Africa present amazing solutions to national and international challenges, their ideas are often unrecognised and unsupported. Consequently, findings tend not to be implemented, and businesses not to be started, and as a result, the society lack access to products and services that would otherwise have strengthened the society. Human Rights and Science (HR&S) claims that the efficiency of implementation of locally developed solutions is strengthened through international equal partnership collaboration.
HR&S Mission
The purpose with the HR&S Research Management Support programme (REACH) is to support scentific institutions with the generation, dissemination and implementation of scientific findings. HR&S REACH compiles and addresses the necessary conditions required to bring about a given impact, including; truth, trust, state-of-the-art knowledge, sustainable economy, institutional capacity, transparency, accountability, cross-cultural understanding, evaluation planning, and testing the strength of evidence for social impact.
- The HR&S ambitions is to empower scientific institutions with fragile scientific infrastructure to develop strong scientific capacity strengthening procedures and testing evidence for impact.
- We target solid transparency and accountability structures.
- We address the intrinsic outcome challenges presented by the researchers, the laboratory technicians and the institution management, in order for them to reach their professional ambitions. We avoid the “help-me” mindset and approach.
- Coordinate with Minisitries in charge of scientific research.
Outcome challenges
Scam defence
From the literature it can be concluded that 419 scams from Africa towards foreigners is increasing significantly. Scamming mzungus has become a billion dollar industry, annually.
This is a relevant topic for our research management programes for two reasons:
i) Out institutions will be attacked by 419 scams, and
ii) scammers will reach out to our proramme as a shortcut to foreign funds for their own benefit, but without doing exactly the 419 scam, but by seeking support that they do not intended to invest according to agreements or interact in other ways.
It is generally agreed that the reasons behind the scamming are:
i) Some governments are precieved as corrupt and thus serve as a role-model for the population to get involved with scamming,
ii) there are not enough higher institutions for education leaving many illiterate, combined with lack of infrastructure leading to that also educated people are jobless
iii) some of those with high positions in the society, already rich, well-educated, with good senior employment positions, wants more,
iv) the wage gap between the rich and the poor is increasing,
v) lack of rule of law; the risk of being caught is limited, and if it happens the scammer will most likely will share a portion of the profit, as bribes, and will then be released,
vi) many believe that further developed countries made African countries the way they are today as a result of colonalization and slavary. Scammers rationalize their criminal behaviour because they believe they are trying to recover what has previously been stolen from them.
The important issue is thus to not attract scammers, and if we do, make sure we explain our mission. The bottom-line is that the programme and scammers actually have the same ultimate goal, fair and equal opportunites for all. HR&S claims that a sustainable development can only be achieved through a transparent and accountable equal partnership collaboration between countries and continents.
Establish partnership between HR&S and institution managements
Scientific institution outcome challenges
Identify the scientific institution intrinsic outcome challenges.
Link to individuals that agrees with the SfC.
Ideal Customer Hypothesis: Lessons learned has shown that the Outcome Challenges “expecting donations and free training” as well as “bureaucracy” are difficult for us to beat within the Public Scientific Institutions. Thus our Ideal Customer Hypothesis in the HR&S Lean business model are also the Private Scientific Institutions and the R&D department within the Private Sector.
Global scientific research equal partnership: During times of pandemic and climate change the global dependency on scientific research equal partnership increases. EVERYONE has to contribute, no-one can lack enough sense of joint responsibility to lack taking initiatives, work hard and ambitiously together, to generate scientific results for the benefit of the global community. HR&S addresses scientific institution management concerning ROPE research management and technicians, concerning laboratory management. The scientific management is welcome to request training for their researchers at FULL price. At full price only so that the institution see the full value and thereby the researchers.
Lesson learned: HR&S is reluctant to offer training on scientific matters directly to researchers. The reason being that researcher seems to not understand or appreciate the effort behind when teachers outside the university provide trainings on scientific matter. They often take it for granted and may see it as reasonable to demand the training to be in a certain way, not reflecting of the conditions of the trainer or show their appreciation. They may request the training to be frequent. Often they come and go without informing their trainer about their absence. They often also request a certificate for having attended, also even if they did not attend much. Nor do researcher seems to understand effort behind providing research grants (or scientific equipment or IT support). Instead researchers ask for training to address seeking research grants and perceive it as a justified short-cut to have access to funds, instead of developing thorough scientific skills and compete on the international market for research grants. There is a savior mentality that researchers from Sub-Sahara Africa shall benefit from research grants that are more easy to access. This approach weakens the academic institutions in Sub-Sahara African countries and it does not at all make sense, as the competitions is about have bright ideas and being ambitious. One of the world´s most fair areas of competition. Even Professors at academic institutions in Sub-Sahara Africa is intensively requesting to have easy accessible research funding, special training, advanced scientific equipment and IT support. This mind-set will make other countries to look down of these countries, if the professors at the universities cannot compete in the area of bright ideas and ambitious efforts. This may even jeopardize other arenas such as the eligibility of Sub-Sahara African countries to OECD, where countries negotiates global trade conditions.
Informed decision: Thus offer training on scientific matters directly to researchers tend to promote a behavior of disrespect among trainees and grant receivers to other researchers (trainers, grant givers, grant reviewers, admin staff etc) and thereby create a negative reputation that restrict opportunities for international collaboration and networking. This seems to goes against global scientific research equal partnership.
Provide training & coaching
Details elsewhere
Strategic partnership
Registered charity no: 1106349
The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JE, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1865 249909
Build the individual skills of researchers via:
- Massive open online courses (MOOCs) on research writing and publication. Our large-scale online courses in research writing, publishing and grant proposal writing are supported by expert facilitators from around the world.
- Thematic online courses on research communication and proposal writing. We deliver intensive courses on research communication and proposal writing, tailored to fit thematic areas, and country context.
- Supporting research communication to non-academic audiences, such as policymakers and practitioners. We design and implement research uptake strategies and skills training for projects aiming to influence policy.
Develop lasting institutional capacity to support research communication
INASP works with universities and research institutes to develop institutional research communications training programmes.
- Enabling institutions to develop in-house research communications training. INASP supports institutions to develop research communication skills training programmes and train local trainers to build capacity for ongoing development of staff.
- Design and delivery of online learning programmes. INASP supports institutions to deliver online learning programmes by developing low-bandwidth courses, hosted on their own learning platforms, training local trainers in online learning methods and online course facilitation
We strengthen the visibility and quality of Southern published research through our work to support Southern journals platforms and publishing standards.
AuthorAID is a free pioneering global network that provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in low and middle income countries. AuthorAID supports over 20,000 researchers in low and middle income countries to publish and communicate their work. The AuthorAID network offers:
- Personal mentoring by highly published researchers and professional editors
- Online training workshops on scientific writing
- A discussion group for discussion and questions where researchers can benefit from advice and insights from members across the globe
- Access to a range of documents and resources on best practice in writing and publication
- A chance to network or collaborate with other researchers
AuthorAID works directly with universities and institutions to build local capacity
- AuthorAID has worked to embed research writing skills in universities and institutions around the world.
- AuthorAID supports women researchers to address the issues preventing them from progressing to senior roles in their institutions. Learn more about our gender toolkit.
Offers a wide set of resources
- Presentation: Preparing Grant Proposals – Facilitation Kit (
This kit consists of nine modules, each containing a PowerPoint presentation and a set of facilitator notes. The notes expand on the content of the slides and provide guidance in facilitating the modules, which combine presentation and small-group work. - Toolkit: AuthorAID Research Writing Toolkit (
Resources to run a participatory research writing workshop at your institution. - Video:”Get Lit: The Literature Review” (
Video of presentation on preparing the literature review section of a thesis or dissertation. One of the most popular videos on our online research writing courses. - Article:The IFIS Expert Guide to Journal Publishing. (
IFIS talks you through the process of choosing a journal and preparing to submit. - Video:Sage – How to get published in an academic journal (
How to Get Published Webinar. - Web resource:What researchers need to know about predatory journals (
From OHRI Centre for Journalology’s ‘one stop shop’ for resources on Predatory Journals. - Toolkit:Peer review the nuts and bolts: A guide for early career researchers (
Peer Review: The Nuts and Bolts 2 – an updated version of a guide written by Voice of Young Science members for Early Career Researchers. - Web resource:5 Free Online Plagiarism Checkers (
In this blog post Adam Warner an experienced freelance writer, specializing in technology and education discusses 5 free online plagiarism checkers that work in 2021. - Toolkit:AuthorAID Training of Trainers toolkit (
Resources to run a training of trainers in research writing workshop at your institution. - Presentation: Wellbeing in Academia: Early Career Researchers in East Africa ( by Dr. Wangari J. Ngugi.
BAG is a digital platform that uses Gamification to offer a solution for students and recent graduates to access real-time experience-based learning. BAG provides a Virtual Internship and Challenge portal to support students in higher learning institutes to complement the theoretical learning in school with market relevant exercises & experience, directly related to the future employers’ needs. BAG is on a mission to increase the collective market readiness score of the African youth and multiply the knowledge transfers between employers and learners.
Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l’Enseignement Supérieur (CAMES)
Mission: In order to manage higher education and scientific research issues in member countries, CAMES has more specific missions to: Promote and foster understanding and solidarity between Member States; Establish permanent cultural and scientific cooperation between Member States; Collect and distribute all academic or research documents: theses, statistics, information on exams, directories, annals, rankings, information on job offers and applications from all origins; Prepare draft conventions between the states concerned in the fields of higher education and research and contribute to the application of these conventions; Design and promote consultation with a view to coordinating higher education and research systems in order to harmonize the programs and levels of recruitment in the various higher education and research establishments, promote cooperation between the various institutions, as well as information exchange.
Memembers Oct 2021
- Institut International de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (2iE), Burkina Faso
- Centre International de Recherche-Développement sur l’Elevage en zone subhumide (CIRDES), Burkina Faso
- Université Aube Nouvelle, Burkina Faso
- Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique (EAA), Burkina Faso
- Université Saint Thomas d’Aquin (USTA), Burkina Faso
- Institut International des Assurances (IIA), Cameroun
- Université Catholique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest(UCAO)
- Université Senghor à Alexandrie, Egypte
- Institut Africain d’Informatique(IAI), Gabon
- Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF), Gabon
- Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL), Gabon
- Institut du Sahel, Mali
- Centre Régional AGRHYMET, Niger
- Centre de Formation aux Techniques des levés Aérospatiaux (RECTAS), Nigéria
- Ecole Inter-états des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV ), Sénégal
- Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT), Sénégal
- Centre Africain d’Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG ), Sénégal
- Institut Sous-régional Multisectoriel de Technologie Appliquée, de Planification et d’Evaluation de Projets (ISTA)

Research4Life provides institutions in lower income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. Research4Life aims to improve teaching, research and policy-making in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Local, not-for-profit institutions from two groups of eligible countries, areas and territories may register for free or low-cost access to ten of thousands of peer-reviewed international scientific journals, publications, and databases through Research4Life. If your institution is an academic, government or research institution in a low- and middle-income country, it may be eligible to join Research4Life.
Eligible institutions are: national universities, professional schools, research institutes, teaching hospitals and healthcare centers,government offices, national libraries, agricultural extension centers, andlocal, non-governmental organisations. Thousands of institutions across the world have already joined Research4Life. Universities and professional schools should check if the institution is represented on the list of registered academic institutions and if so, contact the librarian for access.
Since 2002, Research4Life have provided researchers at more than 10,000 institutions in over 125 lower- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up 140,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and legal information.
We do this in partnership with organisations in the fields of scholarly communications, technology and international development: WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO; Cornell and Yale Universities; the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and more than 180 international publisher partners.
There are five programs through which users can access content: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
Guidance on quality journals
So-called ‘predatory’often charge a fee for fast publication but have poor publishing practices, fail to carry out legitimate peer review, and fake their inclusion in important indexes. There is unclear and conflicting advice on how to tell a credible journal from a ‘predatory’ one. Researchers must use their own critical analysis skills and decide for themselves whether a journal is appropriate for their research. AuthorAid advices; i) Do not trust email invites and ‘Call for Papers’ (unless we recognise the sender); ii) Be sceptical of ‘international’ or ‘global’ journals, and those with a wide scope: iii) Double-check claims of prestigious indexing and impact factors (Impact factors Web of Science database: iv) 4. Read the ‘Aims and scope’ or ‘About’ page – check the journal understands your field; v) 5. Check who is publishing the journal – are they a credible scholarly organisation?: and vi) 6. We check our reference lists – we familiarise ourselves with good journals in our fields.
MIAR collects data for the identification and the analysis of scientific journals.
Other sources:
My experience of predatory journals and how to avoid them (Aamir Raoof Memon)
Identifying Predatory Publishers – How to tell reputable journals from shady ones (The Scientist)
GUIDE: How to spot predatory academic journals in the wild (Africa Check)
Africa faces some of the toughest challenges worldwide, some of which include poor disease management strategies, poor infrastructural development, food insecurity, poor hygiene and sanitation, lack of potable water, and climate change hazards (Kirigia and Barry, 2018). It is commonly agreed that scientific research is one of the cornerstones of the development of any nation, but Africa contributes with less than 1% of global research output (Chu. et. al., 2014). Already in 2003 Kofi Atta Annan, when serving as Secretary-General of the United Nations, stated that as a result of uneven global distribution of the resources to build and maintain scientific capacity, a large portion of new science is created by researchers from industrialized countries, and much of that science neglects the problems that afflict most of the world’s population (Annan, 2003). Ngongalah et. al., (2018) claim that the barriers to conducting research in Africa are related to that the conditions under which research is done in Africa are severely flawed and do not encourage engagement in research, or continuity of research activity. Pulford et. al. (2020) also state that in many Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, research management and support (RMS) capacity is poorly developed, contributing towards the low research production from SSA universities and research institutions relative to their counterparts elsewhere.
Ngongalah et. al., (2018) performed a cross-sectional survey aimed to identify the key challenges affecting research practice and output in Africa; and to highlight priority areas for improvement. The study was administered through an online questionnaire and included participants from six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Participants included research professionals, research students, research groups, and academics. A total of 424 participants responded to this survey. The ability to conduct and produce high-quality research was seen to be influenced by multiple factors, most of which were related to the research environment in African countries. Barriers to conducting research in Africa included a shortage of training facilities, a loss of interest or motivation to continue research, and only little collaboration between researchers in Africa. Pulford et. al. (2020) added to the findings of Ngongalah et. al., (2018) and performed twenty-eight research management and support (RMS) capacity assessments in 25 universities/research institutions from across 15 SSA countries between 2014 and 2018 following a standardised methodology consisting of semi-structured interviews. The survey was conducted with research and research support staff at the respective institution as well as document reviews and observation of onsite facilities. The results indicated 13 distinct capacity gap categories;
- Physical Infrastructure. Unreliable power supply; insufficient laboratory-, office-, study-, meeting or physical storage-space.
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Infrastructure. Insufficient ICT hardware; nil/limited access to specialist software; limited internet access or bandwidth capacity.
- Operating Equipment. Absence or critical shortage of essential laboratory-, field- and office equipment; vehicle shortage.
- Laboratory Services and Support. Poorly maintained laboratory equipment; limited funding to support laboratory maintenance; limited/nil laboratory quality control systems or accreditation; insufficient biosecurity/laboratory safety protocols and resources; nil/sub-optimal revenue generation from the provision of laboratory services.
- Research Funding. Limited/nil availability of national and/or institutional research funding; limited funding to support post-graduate research required for the attainment of the award.
- Workforce. Excessive workloads for research and research support staff; prolonged staffing vacancies due to hiring freezes and/or absence of suitably qualified candidates; aging workforce; under-qualified and/or unexperienced workforce; insufficient laboratory technicians and/or research support staff.
- Remuneration. Uncompetitive and/or insufficient salary relative to living costs; inequitable salary ‘top-up’ system applied to externally funded research grants (e.g. academics cost in, but support staff not).
- Professional Development. Limited/nil access to training/professional development activities for research and research support staff (technicians and support staff having lowest levels of access); limited/nil institutional structures/services to support professional development; limited/nil staff mentorship schemes; limited/nil staff appraisal and performance mechanisms.
- Career Progression. Limited promotion opportunities (especially for technicians and research support staff); job-insecurity; poor staff retention (primarily support staff); limited opportunities for junior academics to enter faculty positions (exacerbated by aging workforce remaining in the post). 10. Institutional Support Services. Inefficient/inadequate financial management-, procurement-, data management-, human resource support services; limited access to research literature/e-resources; limited/nil functionality of institutional review boards.
- Research Support and Project Management. Limited/nil pre- and post-award support services, quality assurance, and monitoring; limited research cost recovery policies/expertise; limited/nil institutional research strategy.
- Internal Communication and Collaboration. Limited internal (inter-departmental) communication and collaboration mechanisms; limited access to and/or awareness of institutional polices and/or available support services.
- External Communication and Networking. Limited/nil institutional communications strategy; limited/nil institutional funds and/or staff incentives to support knowledge translation activities; limited/nil research output repository; limited support or oversight of institutional website (content and maintenance).

A general framework for action plans for regions or countries with weak physical infrastructures based on gap analysis and needs assessment had been proposed early on (Öman and Lidholm,2002; Öman et al., 2006). A general practical strategy had been developed to be long term, and its implementation to require support from, and the involvement of, a variety of stakeholders. The action plan was based on maintaining existing equipment networks, service centres and research centres, and forming new ones in addition. Activities which were proposed to be performed by these institutions included: i) managing supplies of spare parts and repairing equipment, ii) providing technical expertise, iii) managing information databases, iv) arranging meetings and training courses addressing equipment repair and use, and v) encouraging the development of policies and guidelines at national and institutional levels to mitigate constraints. The FAST (Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment) programme is an ambitious and detailed practical strategy developed by HR&S addressing; i) the management of advanced scientific equipment as well as ii) laboratories with advanced scientific equipment. The strategy is holistic and addresses all the related aspects; selection, procurement, delivery, installation, calibration, operation, maintenance, servicing, accreditation, use and decommissioning of advanced scientific equipment. HR&S offers coaching and training on the FAST programme.
Annan, K. (2003) Science, 229, 1485.
Chu KM, Jayaraman S, Kyamanywa P, Ntakiyiruta G. (2014) Building Research Capacity in Africa: Equity and Global Health Collaborations. PLOS Med. 11:e1001612. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001612.
Kirigia JM, Barry SP. (2018) Health challenges in Africa and the way forward. Int Arch Med. 1:27. doi:10.1186/1755-7682-1-27.
Ngongalah, L., Emerson, W., Rawlings, N. N. & Musisi, J. M. (2018) Research challenges in Africa – an exploratory study on the experiences and opinions of African researchers. Preprint at bioRxiv.
Öman, C. and Lidholm J. (Eds) (2002) International Workshop on Purchasing, Servicing and Maintenance of Scientific Equipment in Western Africa, 5-9 November, Buea, Cameroon International Foundation for Science (IFS), Stockholm, Sweden.
Öman, C.B., Gamaniel, K.S., Addy, M.E. (2006) Properly functioning scientific equipment in developing countries. Anal Chem, 78, 5273-6
Pulford, J., Crossman, S., Begg, S., Amegee Quach, J., Abomo, P., El Hajj T., and Bates, I. (2020) Strengthening research management and support services in Sub-Saharan African universities and research institutions. Research Note. AAS Open Research.
NOTE - Applyng for a research grant
How to prepare and write your application
Make sure that you have enough preliminary data to support your application (this is an aspect that is often overlooked but that reviewers are very keen on).
Read the guidelines and the application form carefully, so that you know exactly what information is needed and how to prepare it.
Ask one of your colleagues to read your application, as you might receive useful feedback from them.
Pay attention to the following
Include all the requested information on the Principal Investigator so that reviewers will be able to properly assess your proposal. The section on the papers published is particularly important.
Summary and abstract: These are the first sections of the research project read by the reviewers and not all the reviewers will be experts in your field of research or the techniques you propose. A concise, clear and organised text will help them to grasp/understand your project.
Introduction & Research project: Provide sufficient background information to enable all reviewers to understand your proposed work.
The originality/importance of the proposed theme should be clearly indicated. If you propose studies already carried out by other groups make sure that you indicate in which aspects/approaches your proposal differs from ongoing studies and why the grant giver should therefore fund your project.
Make sure that your proposal is well organised and presented in a logical manner. All the sections should fit together. Use simple, clear sentences, do not use jargon.
Time schedule: Be realistic in proposing your specific goals and make sure that your aims can be accomplished within the proposed time and with the resources available combined with the resources requested.
Training Component: It important to also train others, in case training will be provided. Specify the training that will be carried out (number and qualification of potential people to be trained, techniques that will be learned, etc.).
Collaborations: Clearly state any established collaborations that will be part of the project and detail the contributions provided by each collaborator. A letter confirming the collaboration is an additional asset. This section is particularly important when the PI does not have previous or strong experience in the proposed field and/ or techniques, which will be provided by a collaborator.
Facilities available: Provide a detailed list of the infrastructure, personnel and equipment available in your Institution and necessary for the proposed research. Indicate if facilities provided by other Institutions/organisations will be made available. Mention any additional funding and other resources that your Institute will provide for the execution of the project (e.g., support for a technician, librarian, social scientist, statistician, PhD students, etc.)
Feasibility: Make sure that the personnel involved have the expertise to carry out the proposed research. Provide details on the expertise of the PI and of each individual member of the research team.
Budget: Read the guidelines carefully and list only expenses justified by the proposed research. Do not request funds for costs not covered by the grant or exceeding the limits set for the five budget categories. If applying for pieces of equipment, ensure that you propose the most suitable piece of equipment and the correct price. Ensure that the cost for transportation, insurance, service, maintenance, and use is covered, preferably by the Institution.

Examples of grant givers
This compilation gives examples of research grant givers. Disclaimer: HR&S dos not propose these grants over over other opportunities, there is no priortisation, they all have their nieches and specalisations, and there are obviously a lot of other opportunities as well.
- DAAD Regional Office Nairobi offers services for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi.
- Other grantgivers are compiled here
The Research management support programme has been developed by Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN.
She is grateful for the support provided by friends, colleagues and partners all over the world.