ROPE _ Stakeholder analysis
If we target change…
then we need a strategy addressing
1.why the status quo would change and
2.who would bring the desired evolution.
The why is the Strategy for Change combined with character of a change maker and how to motivate followers.
The who is the Stakeholder Analysis.
Stakeholder analysis – Steps
The stakeholder analysis of an issue consists of weighing and balancing all of the competing demands on an intervention by each of those who have a claim on it, in order to arrive at the intervention’s obligation in a particular case. A stakeholder analysis does not preclude the interests of the stakeholders overriding the interests of the other stakeholders affected, but it ensures that all affected will be considered. The goal is to; i) access resources and ii) put positive change into action. The Stakeholder analysis is a process of the assessing a decision’s impact on relevant parties.
Stakeholder analysis is a commonly accpepted method and HR&S uses our own modified version. It is different from the main-stream, as HR&S does not impose anything, but is addressing the ambitions of our partners and their outcome challenges. The stakeholders HR&S works with have the same interest, the performance of the targeted scientific institution. Though some stakeholders may not be Target partners but for example supporters and users of scientific findings such as the grant givers, policy makers, private sector, and civil society communities. HR&S Stakeholder analysis is performed on a regular basis
to track new stakeholders and changes in stakeholder attitudes over time. The HR&S version has five steps:
- Identifying stakeholders
- Make an analysis
- Draw influence map
- Power mapping
- Stakeholder management
Identifying Stakeholders
Stakeholders are organisations, groups, departments, structures, networks or individuals, which have something to gain or lose through the outcomes of a programme.
Stakeholder analysis
The stakeholders are organised into a grid with different matrices according to their; i) Interest and ii) Power.
Stakeholder analysis grid: ‘Interest’ : To what degree the stakeholders are likely to be affected what degree of interest or concern they have.
‘Power’ : The influence the stakeholders have to what degree they can help achieve or block.
Stakeholder analysis in more detail: i) The nature of the power and its position and ii) The interests that give it that position. This helps our programme to better understand why people take certain stands and how they can be brought around. This analysis is developed further into Influence Mapping.
Influence Map
A ‘power’ list in the form of a pyramid. At the very top are the ‘decision-makers’ such as members of the government, University management, etc.
Beneath are people whose opinion matters, the ‘opinion leaders’.

Power mapping
Power mapping is a a visual tool to conceptualize the sphere of a person or group’s influence. It reveals i) avenues of influence available, ii) how a particular target is influenced, iii) connections between these influences. Power mapping gives participants a theoretical framework and a set of tools to tap the power needed to make things happen.
People interested and involved in promoting positive social change— through service, advocacy and other vehicles—need to think about context and relationships within the spheres they work. Social change agents need tools to access resources and to put their ideas into action. The Goal is to visually map out relationships between people, organizations, and institutions in a given context in order to understand the value of these relationships.
Power mapping: Step 1-5
1.Determine our target. A person or institution we want to influence
2.Map influence of the target. Think of all the individuals and associations who have a relationship with this target.
3.Determine relational power lines. Review the network; some of these people and institutions also connect to each other.
4.Target priority relationships. Analyse the connections and make decisions.
5.Make a plan. An advocacy strategy.
Stakeholder management
The stakeholder analysis information is used to assess how the interests of the stakeholders should be addressed in the programme.
High power, high interest: Fully engage and bring on board. Include in support, internal and external teams.
High power, low interest: Kept informed. May form an interest group which can lobby for change.
Low power, high interest: Should be kept satisfied. Ideally brought around as patrons or supporters.