Kenya urban Business
from 2023
Please find details about the TestE method here.
Testing the strength of Evidence.
2023: We collaborate with four businesses.

The HR&S Development Equation (DEq)
The HR&S Development Equation compiles the different categories of stakeholders and how to assess, during the ROPE design phase, the size of risk that each stakeholder is willing to take in relation to the size of their investment and to their expected benefit. The stakeholders are the financial investors, the international managers, the country managers, the Programme Manangement Partners (PMPs), the Target Partners (TPs) and the customers.The investment are financial capital, tools, innovations, coaching, training, knowledge, expert advice, and work hours. The benefit is financial profit, social good and sustainable development.
The RISEagency programme addresses the challenges related to fulfilling the investment agreed on, in relation to generating short term financial profit.
- If the mind-set is short term financial profit and long-term collaboration has been agreed on, the collaboration will fail.
- If the realities on the ground makes the partner act differently than the long-term collaboration that has been agreed on, the collaboration will fail.
- This can be managed by signed business plans and collaterals.
- This concerns both the HR&S Country Branches as well as each RISEmember.
Founder CEO: Fredrick Khabeko
Nature of Business: Poultry
Collateral Farm equipment, Flock
Business is already established and running with one casual employee.
Loan request: Ksh 250,000 (EUR 1,500). The loan has been transferred June 2023. Second instalment requested in July 2023 Ksh 150,000 (EUR 950)
ASSETS in business: KSH 65,000
Repayment period: 1 year.
Guarantors Two
Social media platforms: xxx
Founder CEO: Victor Musungu
Nature of Business: Plumbing
Collateral: Plumbing equipment
Business is already established and running with two casual employees
Loan request: Ksh 300,000 (EUR 1,900). The loan has been transferred, June 2023. Second instalment requested in July 2023 Ksh 150,000 (EUR 950).
ASSETS in business: KSH 112,000
Repayment period: 1 year.
Guarantors Two
Social media platforms: xxx
Founder CEO: Dennis Mwebi
Nature of Business: Motorbike (Bodaboda) transport
Collateral: Two motorbikes
Operational Yes / Company not registered, thus no separate bank account
Currently employed: 2 casual riders
Amount Asking: Ksh 170,000 (EUR 1,000)
ASSETS in business: Ksh 100,000
Repayment period: 1 year
Guarantors: Two
Social media platforms: xxx
Trizah Clothing
Founder CEO: Teresia Ndung’u
Nature of Business: Selling clothes on retail
Collateral: Clothes store
Operational Yes Really?
Currently employed: 1 casual staff
Amount Asking: Ksh 50,000 (EUR 300)
ASSETS in business: Ksh 83,000
Repayment period: 1 year
Guarantors Two
Social media platforms: xxx
Dates of field visits, ActionTalks & RISEtalks
- ActionTalk xx
- Justus Barassa visited before June 2023
- RISEtalk June 2023
- ActionTalk xx
- xx visited before June 2023
- RISEtalk June 2023
Boda Boda
- ActionTalk xx
- xx visited before xxx
- RISEtalk xxx
Clothing shop
- ActionTalk xx
- xx visited before xxx
- RISEtalk xxx
Micro businesses
- ActionTalk xx
- xx visited before xxx
- RISEtalk xxx
Test_E parameters
Collected TestE parameters in meetings with PMPs and TPs
when developing and adjusting the survey manual and when performing the surveys.
Context / Background
P.O BOX 199 -50100 KAKAMEGA
Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative agriculture businesses in Kenya. Thousands of poultry products are consumed everyday yet, the demand remains unsatisfied. Poultry farming is the second most considered sector which is under animal husbandry in the agricultural field. It is easy to run and requires less expenses, if managed properly. The opportunities surrounding poultry farming are exponential in highly profitable ways.
Business name: This is ENEO FARM Enterprises, KAKAMEGA. Eneo is a Swahili name meaning a place or a destination in a given territory.
Business structure: The business is a sole proprietorship.
Business location: ENEO FARM is a farm located in Kakamega county, Western Region on a one acre farm found in Butere Division, Marama Location near Lufumbo, Mutondo and Iranda
Primary Schools, along Sigalagala Butere road.
Date established: ENEO Farm was started in February 2021 as a small home-based start up Poultry centre which has had its operations on and off, until 25th January 2022 when it had its first inception as a Business Venture.
Business owner(s): The business is owned and managed by Mr. Frederick Khabeko as the FOUNDER & CEO. He is assisted by his wife who serves as the head of operations and marketing.
Relevant owner experience: The Owner and CEO, Mr Fredrick Khabeko, holds a Diploma in Education. He has seen various stages of farm management practices with which he developed interest since 2007. With ENEO FARM, he has been able to supply poultry products and rearing of animals such as goats and cows (family property) as well as practise Crop production e.g. Sukuma wiki, Kienyeji (Indigenous vegetables) farming and Tomato farming. In addition, he has had a steady supply of Tilapia fish farming assisted by his wife.
Products/services: We are selling Eggs, Live Chicken, 1 day old Chicks, Chicken Manure or droppings, Vaccines, and Home Delivery Services.
The anticipated demand for products is very high since we have tapped into the market segment for more than 1 year, and we shall produce high quality, contaminant- free chickens and the freshest eggs to satisfy the taste of our customers.
The Market
Target market: Hotels, Market centers, institutions including schools, local community members for functions (this is evident in our existing records as seen by Mr Barasa during his visit to the farm).
Marketing strategy: Marketing through social media platforms like the “Kilimo Mashinani, Goldenfarm solutions among others, posters and banners. The chicken demand has never been satisfied, the customers we started with have always brought us many more customers and their demand has been overwhelming. We intend to retain them to help bring in more customers. By retaining them and ensuring steady supply of the ordered products it inspires confidence in ENEO FARM hence attracting more customers. We believe with support to expand our operations and production, we shall be able to tap into the ever-growing demand of the chicken and related products.
The Future
Vision statement:
To Increase productivity and incomes, enhancing resilience of livelihoods through our farm practices.
My short term goals will include; Become a reliable source/ supplier of fertilized eggs, Zero mortality rate to chicks, Create ready market for the chicken
NB. To achieve the above objectives, we intend to provide the layers with cockerels to enable the eggs to be fertilized so that we keep the production cycle alive. Observe proper hygiene to the birds and routine vaccinations. Liaise early enough with consumers of our products to book supply once the birds are ready for disposal.
Long term goals: Be the leading chicken producer within Kakamega County
Create at least 100 employment opportunities for the locals. Be a pilot project to other entities within Kakamega County.
NB. Once the layers begin laying eggs, we shall begin hatching the eggs and establish other branches under our main station to enhance production and reach out to more customers. By establishing the new branches, we shall also create more employment opportunities for other people. With the branches in place, we shall be able to reach more customers within the county hence meeting our objectives effectively.
The Finances
The cost of feeding one bird is KES 586.70 every 4 weeks, as one kg feed costing KES.80 would be spent during 4 weeks. In this case, if you want to keep a chicken for 4 weeks longer in the flock, you should be sure to gain more than KES. 586.70, from the market price. Otherwise, it would be better to sell 4 weeks earlier at a lower price, and thus be able to restock with new growers. Thus, by knowing the market and environmental conditions and by doing simple economic calculations, you will be able to plan when you should sell your birds, when you should let your hens go broody, and when you should keep your birds in the flock.
Cost-benefit analysis
Cost benefit analysis Description Unit
Cash flow
Cost KES. KES.
150 hens and 15 cock (150 x 900) + (15 x 1,000) 150,000
Day trays 5 trays/day 600 3,000
Feed cost 500 gms/day 80/kg 1,000
Vaccine + medicine
Cash out – flow
Income (Benefit)
Sale of eggs 150 eggs 20 3,000
Sale of cockerels, 22 weeks
(Cockerels grow faster than pullets)
Sale of manure
Total cash in flow 3,000
Net Cash Flow 2,000/day
NB. Kshs.2,000 per day.
I will need kshs.250,000 as capital upfront to be spent on new flock, structure preparation, feeds, medication etc. I look forward to acquiring facilities/loans from financial institutions which are ready to partner with me to actualize my dreams. Since I already have the 50 birds in place, I provide labour to the farm and the land where the project is based belongs to me. So if I quantify the amount of the assets provided can be approx. Kshs.65,000
Youth Grow Smart Boda Boda (YGSB)
Trizah Clothing Enterprise
Motorcycle business known as “Boda-boda” has become a very accessible “last mile” transport service provider in almost all parts of Kenya. Youth Grow Smart Boda BODA [YGSB] aims to provide passenger and small/light cargo transport between Narok Township and greater Narok County region.
Motorcycle transport services are popularly known “Boda-boda” originated the early 1990s from Uganda through Busia town in Western Kenya and spread to adjacent towns, subsequently other cities in Kenya.
YGSB will target individuals and households who want accessible, fast and reliable transport service provider for all their transport needs within Narok Township. While the passenger transport sector is dominated mainly by matatus, these cannot reach to everyone’s doorstep since they operate from established and regulated matatu terminus. YGSB will focus on giving unparalleled customer experience so that we can always be the “top-of- mind” name for anyone who wants individualized transport services within Narok Township and greater Narok area.
Business Name: Youth Grow Smart Boda BODA [YGSB]Company Mission Statement: To offer unparalleled customer experience, in individualized transport services within Narok Township and greater Narok area.
Target Market: Individuals and households within Narok Township and greater Narok County region seeking individualized transport services including:
1. Persons looking for transport services to and from Matatu terminus
2. Individuals looking for light/small cargo delivery within greater Narok
Industry/Competitors: Our main competitor will be other individualized transport and small cargo transport operators such as other boda boda operators, Marut operators, Tuk-tuk operators and taxi service providers.
Legal Structure/Ownership: We shall register the YGSB business name (sole proprietorship) to enable YGSB to open a bank account independent of the owner. We shall abide by all statutory requirements for operating a boda boda services such as motorcycle driving licence
and insurance covers.
The problem the product or service solves: In many parts of the country, transport is at best unreliable, crowded, accident-prone and very inconveniencing in terms of accessibility, timeliness and comfort. While motorcycle transport does not solve all the transport problems – and in certain ways can increase some such as accident risks, they offer access and convenience that their closest competitor – matatus, cannot match. In rural areas especially (such as Narok), matatu terminus are often miles away from homes and individuals have to walk long distances to get to them. For these people, boda boda, therefore, offers an alternative or even complementary transport service linking them from the primary public transport model – matatus to their doorsteps. Additionally, boda boda operators offer personalized light/small cargo delivery service for many households such as cooking gas delivery, collecting/delivering market products to markets and households etc. Because customers can establish a personal relationship with a boda boda operator, such bonds of trust can morph into individualized courier service relationships – where trust becomes well established between the two.
Any proprietary features that give you a competitive advantage: Safety & Trust, as well as excellent customer service skills, are the three critical ingredients that can give any boda boda operator competitive advantage over others. I will work to ensure that “a customer’s word will be my command” ensuring to deliver my services in a timely and respectful way for all the reasonable service expectations from my clients.
How you will price your service: Boda boda “floor” level prices are set by each of the respective boda boda bases. Charging fees lower than generally agreed prices attracts stiff penalty from fellow base operators. YGSB will, however, strive to meet and exceed client service expectation such that our price – standard though it may be, will rank as superior and highly competitive.
control have been unsuccessful, it is likely the government will continue to introduce these regulations. Fortunately, online transport applications such as safe-bodaboda are easing market linkage between customers and boda boda operators – which may well see the end of “bases”. This is likely to ease entry as all an operator will require is being duly registered as a provider with such an app. Unfortunately, this may reduce cooperation and mutual support that takes place between members of each of the “bases” especially when one gets an accident. The “bases” are social capital production centres, supporting members to save, mutual support during situations of adversity such as a death in a family, as well as security, particularly in reducing motorcycle theft.
Key competitors: Every business has competitors, and so does boda boda business. Our main competitors are individuals who prefer to walk, use a bicycle, matatus and taxi service providers. Our competition strategy is outlined in the matrix below.
Pricing: Prices are set by respective boda boda bases and strictly policed by the stations – charging lower fees than agreed is taken as undercutting fellow operators and an unfair pricing strategy. We intend to adopt the pricing guideline provided by the central base – Narok.
Other: Because pricing guideline is provided by the “base”, we shall instead use our “brand” to advance our competitive advantage. We shall ensure that we provide a highly customer-centric value proposition, emphasizing timeliness, trust, and high sensitivity to safety to attract customers as opposed to offering competitive prices.
We shall join the Narok Central Base because it is convenient to customers, its proximity to public transport – matatus (whom we aim to offer last-mile connectivity) and its proximity to major businesses in the township (who require transport services for their purchased cargo.
Start-up Expenses & Capitalization: Prices for motorcycles appropriate for boda boda business range between Kshs. 105,000 –200,000. There are also several financing options available in the country. Most of the options require that one to make an initial deposit and pay the balance through daily/weekly/monthly instalments. There are many financing options available, ranging from established banks such as KCB bank, Mogo, Bimas Kenya, Human Rights & Science Kenya etc.
In deciding on the choices one will use, there is a need to consider not just the initial down-payment but also the interest charges over the period of financing. Below we present two available options – Mogo & Bimas (these are provided as a guide only since actual costs are arrived at after the
providers evaluate client’s risk profile).
Financial Plan: Cash flow projection – Weekly Our research shows the likely revenue scenario for different bases. It is no secret that some stations are more competitive than others – which explains why they also have many more boda boda operators as well as high-level initial base entry fee. Below is actual weekly data on five bases:
Base Monday Tuesday Wed Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Total
1 2000 1500 1500 1000 3000 1000 800 10,800
2 1000 1500 1500 800 2000 1800 800 9,400
3 1500 2000 2000 2500 500 2500 2800 13,800
4 1800 1000 3000 1000 1000 1000 800 9,600
5 1500 700 1000 800 600 400 2000 7,000
For our planning purposes we shall use daily averages from the 5 bases within greater Narok County region, well aware that boda boda revenues are a function of idiosyncratic factors that are unique to a particular base and individual operators:
Day Monday Tuesday Wed Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Total
Weekly Projected Revenue
1,560.00 1,340.00 1,800.00 1,220.00 1,420.00 1,340.00 1,440.00 10,120.00
In terms of costs, our research indicates that there are two main cost drivers for boda boda businesses. These are fuel and service & repairs. These two cost centres are in turn a function of distance travelled and quality of driving by the rider. More sensitive boda boda riders are likely to incur less service and repair costs than the more aggressive riders. Our research indicates fuelling costs are the highest recurrent costs followed by services and minor repairs in that order. Weekly fuelling costs average at Kshs 2,200 or Kshs 8,800 monthly. At the same time, services are undertaken every ten days at the fee of Kshs 600 or Kshs 1,800 monthly, and other repairs average at Kshs 250 weekly equivalent to kshs 1000 monthly. We, therefore, project that monthly income from operating activities to be Kshs 40,480 less fulling costs of Kshs 8,800 and service and repairs of Kshs 2,800 leaving us with net margins of Kshs 28,880.
It is from these net margins that we shall plan to pay for financing at an accelerated rate of Kshs 14,853 monthly such that by the end of 12 months we shall have cleared all our debt. In essence, then for the first year of operation, our net profits are projected to stand at Kshs 14,000 monthly.
Source of Capital: There are many providers of financing for the purchase of boda boda motorcycle in Kenya, such as the three we have highlighted above. While Mogo requires a daily minimum payment of Kshs 350 after having to pay a down payment of Kshs 25,000, KCB bank, on the other hand, offers a loan at 14% interest rate plus 3% service charge. We propose that instead of getting a loan from them, we shall approach HR&S to give us a loan of 170,000 which will be adequate for us to buy a good motorcycle valued at Kshs 170,000 plus Kshs 9,000 comprehensive insurance and personal accident cover. We shall then seek Kshs 9,000 financing from other welwishers which would require us to make minimum monthly repayments of Kshs. 14,853 only and clear the loan balance within 12 months.
Trizah Clothing Enterprise is a new apparel store that caters to the Kenyan community in Nairobi, Ruiru. As our name suggests our focus is to provide western wear apparel and accessories, and position ourselves as the top retail store servicing this particular market. We are the first and only Kenyan owned western apparel store in the city of Houston. Our intentions are to obtain 80% market share and become a central hub of shopping activity for the local population as well others who enjoy wearing western apparel.
Trizah Clothing Enterprise will be located at Ruiru. Trizah Clothing Enterprise has centralized itself directly in position to the residental location and social activities of our target market. We believe that this is critical to our initial success and long-term growth.
To create a shopping environment that caters to the apparel needs of the urban Kenyan and cowgirl. To earn 80% market share and become the number one ethnic western wear apparel store. To receive a 50% profit margin within the first year. To have a customer base of 1,000 by the end of the first operating year. To achieve a net profit of 270 Euros by year two and 500 Euros by year three. To be an active and vocal member in the community supporting agricultural events, and equestrian organizations working with children.
Mission: Trizah Clothing Enterprise’s mission is to offer quality, name brand western wear in an assortment of sizes and styles to accommodate all varying body styles and shapes.
Keys to Success: In order to succeed in the western wear apparel industry Trizah Clothing Enterprise must: Carry an assortment of sizes to fit the more ample frames of their Kenyan target customer base. Provide customers with top notch personalized customer service in an atmosphere of southern hospitality. Advertise and promote in areas that our target customer base will learn about our store. Continuously review our inventory and sales and adjust our inventory levels accordingly.
Trizah Clothing Enterprise is organized as an individual enterprise..The hours of operation will be Monday – Tuesday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Wednesday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., and Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. There are extended special hours upon customer demands. All merchandise will be purchased according to the company’s mission and customer focus of outfitting all sizes including women’s plus sizes and men’s big and tall.
Company Ownership: Trizah Clothing Enterprise is organized as an individual company. Teresia handles all administrative and managerial duties for the company.
The company will start with three months inventory on hand for apparel and accessories as this is the main revenue generator. The majority of the company’s assets will reside in inventory. The opening days cash
on hand balance will be 65 Euros . The purpose of this business plan is to secure 350 Euros (KShs. 50,000) loan. This supplemental financing is required to work on site preparation, inventory, and operational expenses. Other financing will include an owners investment of 200 Euros and a short term revolving line of credit of 65 Euros for inventory replenishment during months of high receipts.
Products: Our selection will range from the basics of Mitumba clothes and other kinds of clothewear. We purchase through sales representatives and manufacturers in a variety of sizes, colors and style to fit our target market base. The greatest percentage of merchandise will be in apparel, followed
by accessories, hats, and gifts. Management will rely on customer feedback, suggestions, and sales reports to introduce or eliminate certain brands, styles and sizes.
Trizah Clothing Enterprise will utilize Facebook for advertisements and networking. For inventory management and point of sale transactions we will utilize Retail I.C.E. (Inventory Control Expert) software. This product is a Windows-based software that allows the small, single store retailer to manage their inventory and point of sale functions all in one. Our business plan will be generated and reviewed on a bi-annual basis using the most updated version of Business Plan Pro from Palo Alto Software and reviewed quarterly to ensure all financial goals and objectives are being reached. Palo Alto’s companion software, Marketing Plan Pro, will allow us to make the most of our limited marketing budget by focusing our communications on our target markets and enhancing our marketing knowledge.
Future Products: As we achieve and exceed our sales and profitability goals, Trizah Clothing Enterprise will add western boots to the product line and our own personal in-house label of clothing that will include Mahogany t-shirts for women and shirts for men. We will expand our line of brands with those that have been repeatedly requested by our customers. An e-commerce website will also be created to increase our distribution channels and expand our customer base to a national level.
Market Analysis Summary: The primary target customer of Trizah Clothing Enterprise will be the Kenyans located in the Nairobi but we hope to extend to other areas in Kenya. As we are situated in the epi-center of their residential community we believe they will make up the largest percentage of our customer base. As popularity about the store increases we expect to see an assortment of curiosity seekers, and local residents from the community as well as seasonal purchasers.
Market Segmentation: The Kenyan population is concentrated heavily in the Nairobi city therefore leading to the highest concentration of our customer base. Trizah Clothing Enterprise offers a variety of clothes, along with accessories and gifts we feel that we will attract many curious shoppers. Our ambience and customer service will make them repeat customers.
Competitive Edge: We will effect a 5% discount after ten purchases. Our location in the community will offer closer access to our target customer base. We will offer plus sizes for women and big and tall sizes for men.
A press release kit will be sent to all major media outlets in Nairobi, the grand opening of the first Kenyan owned wear apparel retailer in the city. This kit will include a press release, pictures of the interior space, colour postcard/flyer, and a business card. A direct mail program that will further focus on and target the top 50% customer base withspecial in-house sales and promotions.
Management Team: Teresia Wanjiru Ndung’u, co-owner and general manager will be responsible for all administrative functions, purchasing, inventory control, and promotions. She will also act as a part-time sales
representative. She has spent over 10 years in accounting, finance and operations management. She was also the owner of Tattletale’s, an e-commerce toy store for three years. She has extensive background in purchasing, inventory control, and marketing.
Ambitions of the Programme manager partner (PMP)
We are in the commercial poultry farm and egg production because we want to focus on the vast opportunities available in the agriculture industry, to contribute our quota in growing the Kenyan economy, in national food production, and also to export chicken and eggs from the country to other countries and above all, to make profit.
Products/services: We are selling Eggs, Live Chicken, 1 day old Chicks, Chicken Manure or droppings, Vaccines, and Home Delivery Services.
The anticipated demand for products is very high since we have tapped into the market segment for more than 1 year, and we shall produce high quality, contaminant- free chickens and the freshest eggs to satisfy the taste of our customers.
My short term goals will include; Become a reliable source/ supplier of fertilized eggs, Zero mortality rate to chicks, Create ready market for the chicken
NB. To achieve the above objectives, we intend to provide the layers with cockerels to enable the eggs to be fertilized so that we keep the production cycle alive. Observe proper hygiene to the birds and routine vaccinations. Liaise early enough with consumers of our products to book supply once the birds are ready for disposal.
Long term goals: Be the leading chicken producer within Kakamega County
Create at least 100 employment opportunities for the locals. Be a pilot project to other entities within Kakamega County.
NB. Once the layers begin laying eggs, we shall begin hatching the eggs and establish other branches under our main station to enhance production and reach out to more customers. By establishing the new branches, we shall also create more employment opportunities for other people. With the branches in place, we shall be able to reach more customers within the county hence meeting our objectives effectively.
Boda boda
Clothing shop
Ambitions of the Programme manager partner (PMP)
Youth Grow Smart Boda BODA [YGSB] aims to provide passenger and small/light cargo transport between Narok Township and greater Narok County region.
Ambitions of the Programme manager partner (PMP)
To create a shopping environment that caters to the apparel needs of the urban Kenyan and
To earn 80% market share and become the number one ethnic western wear apparel store.
To receive a 50% profit margin within the first year.
To have a customer base of 1,000 by the end of the first operating year.
To achieve a net profit of 270 Euros by year two and 500 Euros by year three.
To be an active and vocal member in the community supporting agricultural events, and
equestrian organizations working with children.
Assessment of PMP intrinsic motivation
Assessment of PMP intrinsic motivation
Outcome challenges
Defined by PMP
- Access to capital.
“I will need kshs.250,000 as capital upfront to be spent on new flock, structure preparation, feeds, medication etc. I look forward to acquiring facilities/loans from financial institutions which are ready to partner with me to actualize my dreams. Since I already have the 50 birds in place, I provide labour to the farm and the land where the project is based belongs to me. So if I quantify the amount of the assets provided can be approx. Kshs.65,000″
Defined by HR&S Branch Kenya
Defined by HR&S Branch Kenya
Boda boda
Clothing shop
Defined by PMP
- Access to capital.
Defined by HR&S Branch Kenya
Defined by HR&S Branch Kenya
Progress markers
Progress Markers defined
- As defined by PMP
Providing products requested for: selling Eggs, Live Chicken, 1 day old Chicks, Chicken Manure or droppings, Vaccines, and Home Delivery Services, fertilized eggs.
Create at least 100 employment opportunities for the locals.
- Defined by Branch.
- Defined by HQ
- Income to balance (or exceed) costs.
Progress Markers defined
- Defined by PMP.
- Defined by Branch.
- Defined by HQ
- Income to balance (or exceed) costs.
Boda boda
Clothing shop
Progress Markers defined
- As defined by PMP
- Providing services requested for: “To offer unparalleled customer experience, in individualized transport services within Narok Township and greater Narok area.” including:
1. Persons looking for transport services (also to and from Matatu terminus)
2. Individuals looking for light/small cargo delivery within greater Narok - Employment of two persons.
- Providing services requested for: “To offer unparalleled customer experience, in individualized transport services within Narok Township and greater Narok area.” including:
- Defined by Branch.
- Defined by HQ
- Income to balance (or exceed) costs.
Progress Markers defined
- Defined by PMP.
- Providing products requested for: ethnic western wear apparel store.
- Generate profit: net profit of 270 Euros by year two and 500 Euros by year three.
- External social services: To be an active and vocal member in the community supporting agricultural events, and equestrian organizations working with children. SCORE?
- Employment of 1 person, just the owner.
- Defined by Branch.
- Defined by HQ
- Income to balance (or exceed) costs.
- Empowering a woman entrepreneur.
Business model
Business plan
HR&S Development Equation (DEq)
The HR&S Development Equation compiles the different categories of stakeholders and how to compile, during the design phase, the size of risk that each stakeholder is willing to take with their investment, in relation to the expected gain.
- The stakeholders are the financial investors, the international managers (HR&S Sweden), the country managers (HR&S Country Branches), the Programme Management Partners / entrepreneurs (PMPs), the Target Partners (TPs) and the customers.
- The investment are finances, tools, innovations, coaching, work hours, knowledge and expert advice.
- The expected benefit is financial profit, social good and sustainable development.
The RISEagency programme addresses the challenges related to fulfilling the investment agreed on, in relation to generating short term financial profit.
- If the mind-set is short term financial profit and long-term collaboration has been agreed on, the collaboration will fail.
- If the realities on the ground makes the partner act differently than the long-term collaboration that has been agreed on, the collaboration will fail.
- This can be managed by signed business plans that are revised quarterly and collaterals.
- This concerns the HR&S Country Branches as well as each RISEmember.
- Financial investors: Action10 donors and volunteer staff
- Investment: funds, work hours
- Expected benefit:
- social good -100 new employees, product
- sustainable development – ENEO becomes a profitable business keeping the employees and deliver the product
- ActionInvest capital is secured and managed as intended
- Risk: lack of pay back, lack of interest and fee, lack of business management and growth
- Willingness to invest stage ONE: EUR 500 and the related work hours
- International manager: HR&S Sweden
- Investment:
- funds indirect and in-kind,
- work hours,
- tools, innovations, coaching
- Expected benefit:
- social good -100 new employees, product
- sustainable development – ENEO becomes a profitable business keeping the employees and deliver the product
- ActionInvest capital is secured and managed as intended
- branding in order to generate income
- Risk: lack of pay back, lack of interest and fee, lack of business management and growth
- Willingness to invest stage ONE: ActionInvest EUR 500 and the related work hours
- Investment:
- Country manager: HR&S Kenya Branch
- Investment:
- Work hours, RISEtalks, training, HR&S meetings, ActionTalks
- Expected benefit:
- Financial profit to pay team member reimbursement
- Risk: Lack of interest and fee, lack of capital pay-back
- Willingness to invest stage ONE: Three RISEtalks
- Investment:
- Programme Manangement Partners / entreprepneurs (PMPs)
- Investment:
- Work hours, RISEtalks
- Expected benefit:
- Financial profit, business growth a sustainable business
- Risk: Lack of income, lack of customers
- Willingness to invest stage ONE: Three RISEtalks
- Investment:
- Target Partners (TPs): Employees
- Investment paid for work
- Customers
- Investment: paid for products.
Boda boda
Clothing shop
The respondents are identified and presented with: names, title, telephone numbers, level of education, home location, and family status. Also GDPR consent is collected if the respondent’s agree.
No. | Question | Responses | |
A1 | Enumerator Name | ||
A2 | Respondent’s name | ||
A3 | Respondent phone number | ||
A4 | Respondent Gender | Male Female | |
A5 | Age of respondent | 1=18-24 yrs, 2=25-35 yrs, 3=36-55 yrs, 4= > 56 yrs | |
A6 | Respondent position | 1= Owner 2= Employee 3= Relative to owner 4= other specify | |
A5 | Region{ must be from Nairobi county} | 1=Kibera 2= Ngong’ 3= Dagorete |
- Individual interviews, specific and open-ended, with
- The PMP.
- Management team members.
- Each loan-taker present.
- Family members present.
- Focal group interviews, with
- Management team and PMP together.
- All loan-takers of the village, who are present, together.
- Collect testimonies, from a number of persons randomly chosen.
- Take photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Take notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Both primary and secondary sources of data collection will be used. Primary data will include semi-structured questionnaires, testimonies, and focus group discussions, while secondary data will involve written records also at the national and international levels. The questions will have both open and closed-ended questions. The validity of the questionnaires will be determined by HR&S Sweden. Consent to collect data will be sought from the managing director of Dolas creation and the survey participants.
For purposes of statistical measurement, the typography of progress markers from the tailoring project was generated prior to the start of the project. This generated three types of information. These are:
1. Quantitative – These will be acquired from three different sources; interviews, testimonies and focus group discussions, with people in charge (plus review of book accounts), observation by interviewers, interview with participants. The indicators used here will include the number of business start-ups, investment level, employees’ income level, pieces of training attended, modern tailoring machines acquired, number of new employees contracted to work for Dolas creation.
2. Qualitative – Qualitative information will be obtained through interviews, testimonies, and focus group discussions, with people in charge and participants. The sources of information will be social harmony at home, contribution to family, financial independence.
3. Financial- These will be obtained through interviews with the person in charge, direct examination of accounting books, and personal interviews with employees. This includes; total sales in cash, credit sales value, stock in/out, loans to employees (if any), and cash in the bank account (Ksh).
Consent Form
Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today. My name is………………. and I am conducting a data collection survey on behalf of HR&S. Human Rights & Science has been partnering with Dolas creation enterprise in this area for the last one & a half years.
The information you give us will be used by the project to improve our understanding of the projects and people/community that we serve. HR&S shall keep any information that we collect confidential and shall store data securely. If we share responses, they will be anonymous. Meaning no one will know which responses and comments came from you. HR&s may also share anonymous results to contribute to improving other projects elsewhere and in the future. HR&S may use anonymous results in future publications, reports, and/or presentations.
There will be no immediate benefits for you, but by taking part in this activity you may find an indirect benefit in knowing you have participated in an important piece of research, and that the information gathered may be used to improve the design and delivery of HR&S’s work. You will not receive money or reward of any kind if you agree to take part.
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you have the right to not participate, or to stop participating at any point of this process. If you do not wish to participate, or if you wish to stop at any time, this is acceptable and there are no negative consequences to doing so.
In case you agree, we would like to take photos and/or videos, and post them on our website, and also if you agree on social media. The propose is the strengthen HR&S and our programmes by increased visibility and transparency. If you agree we jointly select each specific photo/video.
Certificate of Consent (participant)
I have read the above information, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it, and any questions I have asked and have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this exercise.
Print Name of Participant | {at least forename and surname} |
Signature of Participant |
Micro data Survey questions
Social impact
Sustainable social impact refers to reaching the social good ambitions in a sustainable manner.
Measure twice a year since the start of the programme.
Social Good _ Direct Impact
Respondent: PMP
- Compilation of the products that we offer:
- Business loans;
Number of loans, size of loans, total capital. - Other
- Business loans;
- Compilation of the services that we offer:
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- type of coaching
- type of challenges
- Other
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- Number of Target partner business owners: xxx
- PMP business generate profit.
- Size of profit: xxx
Respondent: Target Partners
- Compilation of the products that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customer per product: xxx
- Compilation of the services that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customers per service: xxx
- Target partner business owners generate profit.
- Size of profit per TP: xxx
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
- Are customers content with products?
Are customers content with services?
Social Good _ Indirect Impact
Respondent: Target Partners & families.
- Children well-being
Children of the women who manages HR&S small-scale businesses.- Number of meals per day increased.
From one to two or three.- Number of children: xxx
- Education
Tuition fee paid and school attendance made possible.- Number of children: xxx
- Number of meals per day increased.
- Women well-being
- The status of the women in the families has improved as the contribute with income.
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
Institutional capacity
Respondent: PMP
- Bookkeeping of international standards; compiling all receipts and invoices, perform bank reconciliation.
- Annual auditing.
- Respond to management reports from the auditor.
- Who is in charge of the bookkeeping?
- Who is doing the auditing?
- What do the management reports look like?
- Can we please see the books?
Project management
- Are the number of Target Partners included, as expected? xxx.
- Does the target partners deliver as expected? xxx.
- Do you have regular meetings with the management team, if so, how often? xxx.
- Do you take notes which are included in the annual report?xxx.
Transparency & Efficiency
- Communication between PMP and HR&S.
- Maybe monthly reflections from PMP on WhatsApp. xxx.
- Information from target partners on their satisfaction, needs, expectations. xxx.
- To be written down and shared.
- Share notes from the local management meetings. xxx.
Annual report
Due 15 February.
Target partner services
Ensure continuous feed-back from Target Partners. Information about their satisfaction, needs, expectations, xxx. Specially ask about their views on the ethics of the programme.
TP training, coaching & team building
- Training sessions: xxx
- Coaching sessions: xxx
- HR&S / Action10 T-shirts “women themselves have submitted a complaint, that of offering them HR&S/Action10 t-shirts that they will often wear at each meeting.”
Financial sustainability
Sustainable economy is when income, without donations, sustainably exceeds costs.
- When can a sustainable economy be expected ?
- What is the size of the required capital?
- Compile sources and levels of income?
- Compile sources and levels of expenses?
Sustainable business mind-set
- ?
Does the income exceed the expenses?
- No, lack of funds to cover the cost for PPM’s transportation (June 2022).
Survey team & visit
PMP comment: Wednesdays, market day, are the only days suitable for meeting women and following up with them.
- The survey team consist of: Renaud, Elisabeth, Milohum, Yawo.
- The team leader is: Renaud
- Date of the next visit: The visits are made on Wednesdays, the market day. xxx
- Dates of coming visits:
- Location of the visits:
- Visit arrangements: Offer snacks to focus group discussions.
- Travel arrangements:
- Travel costs:
- The sources for covering travel costs are:
Survey Team Preparations
Ensure the team has access to the tools required:
- Written copy of the survey manual.
- Camera; photos and videos.
- Recorder.
- Notebooks and pens.
- Transportation means.
- Food and water.
Divide areas of responsibility between team-members. Ensure that each team member is clear about and comfortable with their own assignment as well as the team assignment.
The team assignments
- Making individual interviews.
- Specific questions.
- Open ended questions.
- Collect data from focal group discussions.
- Collect testimonies.
- Taking photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Taking notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Preparing for the analysis of the data
- Control
The control is the base-line data, macro-data and the conditions in specific villages that are selected to join the programme, prior to mentioning about the programme. - Randomization
Randomization among respondents is created by not announcing the survey date, and asking everyone who are present that day. - Statistical assessment method
- Quantitative: ANOVA. Thus we need as much data as possible.
- Qualitative: Simple compilation of statements.
- Contribution tracing. Identifying other actors in the village, what do they contribute with, how many are involved and how do they benefit. Consider to collaborate with other actors.
- Ethics. Normal ethics plus asking the respondents about their views on ethics.
Compilation of Outcome data
Progress marker scoring
Compilation of names of respondents and GDPR consent: xxx
Eneo Farm presentation June 2023
P.O BOX 199 -50100 KAKAMEGA
Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative agriculture businesses in Kenya.
Thousands of poultry products are consumed everyday yet, the demand remains
unsatisfied. Poultry farming is the second most considered sector which is under
animal husbandry in the agricultural field. It is easy to run and requires less expenses,
if managed properly. The opportunities surrounding poultry farming are exponential
in highly profitable ways. We are in the commercial poultry farm and egg production
because we want to focus on the vast opportunities available in the agriculture
industry, to contribute our quota in growing the Kenyan economy, in national food
production, and also to export chicken and eggs from the country to other countries
and above all, to make profit.
Business name:
This is ENEO FARM Enterprises, KAKAMEGA. Eneo is a Swahili name meaning a
place or a destination in a given territory.
Business structure:
The business is a sole proprietorship.
Business location:
ENEO FARM is a farm located in Kakamega county, Western Region on a one acre
farm found in Butere Division, Marama Location near Lufumbo, Mutondo and Iranda
Primary Schools, along Sigalagala Butere road.
Date established:
ENEO Farm was started in February 2021 as a small home-based start up Poultry
centre which has had its operations on and off, until 25th January 2022 when it had its
first inception as a Business Venture.
Business owner(s):
The business is owned and managed by Mr. Frederick Khabeko as the FOUNDER &
CEO. He is assisted by her wife who serves as the head of operations and marketing.
Relevant owner experience:
The Owner and CEO, Mr Fredrick Khabeko, holds a Diploma in Education. He has
seen various stages of farm management practices with which he developed interest
since 2007. With ENEO FARM, he has been able to supply poultry products and
rearing of animals such as goats and cows (family property) as well as practise Crop
production e.g. Sukuma wiki, Kienyeji (Indigenous vegetables) farming and Tomato
farming. In addition, he has had a steady supply of Tilapia fish farming assisted by his
We are selling Eggs, Live Chicken, 1 day old Chicks, Chicken Manure or droppings,
Vaccines, and Home Delivery Services.
The anticipated demand for products is very high since we have tapped into the
market segment for more than 1 year, and we shall produce high quality, contaminant-
free chickens and the freshest eggs to satisfy the taste of our customers.
The Market
Target market:
Hotels, Market centers, institutions including schools, local community members for
functions.( this is evident in our existing records as seen by Mr Barasa during his visit
to the farm )
Marketing strategy:
Marketing through social media platforms like the “Kilimo Mashinani, Goldenfarm
solutions among others, posters and banners.
The chicken demand has never been satisfied, the customers we started with have
always brought us many more customers and their demand has been overwhelming.
We intend to retain them to help bring in more customers.
By retaining them and ensuring steady supply of the ordered products it inspires
confidence in ENEO FARM hence attracting more customers. We believe with
support to expand our operations and production, we shall be able to tap into the ever-
growing demand of the chicken and related products.
The Future
Vision statement:
To Increase productivity and incomes, enhancing resilience of livelihoods through our
farm practices.
My short term goals will include;
Become a reliable source/ supplier of fertilized eggs
Zero mortality rate to chicks
Create ready market for the chicken
NB. To achieve the above objectives, we intend to provide the layers with cockerels
to enable the eggs to be fertilized so that we keep the production cycle alive. Observe
proper hygiene to the birds and routine vaccinations. Liaise early enough with
consumers of our products to book supply once the birds are ready for disposal.
Long term goals
Be the leading chicken producer within Kakamega County
Create at least 100 employment opportunities for the locals.
Be a pilot project to other entities within Kakamega County
NB. Once the layers begin laying eggs, we shall begin hatching the eggs and establish
other branches under our main station to enhance production and reach out to more
customers. By establishing the new branches, we shall also create more employment
opportunities for other people. With the branches in place, we shall be able to reach
more customers within the county hence meeting our objectives effectively.
The Finances
The cost of feeding one bird is KES 586.70 every 4 weeks, as one kg feed costing
KES.80 would be spent during 4 weeks. In this case, if you want to keep a chicken for
4 weeks longer in the flock, you should be sure to gain more than KES. 586.70, from
the market price.
Otherwise, it would be better to sell 4 weeks earlier at a lower price, and thus be able
to restock with new growers. Thus, by knowing the market and environmental
conditions and by doing simple economic calculations, you will be able to plan when
you should sell your birds, when you should let your hens go broody, and when you
should keep your birds in the flock.