22RISE Networks

Research teams
Dates of zoom meetings, field visits, & PMP Reports
Research management_ ISP Research Teams
Test_E parameters
Collected TestE parameters in meetings with PMPs and TPs
when developing and adjusting the survey manual and when performing the surveys.
Sida supported _ All teams
Per Team
- SEANAC_Southern and Eastern Africa Network for Analytical Chemists (See 22RISE)
- I have really fought hard for SEANAC. Against the wind, as the former team leader seems to have left a bit of chaos behind. But the initiative is good, and it is a valuable network if it is effective. Besides, we always have to follow up on what we have invested in, otherwise the investment is lost. Inonge CHIBUA and Dikabo MOGOPODI are the two people who ran the RM program. Dikabo as Chair Person and Inonge as Deputy. David TAKUWA, Veronica xxx and Phatsimo MOKOGWEETSI have also contributed valuable work but some others have rather complicated the situation. There are probably tensions around the legacy of the former team leader.
- We have formulated the best possible “Road-Map” that is possible under the current circumstances. If we choose to go ahead with SEANAC, there is a clear strategy.
Sida supported _ All teams – team leader
Per Team
- SEANAC Inonge
- Scientific capacity strengthening for Analytical Chemists in Southern and Eastern Africa.
- Ensure a sustainable SEANAC network
- Sustainable economy
- Matching ISP funds with funds from other institutions
- Efficient operations
- Keep website updated
- Measure progress or no progress.
- A strong management team
- Sustainable economy
- Support teaching and research
- Assist students with reagents
- Assist students with equipment.
- Assist students to attend conferences, other than SEANAC conferences
- Arrange MSc and PhD exchange to visit more skilled laboratories.
- Arrange with quality teaching
- Support members to publish
- Benefit from Author Aid resources and training
- Empower women
- Organise conferences for SEANAC countries.
- Strengthen chemistry departments with equipment.
- Implement a service, maintenance and operational plan for scientific equipment.
- Support the community
Per Team member
Assessment of PMP intrinsic motivation
Assessment of TP intrinsic motivation
- Publish
- Present at conferences
- Network
- Visit laboratories elsewhere
- Implement findings
- No MSc exams
- No PhD exams
- Ensure other funding
- Establish sustainable procedures for the above
- Monthly meetings with research team,
when AuthorAid and Research4Life resources are benefited from - AuthorAid resources are presented
- AuthorAid trainings are benefited from
- Research4Life resources are presented
- Permanent access to quality internet
- Permanent access to quality computers
- Monthly meetings with ISP
- Well defined ROPE road-map with increased scoring of progress markers with time until sustainable impact is achieved.
Outcome challenges
All teams
Per Team
2021, 2022
- The management of the network has been less well organised since the previous team-leader left including the:
- Constitution
- Financial management and accounting.
- Difficulties with managing the audit, the 2017 auditing report is still pending in 2022.
- Access to funds
- Assigning management and operations teams.
- Website not updated.
- Management strategy.
- Time is not invested by a management and operations team members.
- Lack of motivation.
- Assigning team members who will be active
- To provide the support identified in the Ambition.
- Measuring impact.
- The management of the network has been less well organised since the previous team-leader left including the:
All teams
Monthly coaching meetings with Cecilia during 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Per Team
- Revisit the constitution to adjust it to a management strategy that will ensure that the ambitions are met
- Ensure active team members
- Identify a reward system
- If someone is not active they will be replaced
- Conclude the auditing
- Benefit from Author Aid resources
- Identify and measure progress markers
All teams
Per Team
All teams
- Monthly coaching meetings with Cecilia during 2021 and 2022.
Per Team
- ISP grant.
- Monthly Research management meetings with ISP (Cecilia) during 2021 and 2022
- ISP (Peter and Solomon) visits Dec 2022.
- Website (who is paying for the hosting?)
- NAPRECA Robert Byamukama
- 1022: I will be attending the Summer School together with Assistant Executive Secretary Dr. Jane Namukobe. We have partnered with COMSTECH in organising this summer school and several delegates will participate in facilitating some sessions of the Summer School. We shall also sign an MoU between NAPRECA and COMSTECH (The Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) during this Summer School.n This is therefore to request
1. Request for the two air tickets. The details are given here (attached)and suggest that Hossein purchases the two air tickets. I am therefore sending the copy of the passport details of two staff members, airport of departure, departure and return dates, so that air tickets can be purchased from there by Mr. Hossein. 2. Request for the accommodation and this be sent to NAPRECA Kenya to pay them to the hotel.
- 1022: I will be attending the Summer School together with Assistant Executive Secretary Dr. Jane Namukobe. We have partnered with COMSTECH in organising this summer school and several delegates will participate in facilitating some sessions of the Summer School. We shall also sign an MoU between NAPRECA and COMSTECH (The Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) during this Summer School.n This is therefore to request
All teams
Per Team
- 20 ISP Research management meetings
- 10 persons have attended > 10% of the meetings
- 2 persons have attended > 80% (Inonge and Dikabo).
- Dikabo MOGOPODI agreed to take the assignment as Chair Person and Inonge CHIBUA och Inonge as Vice Chair Person.
- Intense discussions with persons in charge in order to conclude the auditing.
- 20 ISP Research management meetings
Financial plan
All teams
Per Team
- Fundraise for equipment
Sustainable economy plan
All teams
Per Team
Progress markers
All teams – Expected
Per Team – Scoring
- Number of achievements (listed below) per year, country, member, that acknowledges the support from SEANAC.
- Publications
- Conference presentations
- Innovations
- Implementations
- Policy briefs.
- Number of grant applications submitted by SEANAC per year.
- Number of achievements (listed below) per year, country, member, that acknowledges the support from SEANAC.
- Publish
- Present at conferences
- Network
- Visit laboratories elsewhere
- Implement findings
- No MSc exams
- No PhD exams
- Ensure other funding
- Establish sustainable procedures for the above
- Permanent access to quality internet
- Permanent access to quality computers
- Monthly meetings with ISP
- Well defined ROPE road-map with increased scoring of progress markers with time until sustainable impact is achieved.
- No of publications where ISP is acknowledged.
- No of grant applications where ISP is mentioned as co-funder.
- Monthly meetings with research team,
when AuthorAid and Research4Life resources are benefited from - AuthorAid resources are presented
- AuthorAid trainings are benefited from
- Research4Life resources are presented
- Two submitted manuscripts (new or revised) per team member and year.
- Two submitted grant applications per team member and year.
- One conference abstract per team member and year.
- MSc and PhD students graduate on time.
- Targeted pieces of equipment are functioning.
- Publish
- Submit three manuscript per chapter and year, where SEANAC must be acknowledge and ISP when relevant.
- Support the community.
- Activities done to reach the community, three or four per chapter and year.
- Organise conferences for SEANAC countries.
- One conference per two year with 50-300 participants and 10 oral presentations per day plus posters, for 2 – 3,5 days.
- Pre-conference day with training.
- Next conference 2023, if we release the funds.
- Assist students to attend conferences, other than SEANAC conferences.
- Empower analytical chemistry
- Assist students with reagents
- Assist students with equipment
- Strengthen chemistry department with equipment
- Arrange MSc and PhD exchange to visit more skilled laboratories
- Teach
- Empowering women
- Unify curriculum within SEANAC chapter
- Visibility
- SEANAC webpage, who is paying if not ISP?
- ISP website
- Smooth auditing
- Management staff attendance
- Generate funds that enable reimbursement for active staff, and also visibility rewards.
Sustainable Impact
All teams – Expected
Per Team – Scoring
The respondents are identified and presented with: names, title, telephone numbers, level of education, home location, and family status. Also GDPR consent is collected if the respondent’s agree.
- Individual interviews, specific and open-ended, with
- The PMP.
- Management team members.
- Each loan-taker present.
- Family members present.
- Focal group interviews, with
- Management team and PMP together.
- All loan-takers of the village, who are present, together.
- Collect testimonies, from a number of persons randomly chosen.
- Take photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Take notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Micro data Survey questions
Social impact
Sustainable social impact refers to reaching the social good ambitions in a sustainable manner.
Measure twice a year since the start of the programme.
Social Good _ Direct Impact
Respondent: PMP
- Compilation of the products that we offer:
- Business loans;
Number of loans, size of loans, total capital. - Other
- Business loans;
- Compilation of the services that we offer:
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- type of coaching
- type of challenges
- Other
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- Number of Target partner business owners: xxx
- PMP business generate profit.
- Size of profit: xxx
Respondent: Target Partners
- Compilation of the products that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customer per product: xxx
- Compilation of the services that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customers per service: xxx
- Target partner business owners generate profit.
- Size of profit per TP: xxx
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
- Are customers content with products?
Are customers content with services?
Social Good _ Indirect Impact
Respondent: Target Partners & families.
- Children well-being
Children of the women who manages HR&S small-scale businesses.- Number of meals per day increased.
From one to two or three.- Number of children: xxx
- Education
Tuition fee paid and school attendance made possible.- Number of children: xxx
- Number of meals per day increased.
- Women well-being
- The status of the women in the families has improved as the contribute with income.
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
Institutional capacity
Respondent: PMP
- Bookkeeping of international standards; compiling all receipts and invoices, perform bank reconciliation.
- Annual auditing.
- Respond to management reports from the auditor.
- Who is in charge of the bookkeeping?
- Who is doing the auditing?
- What do the management reports look like?
- Can we please see the books?
Project management
- Are the number of Target Partners included, as expected? xxx.
- Does the target partners deliver as expected? xxx.
- Do you have regular meetings with the management team, if so, how often? xxx.
- Do you take notes which are included in the annual report?xxx.
Transparency & Efficiency
- Communication between PMP and HR&S.
- Maybe monthly reflections from PMP on WhatsApp. xxx.
- Information from target partners on their satisfaction, needs, expectations. xxx.
- To be written down and shared.
- Share notes from the local management meetings. xxx.
Annual report
Due 15 February.
Target partner services
Ensure continuous feed-back from Target Partners. Information about their satisfaction, needs, expectations, xxx. Specially ask about their views on the ethics of the programme.
TP training, coaching & team building
- Training sessions: xxx
- Coaching sessions: xxx
Financial sustainability
Sustainable economy is when income, without donations, sustainably exceeds costs.
- When can a sustainable economy be expected ?
- What is the size of the required capital?
- Compile sources and levels of income?
- Compile sources and levels of expenses?
Sustainable business mind-set
- ?
Does the income exceed the expenses?
Survey team & visit
PMP comment: Wednesdays, market day, are the only days suitable for meeting women and following up with them.
- The survey team consist of: Renaud, Elisabeth, Milohum, Yawo.
- The team leader is: Renaud
- Date of the next visit: The visits are made on Wednesdays, the market day. xxx
- Dates of coming visits:
- Location of the visits:
- Visit arrangements: Offer snacks to focus group discussions.
- Travel arrangements:
- Travel costs:
- The sources for covering travel costs are:
Survey Team Preparations
Ensure the team has access to the tools required:
- Written copy of the survey manual.
- Camera; photos and videos.
- Recorder.
- Notebooks and pens.
- Transportation means.
- Food and water.
Divide areas of responsibility between team-members. Ensure that each team member is clear about and comfortable with their own assignment as well as the team assignment.
The team assignments
- Making individual interviews.
- Specific questions.
- Open ended questions.
- Collect data from focal group discussions.
- Collect testimonies.
- Taking photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Taking notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Preparing for the analysis of the data
- Control
The control is the base-line data, macro-data and the conditions in specific villages that are selected to join the programme, prior to mentioning about the programme. - Randomization
Randomization among respondents is created by not announcing the survey date, and asking everyone who are present that day. - Statistical assessment method
- Quantitative: ANOVA. Thus we need as much data as possible.
- Qualitative: Simple compilation of statements.
- Contribution tracing. Identifying other actors in the village, what do they contribute with, how many are involved and how do they benefit. Consider to collaborate with other actors.
- Ethics. Normal ethics plus asking the respondents about their views on ethics.
Compilation of Outcome data
Progress marker scoring
Compilation of names of respondents and GDPR consent: xxx